Which Beatle Are You?

You go to a party. Who are you?
Socialite, talking to everyone in your sight, always with a big smile on your face.
You stay close to the walls, happily, which works best for you.
A jokester, always trying to get the crowd to laugh. This is when you're in your best element.
You smile. It's a bit awkward and you let the people come to you first to talk, but you light up the room like no tomorrow.
You're checking out a new ride. What do you pick?
A '66 Mini.
A '65 Rolls-Royce.
A '64 Facel Vega II.
A '67 Lamborghini 400GT 2+2.
What kind of man/woman do you fancy?
Laid-back, a nature-lover and an eye for fashion. Someone willing to wear glitter eyeliner with you.
Someone no one understands, willing to spend one-on-one time with you. Preferably someone who is willing to spend days on end in bed.
Nice blond(e) hair, will piercing blue eyes. An actor/actress could fit the part.
Someone who can attack an intruder with a table lamp.
You're in a group project. What would you consider yourself to be?
The soul.
The heart.
The mind.
The laughter.
What's one of your favorite activities?
Writing little poems and such, especially drawing weird little doodles to accompany them.
Relaxing with your pet.
Simultaneously scaring and amazing the public with your MS paint drawings.
If you had to, what instrument would you play in a band?
Bass guitar.
Lead guitar.
Rhythm guitar.
What color is your bedroom?
A royal blue.
A vibrant green.
An enlightening purple.
A shocking red.
What kind of voice attracts you the most?
A goofy one is perfect. Even if they sing a little off-key.
Soulful. Someone who could be gentle, but then make your eardrums explode by their deep, bold voice.
Can't get enough of that nasally voice! Especially when sarcastic and bitter.
A clear voice. A voice best used when telling a story.
If you had to, how many kids would you want someday?
Two's enough for me.
Five sounds amazing!
One. Make sure they look literally like me, too.
Just three.
Would you pose nude for an album cover? A friend's asking.
Sure, let me go get my spouse.
...No, thanks.
Oh jeez, sorry! I didn't mean to step on your toe!
You should be. Watch where you're going next time.
Don't worry!
Uh, it's okay.
Your tie is ugly.
What's the first thing you see in a person?
The eyebrows.
If they're wearing glasses or not.
Their surprisingly nice looking eyelashes.
If they have a smile!
At the end of it all, what would you want to be remembered for the most?
My peaceful outlook on life.
My cheerful attitude!
My love for life.
My questionable art. Oh, and my personality.
{"name":"Which Beatle Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You go to a party. Who are you?, You're checking out a new ride. What do you pick?, What kind of man\/woman do you fancy?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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