
Jonathan and Nicole hold the same position at an organization. However, Jonathan is paid more than Nicole. According to the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which of the following will strengthen the fact that the pay difference is a legal one?
Jonathan is more skilled than Nicole because he is a male
Nicole is not an American citizen
Jonathan is younger than Nicole
Nicole is pregnant
Jonathan works the night shift
Identify the statement that characterizes the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).
It favors the idea of coercing employees to accept early-retirement incentives
It permits an employer to reduce the fringe benefits to all employees over 40
It permits companies to lay off older workers when the economy is slow
It outlaws making employment decisions based on a person's age being over 40
It recommends early-retirement incentive programs wherein employees agree not to sue the company for ageism
Identify the statement that accurately represents the Americans with Disabilities Act
It permit an employer to cut down on fringe benefits of individuals with disabilities
It permits discrimination in areas such as layoffs and leaves
It goes beyond prohibiting discrimination to require that employers take steps to accommodate individuals covered under the legislation
It classifies a person who needs ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses to perform each major life activity with little or no difficulty as disabled
It is used to project individuals with conditions such as obesity and substance abuse
Reese's use of illegal drugs limits her ability to walk properly. The elevator at her oFce was not working for many months, so she needed to climb two ±ights of stairs and it was diFcult to get to her desk. She tried suing her company under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, arguing that her company discriminates against individuals who cannot perform major life activities. Which of the following would weaken Reese's argument?
Reese is not a senior employee.
The ADA prohibits discrimination only against workers who are over the age of 40
The ADA does not cover conditions of substance abuse
Reese is not pregnant
The ADA applies only to the decisions or actions of the government
William, an employee with the U.S. Postal Service, was deployed to Afghanistan to serve in the U.S. Army for two years. After the completion of his military duties, he resumed work at the post oFce. He was reemployed at a higher status and provided a higher compensation package. Which of the following legislation was used to help William return to reemployment on such favorable terms?
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
In which of the following instances is disparate treatment considered legal?
In a particular retail outlet, male workers are employed to handle the sales
In an electrical company, male workers are exclusively employed to work as electricians
In a vehicle manufacturing company, male workers are exclusively employed in all departments
In a certain shopping mall, female workers are exclusively employed to clean the ladies restroom
In a particular hospital, only female nurses are appointed
A vehicle manufacturing company decides to hire 35 employees for its new servicing branch located in Texas. A total of 90 eligible applicants apply for the job of which 50 are white and 40 are black. Assuming that the company decides to hire 25 whites and 10 blacks, what can be inferred using the four-Fiths rule?
0.5 < 0.8, this indicates that there is no evidence of discrimination
2 > 0.8, this indicates that there is evidence of discrimination
The hiring rate for blacks is equal to four-fifth the hiring rate of whites; hence, there is no evidence of discrimination
0.5 < 0.8, this indicates that there is evidence of discrimination
2 > 0.8, this indicates that there is no evidence of discrimination
Logan, a blind man in his early twenties, was recently hired as a DJ at a local radio station in Miami. He was given permission by his manager to bring his guide dog to work. In this instance, Logan's employer makes a(n) _____.
Disparate impact
Disparate treatment
Reverse discrimination
Reasonable accommodation
Undue hardship
Which of the following is true of quid pro quo harassment?
It involves mocking an individual's sexual orientation
It refers to an individual gaining beneFt in return for a sexual favor
It involves making hiring decisions based on the gender of the applicant
It involves harassment against people based exclusively on the factor of age
It provides preferential treatment for the minority gender at the workplace
Tom Fender has worked for a small chemical manufacturing company for the past 10 years. Of late, he and the other workers have developed minor respiratory problems. They confronted management demanding proper ventilation at the factory because inhaling chemical fumes continuously could prove fatal. When management did not respond to their demands, they threatened to sue the company under the _____.
Occupational Safety and Health Act
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Americans with Disabilities Act
Age Discrimination in Employment Act
After a large fire at Rowen Mills Inc., the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sent inspectors to the facility to investigate the incident. The group began its inspection by talking to all the employees involved in the recent fire and asked them what had caused the accident. Once all employees gave their views individually, they were asked to discuss among themselves the single systemic failure that caused the fire. Which of the following methods is being used by OSHA to study the recent fire at Rowen Mills?
Operations cycle review
Standard protocol review
Technic of operations review
Job hazard analysis technique
Utilization analysis
{"name":"Chapter03", "url":"","txt":"Jonathan and Nicole hold the same position at an organization. However, Jonathan is paid more than Nicole. According to the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which of the following will strengthen the fact that the pay difference is a legal one?, Identify the statement that characterizes the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)., Identify the statement that accurately represents the Americans with Disabilities Act","img":""}
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