Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Fri, 1 Jan 21
[2012.14428] Behnam Pourhassan, Mohsen Dehghani, Mir Faizal et al.: Non-Pertubative Quantum Corrections to a Born-Infeld Black Hole and its Information Geometry
[2012.14429] Cláudio Gomes, Orfeu Bertolami: Stability Conditions for the Horndeski Scalar Field Gravity Model
[2012.14434] Steven B. Giddings: Black holes and other clues to the quantum structure of gravity
[2012.14441] Jakub Bilski: Implementation of the holonomy representation of the Ashtekar connection in loop quantum gravity
[2012.14443] Kristina Giesel, Bao-Fei Li, Parampreet Singh: Revisiting the Bardeen and Mukhanov-Sasaki equations in the Brown-Kuchař and Gaussian dust models
[2012.14518] Joren Brunekreef, Marcus Reitz: Approximate Killing symmetries in non-perturbative quantum gravity
[2012.14552] M. Zubair, Hina Azmat: Complexity analysis of Cylindrically Symmetric Self-gravitating Dynamical System in $f(R,T)$ Theory of Gravity
[2012.14720] Massimo Giovannini: Inflationary magnetogenesis in the perturbative regime
[2012.14737] M. F. Ghiti, N. Mebarki, H. Aissaoui: Quantum Entanglement and Thermodynamics of Boson-Antiboson Pair Creation Modes in the Noncommutative Bianchi I Universe
[2012.14822] Jonathan Steven Engle, Wojciech Kaminski, José Ricardo Oliveira: Comment on "EPRL/FK Asymptotics and the Flatness Problem''
[2012.14930] Nasser Boroojerdian: Super Space-time, a Model for Gravity and Dark Matter
[2012.14984] Manuel Hohmann: xPPN: An implementation of the parametrized post-Newtonian formalism using xAct for Mathematica
[2012.15001] Jianfei Xu: Gravitational waves in gauge theory gravity with a negative cosmological constant
[2012.15004] Yuuki Sugiyama, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Tsutomu Kobayashi: Gravitational waves in Kasner spacetimes and Rindler wedges in Regge-Wheeler gauge: Unruh effect
[2012.15111] Maurice J. Dupré: The Jacobi Curvature Operator in Semi Riemannian Geometry and the Energy Momentum Stress Tensor of the Gravitational Field
[2012.15219] Sunly Khimphun, Bum-Hoon Lee, Gansukh Tumurtushaa: Generalized Holographic Cosmology: low-redshift observational constraint
[2012.15331] Victor A. S. V. Bittencourt, Massimo Blasone, Fabrizio Illuminati et al.: Quantum nonlocality in extended theories of gravity
[2012.15479] M M Akbar, R Solanki: Algorithms for Generating All Static Spherically Symmetric (An)isotropic Fluid Solutions of Einstein's Equations
[2012.15560] Sajal Mukherjee, Naresh Dadhich: Pure Gauss-Bonnet NUT black hole with and without non-central singularity
[2012.15561] Ruth Gregory, Zheng Liang Lim, Andrew Scoins: Thermodynamics of Many Black Holes
[2012.15645] Manuel Bertipagani, Massimiliano Rinaldi, Lorenzo Sebastiani et al.: A note on a class of non-singular black holes in $F(R)$-gravity
[2012.15655] E. Buk, J. Lewandowski: Axisymmetric, extremal horizons at the presence of cosmological constant
[2012.15768] A. Bourgoin, M. Zannoni, L. Gomez Casajus et al.: Relativistic modeling of atmospheric occultations with time transfer functions
[2012.15852] Marcos A. Ramirez: Thermodynamic instability of splitting thin shell solutions in braneworld Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Fri, 1 Jan 21","img":""}
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