Government Chapter 13, Sections 1 and 2

The President is the main architect of American foreign policy, making him or her the nation's
Chief bureaucrat
Commander in chief
Chief diplomat
Chief citizens
What role does the President fill when working with Congress as chief legislator?
Commander in chief
Chief legislator
Chief administrator
Chief of party
When a President fails in one of his roles, what can it lead to?
Support from the press
Failure in another role
The addition of a new role
One less role to fill
Which best describes how the President works with Congress as chief legislator?
He can fire legislators that do not pass his laws
As president of the Senate, he suggests new laws.
He suggests, requests, and insists that Congress pass his laws
As commander-in-chief, he commands Congress to pass his laws.
All of the following are formal qualifications for the presidency except
Being a natural-born citizen
Being at least 35 years old
Having political experience
Having been a resident within the U.S. For at least 14 years
According to the Constitution, the President must
Be a registered voter
Be at least 35 years old
Have served in the U.S. military
Have served in Congress
The President must be which of the following to qualify for office?
No older than 65
A natural born U.S. citizen
A general in the military
A U.S. senator
Prior to the 22nd Amendment, how many terms could a President serve according to the Constitution?
The Constitution did not limit the number of terms
The Constitution set the limit at two terms
The Constitution permitted a President to serve a maximum of ten years
The Constitution resolved that the number of terms should follow tradition
Why was the 22nd Amendment written?
The Constitution originally did not explain how a vacant presidency should be filled, and this became an issue when President William Henry Harrison died in office
The election of 1800 showed the need to separate the presidential and vice presidential elections
Congress feared an upset in the balance of power and proposed it in the wake of Franklin Roosevelt's unprecedented third and fourth terms of office
The congressional caucus system of nomination proved corrupt, so a provision had to be included in the Constitution to explain how parties should nominate candidates for the presidency
What did supporters of the 22nd Amendment want to accomplish?
Allow a President to run for unlimited terms
Keep a President from getting too much power
Put a cap on the President's salary
Ensure a President is at least 35 years old
A President can serve no more than _____ years in office
An opponent of the 22nd Amendment would most likely argue that it
Gives people unlimited rights
Gives too much authority to Congress
Is undemocratic
Promotes "executive tyranny"
What reasoning did Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Reagan use when calling for the repeal of the 22nd Amendment
Anyone over the age of 21 should be able to run for President
The people should determine how long a President should serve
A President should not be limited to one four-year term in office
A President should not be limited to one six-year term in office
Why do some people think the presidency should be limited to a single six-year term?
Without the prospect of reelection, the President would be more likely to do what he or she thinks is right rather than what is politically popular
More Americans would have the opportunity to serve as President
The balance of power between the legislative and executive branches would be more equal
The President would be able to pass more laws
The President's salary
Is set by his or her political party
Is not taxable
Helps the President pay rent on the White House
Cannot be increased or decreased during a presidential term
The Constitution says that Congress cannot change the President's salary while he or she is in office. Which is the most likely explanation for this?
A change in salary during the President's term could be influenced by politics
A salary increase could expand the President's authority
A salary decrease could reduce the President's authority
The President is already getting money directly from the states
Who determines the President's salary?
The U.S. voters
The Senate
The Treasury Department
Which of the following is among the benefits provided to a President
Payments from government contractors
Expensive gifts from foreign ministers
Oil money from federal lands
A large expense account to spend as he or she likes
Before the 25th Amendment, how did the Constitution provide for presidential succession?
Within three months of the vacancy, a new national election should be held
The powers and duties of the President, not the office itself, were to be transferred to the Vice President
The powers and duties of the President were to be transferred to the Supreme Court
The powers and duties of the President were to be shared by members of the Cabinet
The purpose of the 25th Amendment is to
Define the Vice President's duties
Define the order of succession following the Vice President
Limit the Vice President's number of terms
Legally state that the Vice President shall become President upon the vacancy of that office
If the Presidency becomes vacant, presidential succession is determined by the
Supreme Court
Presidential Succession Act of 1947
Which is the correct line of presidential succession according to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947?
Vice President, Speaker of the House, president pro temper of the Senate, Secretary of State
Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of Labor
Vice President, President of the Senate, Speaker of the House, Attorney General
Vice President, Speaker of the House, Senate majority leader, Secretary of Energy
According to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, which of these officers follows the Vice President in the line of presidential succession?
Speaker of the House
Secretary of State
President pro temper of the senate
Secretary of the Treasury
The Cabinet member who is first in line for presidential succession is the
Secretary of state
Attorney general
Secretary of the interior
Secretary of homeland security
Which set the first guidelines for deciding when a President is disabled?
According to the Constitution, presidential disability can be determined by the
President alone
Chief White House physician
Vice President and the Cabinet
President and Vice President alone
Who becomes Acting President if the President becomes disabled?
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
The President's Chief of Staff
The Vice President
The Speaker of the House
Who was the President the first time the disability provisions of the 25th Amendment came into play?
William Henry Harrison
John F. Kennedy
Abraham Lincoln
Ronald Reagan
The Constitution provides that the Vice President
Advises the President on domestic matters
Serves as the primary foreign ambassador for the United States
Presides over the senate
Presides over the House of Representatives
Historically, the office of the Vice President has been considered
The second most important job in the country
The nation's chief diplomat
An office of little real consequence
That of an "Assistant President"
Which is not an option for the President if he or she is unhappy with the Vice President's work?
Schedule a conference
Fire the Vice President
Provide more assistance
Get advice from the Cabinet
When the Vice President's office is vacant, how is a new Vice President selected?
The Speaker of the House becomes Vice President
A national election is held
The President pro term of the Senate becomes Vice President
The President nominates a new Vice President, to be confirmed by a majority congressional vote
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