Which MHA House Would Accept You?

What Magic Would You Have Been Born With?
Fire! Lots of It!
Something Supportive, Like Healing or Shielding.
Some Kind of Genetic Magic Of My Family Has.
Summons, Pets and Familiars!
You Would Be Hurt If A Person Called You...
You're Against An Equally Skilled Opponent, They Use A Strange Ability, You...
Counter Before They Can Pull It Off.
Run As Far Away As I Can.
Protect Myself With My Magic.
Equally Skilled? I Only Fight Battles I Know I Can Win.
Which Of Your Skills Are You Most Proud Of?
My Ability To Make New Friends.
My Ability To Keep Secrets.
My Ability To Get What I Want.
My Ability To Gain And Retain Memory.
You're Allowed A Pet In Maple Hills Academy, What Would You Bring?
Noxhan Griffin
Duowl (Twin Owls)
Grasthalian Bear
Seraphim Deer
No Pet
It's The Weekend And You've Finished Your Homework, What Will You Do During Your Freetime?
Buy Cursed Items With Friends
Train With A Teacher Alongside Your Rival/Bestie
Fight A Pixie In The Forest Of Dreams
Study Up With Upperclassmen
What Would Your Tiefilching Role Be?
Tief. Hunt & Gather!
Shield. Someone's Gotta Protect The Items.
Head. An Excuse To Be Bossy!
Fill. I'm A Verse King.
You're Assigned A Class Project In Methods of Magic, You'll...
Put Together A Cool Chart On Aura-Flow
Write With Perfect Execution ~
Probably End Up Taking On Most Of The Workload :/
Does A 4v1 Against The Teacher Count As A Group Project?
Do You Cheat In Class?
Of Course Not!
I Try Not To, But Sometimes It's The Only Way To Stay Caught Up!
Who Doesn't?
Of Course Not :)
You See A Group Of Bullies Harassing A New Student, You...
Walk Up To The Bullies And Threaten Them.
Find The Student Afterwards And Talk To Them.
Make Some Excuse To Get The Student Out Of The Situation.
After You Graduate, What Your Plan For Work?
Join A Popular Hunter's Guild!
Teach The New Generation How To Control Their Magic.
Work As A Confidant And Polymath In The King's Court.
I Want To Travel The World! Maybe Sell What I Find!
Club Time! You'd Sign Up For:
Dark Hourglass
Host Club
Honours Society
What's Your Summer Vacation Plans?
Heading Back Home, Catching Up With Family and Old Friends.
Summer School :(
Taking A Trip To Klearia's Oasis With Friends!
Grasthalia, The Cold Is A+
How Do You Get You Time Alone When You Want It?
Go Invisible, Literally.
Cancel Plans.
Tell Your Friends You're Gonna Cry.
Go For A Calm Griffin Ride.
When Planning A Group Trip, You...
Worry. What If We're Attacked- AGAIN??
Follow The Leader and Relax.
Recommend Some Options, Co-Leaders!
Wait We Were Suppose To Plan?
A Powerful Enemy Is Racing Towards Your Little Sibling With An Attack. What Do You Do?
Throw Myself Between The Two.
Send My Blades Of Light Towards The Enemy.
Attempt To Raise A Barrier Between The Two.
You And Your Group Are Fighting Against Monsters In The Fey Isles. What's Your Plan?
Attack From Afar Like I Always Do.
I'm Gonna Wrestle With It!!
Wait For The Monster To Attack, Then Hit It's Opening.
Support The Team Through Shotcalling And Buffing.
You're Planning Your Attack Against The Incoming Noxhan Army, You...
Experiment With Different Plans And Unit Placements.
Learn As Much As I Can About The Attackers.
Work With Others Who Also Thing Calmly And Logically.
Use Cheap/Immoral Tactics To Win, Whatever It Takes.
Anything Is Possible With A Little;
Hard Work.
When Faced With A Difficult Task, What Is Your Biggest Anxiety?
Am I Smart Enough To Handle This?
How Will I Bounce Back If This Goes Wrong?
Am I Even Going About This The Right Way?
What Are The Odds Of This Going Badly?
If You Were A Vassal, Who Would Your God Be?
Vantari, God of Wellbeing
Foralberim, Oracle Dragon Princess of Balance and Luck
Apollyon, Dragon Princess of The Devil's Flame
Anemoi, Dragon Prince of The Sky Soul
{"name":"Which MHA House Would Accept You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q46JCDF","txt":"What Magic Would You Have Been Born With?, You Would Be Hurt If A Person Called You..., You're Against An Equally Skilled Opponent, They Use A Strange Ability, You...","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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