What Prior Lake Savage Area Elementary School Did You Go To

Are you athletic
For sure!
I’m an expert swimmer
I can’t even read
I’m reading leave me alone!
Yeah there’s two people on my team
Only lacrosse valid fr
How many friends do you have
Everybody knows me but I’m basic
Everybody knows me but I’m nice
I’m kind of a loner but I have some friends
I try to be popular
Books are my friend
Yes but people have a healthy fear of me
How do you behave at school
I’m nice
You don’t even want to know 😱
I’m very studious
Be loud and party
I’m violent
What do you do on the weekends
Go to a sporting event
Prepare for my next exam
Always outside
How woke are you
I’m just here bro
Woke fr
Kind of
No sometimes
Yeah I’m well educated
What do you do for fun
See friends
Shenanigans 😱
Be low key lit and hang out with popular people
Go absolutely crazy
Are you mature
Yeah I can be
I’ve always been mature
Not really
Not often but I can be when I need to
No I’m young I need to go bonkers!!
Are you nice to others
To my friends
I’m nice to everyone!
I can be
Yeah but I’m really close with my friends
It depends on the person, I can be really nice or really mean
Do you have a good sense of humor
I laugh at jokes but don’t make them
My jokes are unhinged
Yes it is impeccable
Yes but it’s niche
Yeah but it may offend people
Did you enjoy this quiz
It was tolerable
It was fun!!
Yeah it was fine
I better get the answer I want 👹👹👹
It was ok I would have made it more cool
{"name":"What Prior Lake Savage Area Elementary School Did You Go To", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you athletic, How many friends do you have, How do you behave at school","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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