Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 27 Oct 21
[2110.13158] Jimin L. Li, Dominic C. Rose, Juan P. Garrahan et al.: Random matrix theory for quantum and classical metastability in local Liouvillians
[2110.13164] Faisal Alsallom, Loïc Herviou, Oleg V. Yazyev et al.: Fate of the non-Hermitian skin effect in many-body fermionic systems
[2110.13183] Shravan Godse, Yagyank Srivastava, Ankit Jain: Anharmonic lattice dynamics and thermal transport in type-I inorganic clathrates
[2110.13191] Mario Boneberg, Igor Lesanovsky, Federico Carollo: Quantum fluctuations and correlations in open quantum Dicke models
[2110.13201] Sergey Khrapak, Alexey Khrapak: Excess entropy determines the applicability of Stokes-Einstein relation in simple fluids
[2110.13219] Noah Kruss, Jayson Paulose: Non-dispersive one-way signal amplification in sonic metamaterials
[2110.13232] Alessandro Galvani, Andrea Trombettoni, Giacomo Gori: High-precision anomalous dimension of $3d$ percolation from giant cluster slicing
[2110.13243] J. Lira-Escobedo, J.R. Velez-Cordero, Pedro E. Ramírez-González: Spatially heterogeneous dynamics and locally arrested density fluctuations from first-principles
[2110.13249] Richard B. Garza, Jiyoung Lee, Mai H. Nguyen et al.: Atomistic mechanisms of binary alloy surface segregation from nanoseconds to seconds using accelerated dynamics
[2110.13274] E. Cappelluti, D. Novko: Fingerprints of hot-phonon physics in time-resolved correlated quantum lattice dynamics
[2110.13277] Lu Chen, Marie-Eve Boulanger, Zhi-Cheng Wang et al.: Large Phonon Thermal Hall Conductivity in a Simple Antiferromagnetic Insulator
[2110.13286] DinhDuy Vu: Dynamic bulk-boundary correspondence for anomalous Floquet topology
[2110.13299] Clément Bielinski, Othmane Aouane, Jens Harting et al.: Squeezing multiple soft particles into a constriction: transition to clogging
[2110.13308] Sheng Gong, Shuo Wang, Tian Xie et al.: Calibrating DFT formation enthalpy calculations by multi-fidelity machine learning
[2110.13321] Kohei Fukuma, Anton Visikovskiy, Takushi Iimori et al.: Formation of graphene nanoribbons on the macrofacets of vicinal 6H-SiC(0001) surfaces
[2110.13326] Biswajit Datta, Mandeep Khatoniar, Prathmesh Deshmukh et al.: Highly non-linear interlayer exciton-polaritons in bilayer MoS$_2$
[2110.13331] Qiang Cheng, Qing Yan, Qing-Feng Sun: Spin-triplet superconductor$-$quantum anomalous Hall insulator$-$spin-triplet superconductor Josephson junctions: $0$-$π$ transition, $φ_{0}$ phase and s...
[2110.13351] Chunli Huang, Nemin Wei, Wei Qin et al.: Pseudospin Paramagnons and the Superconducting Dome in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
[2110.13355] Albert Y. Ho, Guan-Rong Huang, Wei-Ren Chen: Determining Hydration Level in Self-Assembled Structures Using Contrast Variation Small Angle Neutron Scattering
[2110.13370] Martin Claassen, Lede Xian, Dante M. Kennes et al.: Ultra-Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling and Topological Moiré Engineering in Twisted ZrS2 Bilayers
[2110.13375] S. Aria Hosseini, Devin Coleman, Sabah Bux et al.: Enhanced Thermoelectric ZT in the Tails of the Fermi Distribution via Electron Filtering by Nanoinclusions -- Model Electron Transport in Na...
[2110.13397] Huanyi Xue, Lijie Wang, Zhongjie Wang et al.: Evidence for unconventional superconductivity in a spinel oxide
[2110.13403] Shubham Agrawal, Peng Bai: Interplay between Phase Transformation Instabilities and Spatiotemporal Reaction Heterogeneities in Particulate Intercalation Electrodes
[2110.13415] Haowei Chen, Meng Ye, Nianlong Zou et al.: Basic formulation and first-principles implementation of nonlinear magneto-optical effects
[2110.13416] Xiaoying Zhou, Wang Chen, Xianzhe Zhu: Anisotropic magneto-optical absorption and linear dichroism in two-dimensional semi-Dirac electron systems
[2110.13425] Huifeng Du, Emmanuel Virot, Liying Wang et al.: Intersonic Detachment Surface Waves in Elastomer Frictional Sliding
[2110.13442] Theresa Kuechle, Sebastian Klimmer, Margarita Lapteva et al.: Tuning exciton recombination rates in doped transition metaldichalcogenides
[2110.13445] Md Golam Morshed, Hamed Vakili, Avik W. Ghosh: Positional stability of skyrmions in a racetrack memory with notched geometry
[2110.13446] Matteo Baggioli, Alessio Zaccone: Microscopic theory of sound attenuation in amorphous solids from nonaffine motions
[2110.13462] J. Fransson: Charge and Spin Dynamics and Enantioselectivity in Chiral Molecules
[2110.13469] Koichiro Ienaga, Sunghun Kim, Toshio Miyamachi et al.: Structural and electrical characterization of the monolayer Kondo-lattice compound CePt$_6$/Pt(111)
[2110.13482] Masao Yoshino, Takahiko Horiai, Tatsuki Takasugi et al.: Temperature dependence and quenching characteristics of (La, Gd)$_2$Si$_2$O$_7$ scintillators at various Ce concentrations
[2110.13503] Linghao Yan, Orlando J. Silveira, Benjamin Alldritt et al.: A Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Framework on Superconducting NbSe$_2$
[2110.13513] Prottay Malakar, Md Al Rifat Anan, Mahmudul Islam et al.: Comparative study on Mechanical characteristics of Functionally graded and Coreshell nanospheres: An Atomistic approach
[2110.13514] Michael Sekania, Andreas Östlin, Wilhelm H. Appelt et al.: $L$-hole Pockets of the Palladium Fermi Surface Revealed by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
[2110.13517] Jun Usami, Ryo Toda, Sachiko Nakamura et al.: A Simple Experimental Setup for Simultaneous Superfluid-response and Heat-capacity Measurements for Helium in Confined Geometries
[2110.13520] Nicolás P. Müller, Giorgio Krstulovic: Critical velocity for vortex nucleation and roton emission in a generalized model for superfluids
[2110.13524] Lorenzo Correale, Alessandro Silva: Changing the order of a dynamical phase transition through fluctuations in a quantum p-spin model
[2110.13528] N. N. Wang, Y. H. Gu, L. F. Shi et al.: A density-wave-like transition in the polycrystalline V3Sb2 sample with bilayer kagome lattice
[2110.13539] A. Bernard, Y. Peng, A. Kasumov et al.: Evidence for topological hinge states in a bismuth nanoring Josephson junction
[2110.13540] Michael Hughes, Dieter Jaksch: Dipolar Bose-Hubbard Model in finite-size real-space cylindrical lattices
[2110.13554] L. S. Sharath Chandra, SK. Ramjan, Soma Banik et al.: Temperature induced first order electronic topological transition in $β$-Ag$_2$Se
[2110.13560] Mônica A. Caracanhas, Pietro Massignan, Alexander L. Fetter: Superfluid vortex dynamics on an ellipsoid and other surfaces of revolution
[2110.13566] Masao Yoshino, Atsushi Kotaki, Yuui Yokota et al.: Shape-controlled crystal growth of Y$_3$Al$_5$O$_{12}$:Ce single crystals with application of micro-pulling-down method and Mo crucibles, an...
[2110.13573] Sheetal, C. S. Yadav: Structure and magnetic studies of geometrically frustrated disordered pyrochlores A$_{2}$Zr$_{2}$O$_{7}$: (A = Eu, Gd, Er)
[2110.13580] F. Bernardini, A. Bosin, A. Cano: Geometric effects in the infinite-layer nickelates
[2110.13592] Ido Tishby, Ofer Biham, Eytan Katzav: Analytical results for the distribution of cover times of random walks on random regular graphs
[2110.13597] Amr Abdelsamie, Lu You, Le Wang et al.: Crossover between bulk and interface photovoltaic mechanisms in ferroelectric vertical heterostructure
[2110.13637] Angelo Milone, Anna Grazia Monteduro, Silvia Rizzato et al.: Gas sensing technologies -- status, trends, perspectives and novel applications
[2110.13642] Yuying Jiang, Shuai Yang, Lin Li et al.: Selective area epitaxy of PbTe-Pb hybrid nanowires on a lattice-matched substrate
[2110.13685] L.C.J.M. Peters, P.C.M. Christianen, H. Engelkamp et al.: The magnetic anisotropy of individually addressed spin states
[2110.13700] P. I. Kakin, M. A. Reiter, M. M. Tumakova et al.: Stirred Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation with quenched random noise: Emergence of induced nonlinearity
[2110.13702] Angelo Leo, Anna Grazia Monteduro, Silvia Rizzato et al.: Detection of ethanol in water by electrical impedance spectroscopy and resonant perturbation method
[2110.13709] V. Yu. Irkhin, Yu. N. Skryabin: Topological phase transitions in strongly correlated systems: application to Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$
[2110.13714] Zaur Z. Alisultanov, Edvin G. Idrisov: Towards the theory of types III and IV non-Hermitian Weyl fermions
[2110.13737] Bommareddy Poojitha, Anjali Rathore, Surajit Saha: Spin-phonon coupling in Sr and Ti incorporated 9R-BaMnO3
[2110.13747] Chiara Faccio, Michele Benzi, Laura Zanetti-Polzi et al.: Low, high and very-high density forms of liquid water revealed by a medium-range order descriptor
[2110.13759] Georges Bossis, Yan Grasselli, Alain Ciffreo et al.: Tunable discontinuous shear thickening in capillary flow of MR suspensions
[2110.13764] Benjamin A. Helfrecht, Giovanni Pireddu, Rocio Semino et al.: Ranking the Synthesizability of Hypothetical Zeolites with the Sorting Hat
[2110.13770] Nishan Ranabhat, Mario Collura: Dynamics of the order-parameter statistics in the long-range Ising model
[2110.13773] Guitao Lyu, Gentaro Watanabe: Persistent current by a static non-Hermitian ratchet
[2110.13785] Nirvana Caballero, Thierry Giamarchi, Vivien Lecomte et al.: Microscopic interplay of temperature and disorder of a 1D elastic interface
[2110.13803] Zhan Cao, Dong E. Liu, Wan-Xiu He et al.: Numerical study of PbTe-Pb hybrid nanowires for engineering Majorana zero modes
[2110.13807] Bommareddy Poojitha, Anjali Rathore, Surajit Saha: Signatures of Weak Spin-Phonon Coupling in 12R-BaTi0.4Mn0.6O3: A Raman Study
[2110.13808] Bommareddy Poojitha, Surajit Saha: Phonon Anomaly In 9R-Ba0.9Sr0.1MnO3
[2110.13826] Igor Bragar: Retardation of entanglement decay of two spin qubits by quantum measurements
[2110.13828] Benjamin M. Fregoso, Madhab Neupane, Anup Pradhan Sakhya: Energy relaxation dynamics in a nodal-line semimetal
[2110.13832] Gerd Schönhense, Hans-Joachim Elmers: Time-of-Flight Photoelectron Momentum Microscopy with Spin Filtering
[2110.13857] S. C. Rakesh Roshan, N. Yedukondalu, Rajmohan Muthaiah et al.: Anomalous Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Rocksalt IIA-VIA Compounds
[2110.13862] Jack A. Logan, Srinivas Mushnoori, Meenakshi Dutt et al.: Symmetry-specific orientational order parameters for complex structures
[2110.13875] Yi-Hsien Du, Umang Mehta, Dam Thanh Son: Noncommutative gauge symmetry in the fractional quantum Hall effect
[2110.13881] Luka Pavešić, Rok Žitko: Qubit based on spin-singlet Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states
[2110.13899] Clayton Peacock, Aleksandar Ljepoja, C. J. Bolech: Quantum Coherent States of Interacting Bose-Fermi Mixtures in One Dimension
[2110.13907] Sergio C. De la Barrera, Samuel Aronson, Zhiren Zheng et al.: Cascade of isospin phase transitions in Bernal bilayer graphene at zero magnetic field
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 27 Oct 21","img":""}
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