LOTE Competency 1 Quiz

Jorge is a new student in Ms. Cantú's class, and Spanish is his first language. However, he has lived in the US for several years and prefers to speak English. He is reluctant to speak Spanish in Ms. Cantú's Spanish III class, and does not want to do class work or participate. What are some strategies she can use to encourage him to complete his assignments?
Ms. Cantú should require Jorge to participate and complete assignments, and plan consequences (verbal warning, extra assignment, call home, referral) if he does not comply.
Ms. Cantú should not force Jorge to participate, but should plan learner-centered activities and give students choices so they can do assignments that interest them.
Ms. Cantú should differentiate instruction so that Jorge is not bored with assignments, and allow him to choose from a variety of assignments so that he can do coursework on topics that interest him.
Ms. Cantú should request that he be placed in another world language program.
A Spanish student has excellent skills at forming coherent sentences in both writing and speaking, but does not always ask for clarification when he misunderstands. What should the teacher help him with?
Discourse competence
Socioliinguistic competence
Strategic competence
Grammatical competence
A Spanish teacher uses a lot of gestures, facial expressions, and re-phrases what she says. What is she doing?
Using realia
Using scaffolding
Using comprehensible input + 1
Appealing to multiple intelligences
{"name":"LOTE Competency 1 Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Jorge is a new student in Ms. Cantú's class, and Spanish is his first language. However, he has lived in the US for several years and prefers to speak English. He is reluctant to speak Spanish in Ms. Cantú's Spanish III class, and does not want to do class work or participate. What are some strategies she can use to encourage him to complete his assignments?, A Spanish student has excellent skills at forming coherent sentences in both writing and speaking, but does not always ask for clarification when he misunderstands. What should the teacher help him with?, A Spanish teacher uses a lot of gestures, facial expressions, and re-phrases what she says. What is she doing?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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