Major Art Periods Quiz

When did cave art take place?
22,000 B.C.E.
50,000 B.C.E.
32,000 B.C.E
When did the Renaissance take place?
14th-16th century
19th-20th century
15th-19th century
When did the modern art period take place?
17th century until 1870s
19th century until 1970s
How do Impressionist artists paint their art?
Short, quick brush strokes
Long, slow brush strokes
What are hieroglyphs?
Pictures they drew for fun
Pictures they communicated with
Funny pictures
What is the meaning of Renaissance?
the rebirth
Old days
Time period
{"name":"Major Art Periods Quiz", "url":"","txt":"When did cave art take place?, When did the Renaissance take place?, When did the modern art period take place?","img":""}
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