Your Intuitive Type Quiz

Take a deep breath ... and choose which answer describes you the most (Useful tip: don't change your first answer)
I sometimes know things without knowing how or why
I get flashes or visions that have no logical source but end up happening in the future
I sometimes receive insight and wisdom through another type of hearing
I sense other people's emotions as if they were mine
I am sometimes able to predict people's behavior ahead of time
Close your eyes for a moment then when you open them ... choose the answer that resonates with you (Useful tip: stick with your first answer)
I get useful insight through dreams
I sometimes see silhouettes, shadows or lights in my surroundings
I was told that I must be a mind reader because of how much I seem to understand people before they talk
I have strong empathy toward most people
I am good at matching people together (knowing who will get along with who)
Look around the room you are in ... then pick an answer for what you usually experience (Useful tip: the first answer that resonates is the best)
I've communicated with the spirit world since childhood
When I watch a new movie, I am usually able to predict how it will end
I am really good at finding the right words at the right time
I can feel physical ailments in other people before they even say anything
I am able to accurately sense whether something is safe or not without any previous data or knowledge
Complete this sentence: I receive inspiration through my favorite expression which is ...(Useful tip: you might find that you like all of them. Pick the one that inspires you the most)
Writing, speaking, and teaching
Drawing and painting
Singing, playing an instrument
Cooking, gardening, hand crafting
Moving my body and dancing
When I feel scattered/overwhelmed what calms me the most is: (Quick tip: look for the answer that creates immediate relief. The fastest that brings you back to center)
Going for a walk and getting a breath of fresh air
Observing nature, star gazing, moon gazing
Listening to nature sounds, or my favorite song
Taking a hot bath, a hot shower
Putting my bare feet on the ground, jumping
Which one of these sentences resonate the most (Useful tip: try not to spend too much time answering)
I feel close to people that passed away in my circle of friends and family and I am able to connect to them in a unique way
I am able to see what others don't seem to see
I sometimes hear voices that don't come from the physical plane
I can put myself in people's shoes very easily
I am very good at making quick decisions that I rarely regret later
Sometimes I struggle with... complete the sentence: (Useful tip: pick the most common thing you struggle with)
Sharing my perspective with others in a way that makes sense
Explaining my vision to others in a realistic way
Expressing myself while being heard and recognized by others
Translating what I sense into meaningful words
Explaining my ability to quickly sense who to trust and who not to trust in a group of people
{"name":"Your Intuitive Type Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Take a deep breath ... and choose which answer describes you the most (Useful tip: don't change your first answer), Close your eyes for a moment then when you open them ... choose the answer that resonates with you (Useful tip: stick with your first answer), Look around the room you are in ... then pick an answer for what you usually experience (Useful tip: the first answer that resonates is the best)","img":""}
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