World War II in Color

What was the German fast moving military strategy called?
The luftwalfa
The panzers
Rein lands
What reactions do Austrians have of their invasion?
They welcome them with open arms
They fought to the bitter end
An accord was struck
An alliance was made
What was Hitlers next goal?
Who tries to stop Hitlers ambitions ?
Neville Chamberlain
A secret peace deal was sighted between whitch two countries?
France and Britain
Germany and Britain
France and Germany
Italy and Germany
When does Hitler invade the rest of Czechoslovakia?
September 1939
August 1939
April 1939
March 1939
What would be the western nations last straw until they I declare war?
Invasion of Denmark
Invasion of Norway
Invasion of Poland
Invasion of Yugoslavia
Who helps Hitler in this invasion?
When do Britain and France declare war,
Hitler didn’t believe that the western nations would actually declare war.
Germany was ready to go to war with the western countries?
What was the period before confrontation began called?
The phoney war
The mad war
No mans land
What defense did France count on and was constructed as a result of WWI
The Maginot line
The baring strait
The rein lands
Where German generals for or against a war against France?
Who was the general that gave Hitler a viable idea.
Jorgen Von Stangle
Erich Von Manstein
Bilatch von helm
Nicolas von belish
What two countries does Hitler invade next
Sweden and Norway
Norway and Denmark
Denmark and Belgium
Norway and Neitherlands
What was the result of Britain trying to stop the invasion of Norway?
Britain won tremendously
Britain loses pathetically
Britain surenders
Britain takes control of Norway
What could be credited with the success of the defense?
The panzer tanks
The luftwaffe
Navel blockade
What was Mansteins plan?
Hit them fast and hit them hard
Attack from the south
A navel invasion
Through the Rhyn lands
When was Neville chamberlain forced to resign?
Who is his replacement?
General Patten
Winston Churchill
Prince Henry
Harry Truman
On the day Churchill becomes prime minister Germany does what?
Invade France
Invade Belgium and Holland
Invade Sweden
Invade Luxembourg
What was the purpose of the envision?
Acquiring channel ports
The third reich
Scare Britain
Intimidate France
As reports of German tanks along the French-Germany border come in what do the French do?
Ignore it
Stayed put
Buff the Marigot line
Wait to see where to supply their forces
What was the second purpose of the invasion of Belgium and Holland?
Expanding influence
Luring allied forces north
A test for bigger battles
Ports too attack Britain from
{"name":"World War II in Color", "url":"","txt":"What was the German fast moving military strategy called?, What reactions do Austrians have of their invasion?, What was Hitlers next goal?","img":""}
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