COMP 424 Midterm 2

A detailed, educational illustration depicting concepts of software security and vulnerabilities, including elements like buffer overflow, stack protection techniques, and cybersecurity tools, in a visually engaging and informative style.

Mastering Software Security Vulnerabilities

Test your knowledge on software security vulnerabilities and defenses in this comprehensive quiz! Designed for students and professionals alike, this midterm exam will challenge you on key concepts in the field of cybersecurity.

  • Explore critical topics like buffer overflow attacks, TOCTTOU vulnerabilities, and more.
  • Assess your understanding of security measures such as StackGuard and StackShield.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by GuardingCode922
Choose one which is not correct about software security vulnerability
When an attacker successfully exploits a software vulnerability, he / she can compromise availability by crashing programs
When an attacker successfully exploits a software vulnerability, he/she can compromise integrity by executing arbitrary code
When an attacker successfully exploits a software vulnerability, he/she can compromise non-repudiation by decrypting other's private key
When an attacker successfully exploits a software vulnerability, he/she can violate access control policy by running with privileges of other users
Choose one which is not correct about Time-of-check-to-time-of-use (TOCTTOU)
It is a class of software bug caused by changes in a system between the checking of a condition (such as authorization) and use the results of the check
Exploiting a TOCTTOU vulnerability requires precise timing of the victim process
TOCTTOU attack is one of the buffer overflow attacks
Most general attack may require "single-stepping" the victim, I.e., can schedule the attacker process after each operation in the victim
Choose one that is not a reason for why buffer overflow happens
Users do not write safe code
Programming languages give uses too much control
Programming languages have unsafe functions
Misconfiguration of environment variables
Choose which is not correct about StackGuard
StackGuard embeds "canaries" in stack frames and verify their integrity after function return
Random canary is inserted into every stack frame
String functions will not copy beyond terminator canary
Choose one which is not correct about StackShield
StackShield copies return address to a non-overflowable area
Upon return, it checks that return address still equals the saved copy
Upon return, it copies saved return address back before returned address is used to jump back
In StackShield, it intercepts calls to strcopy (dest, src) and validates sufficient space
Malicious inputs can become code, or change the logic to do things that are not intended
To deal with input validation, you should use systematic approaches that avoid checking for allowed inputs (whitelist). Instead, you should check for bad inputs (blacklist)
Even though we make the memory segment used for stack non-executable, using "return-to-libc" method, attackers can still do buffer-overflow attack
By changing the default gateway of a target container to be the IP address of the malicious container's eth0 device, the target container is forced to send packets to the malicious container's eth0 device instead
Cloud computing systems can be leveraged by criminals for cyber attacks, abusing cloud services
Rootkit works by changing the pointer in the malicious container's nsproxy struct to point to the target container's network space. After this change, actions made on the network in the malicious container will actually be actions on the target container's network
Fill in the blank: To improve the chance of success in buffer overflow attacks, attackers can add many ___ operations to the beginning of the malicious code. ___ is a special instruction that does nothing other than advancing to the next instruction. Therefore, as long as the guessed address points to a ___, the attack will be successful
In a buffer overflow attack, suppose that the buffer that you will overflow starts at [rbp-0x10], which is 16 bytes. If the machine uses an x86-64 CPU, how many bytes do you need to fill up to and including a 48-bit return address in the called function's stack frame?
What is being described in the following sentences? "This is one of the countermeasures to protect virtual address space by arranging the positions of key data areas randomly in a process's address space. As the effects, return-to-libc attack needs to know the address of the key functions.
Fill in the blank: "___ is one of the kernel features that separates process id, user id, file-system, network stack, system v IPC, unix domain name, etc."
{"name":"COMP 424 Midterm 2", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on software security vulnerabilities and defenses in this comprehensive quiz! Designed for students and professionals alike, this midterm exam will challenge you on key concepts in the field of cybersecurity.Explore critical topics like buffer overflow attacks, TOCTTOU vulnerabilities, and more.Assess your understanding of security measures such as StackGuard and StackShield.","img":""}
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