Which Sigma Dry'N Shape® Tower Is Right For Me?

How do you dry your brushes?
Lay them flat to dry (This method takes a long time to dry and can cause damage to the ferrule over time)
Keep them in a cup - handle down, bristles up (This allows water to settle at the base of the bristles and will break down the glue holding them in place resulting in shedding)
Turn them upside down (The best way to dry your brushes but hard without a Sigma Dry'N Shape® Tower)
How many brushes do you own?
20 or less
More than 20
More than 40
How much counter space do you have?
My bathroom has big counters
I have a pedestal sink
I have a vanity or makeup space with some room
I don't have much counter space in my bathroom
What types of brushes do you own?
Mainly Face Brushes
Mainly Eye Brushes
Both Face and Eye Brushes
Not very many of either
{"name":"Which Sigma Dry'N Shape® Tower Is Right For Me?", "url":"","txt":"How do you dry your brushes?, How many Brushes do you own?, How much counter space do you have?","img":""}
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