Generate a Quiz

Elementi I jedinjenja IB grupe PSE

Generate a colorful and educational image illustrating the properties and reactions of Group IB elements like Copper and Silver, displaying their compounds, reactions in test tubes, and molecular structures.

Test Your Knowledge of Group IB Elements and Compounds

Join our quiz to explore the fascinating world of Group IB elements and compounds in the Periodic Table. Challenge yourself with questions about chemical reactions, properties, and behaviors of these elements.

  • Assess your understanding of copper and silver compounds
  • Learn about the color changes in chemical reactions
  • Discover the applications of these elements in real-world scenarios
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ExploringAtoms27
Ime I prezime
Pojava plave boje rastvora prilikom unošenja Cu žice u rastvr AgNO3 posledica je:
Oksidacije Cu u Cu2+ jon
Redukcija Cu2+ u Cu
Oksidacije Cu2+ u Cu
Redukcija Cu u Cu2+ jon
U reakciji 
Talog svetlo plave boje
Rastvor svetlo plave boje
Talog žute boje
Rastvor žute boje
Usled hidrolize soli CuSO4 rastvor menja boju lakmus papira:
Iz plave u crvenu
Iz crvene u plavu
Plav ostaje plav
U reakciji 
skrob reaguje sa:
U reakciji
dobija se:
Tamno plavi rastvor
Svetlo zeleni rastvor
Talog bele boje
Tamno zeleni rastvor
Talog Ag2O je:
Tamno smeđe boje
Bele boje
Žute boje
Intenzivno žute boje
U reakciji 
Talog bledo žute boje
Talog intenzivno žute boje
Talog bledo zelene boje
Talog plave boje
Talog Ag2O se:
Rastvara u vodenom rastvoru amonijaka
Ne rastvara se u vodenom rastvoru amonijaka
Rastvara se u kiselinama
Uopšte se ne rastvara
Iz reakcije
možemo zakljuĝiti da je H2O2:
Redukciono sredstvo
Oksidaciono sredstvo
{"name":"Elementi I jedinjenja IB grupe PSE", "url":"","txt":"Join our quiz to explore the fascinating world of Group IB elements and compounds in the Periodic Table. Challenge yourself with questions about chemical reactions, properties, and behaviors of these elements.Assess your understanding of copper and silver compoundsLearn about the color changes in chemical reactionsDiscover the applications of these elements in real-world scenarios","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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