Does she like me?

Does she initiate conversations with you?
Does she make an effort to spend time with you?
Yes, she often suggests hanging out
Sometimes, but mostly when I initiate
No, we rarely hang out outside of group settings
Does she remember small details about your conversations?
Yes, she often brings up things we've talked about before
Sometimes, but not always
No, she rarely remembers our previous conversations
Does she laugh at your jokes, even when they're not that funny?
Yes, she finds me hilarious
Sometimes, but not always
No, she rarely laughs at my jokes
Does she make physical contact with you (e.g., touching your arm, hugging)?
Yes, she's often touchy-feely with me
Sometimes, but not very often
No, she rarely touches me
Does she make an effort to look good when you're around?
Yes, she always looks her best
Sometimes, but not always
No, she doesn't seem to care about her appearance around me
Does she compliment you often?
Yes, she frequently compliments me
Sometimes, but not very often
No, she rarely compliments me
Does she get jealous when you talk or hang out with other girls?
Yes, she often shows signs of jealousy
Sometimes, but not always
No, she doesn't seem to mind
Does she make an effort to keep the conversation going?
Yes, she actively engages in conversation and asks questions
Sometimes, but mostly I have to keep the conversation going
No, she doesn't contribute much to the conversation
Does she show signs of nervousness or shyness around you?
Yes, she often seems nervous or shy
Sometimes, but not always
No, she seems comfortable around me
{"name":"Does she like me?", "url":"","txt":"Does she initiate conversations with you?, Does she make an effort to spend time with you?, Does she remember small details about your conversations?","img":""}
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