True Insights into the Concept of Khatm-E-Nabuwwat
Explore Khatm-E-Nabuwwat
Delve into the profound concept of Khatm-E-Nabuwwat through our engaging quiz! This quiz covers key aspects of the teachings surrounding the finality of Prophethood, providing insights into different interpretations and implications of Khatmiyyat.
Test your knowledge on:
- The significance of Khatm-E-Nabuwwat in Islam
- Perspectives from key Islamic figures
- The implications of prophethood and its finality
Why was this book written? (Preface)
To explain why Ahmadiyya is the true Islam
To promote Ahmadiyyat beliefs around the world.
To prove the authenticity of the Promised Messiah (as)'s teachings.
To refute the allegations made by Pakistani government in their White Papers.
What is the meaning of Khatm-e- Nabuwwat? (Page 1)
The best among the Messengers, a title bestowed upon the Holy Prophet (saw)
The best of the Prophets, a title bestowed upon the Holy Prophet (saw)
The Seal of the Prophets, a title bestowed upon the Holy Prophet (sa) in the Holy Qur’an
The highest ranking prophet among all prophets sent down by God Almighty.
What does Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (ra) say is the enlightened new aspect of Khatamiyyat? (Page 13)
Khatamiyyat does not limit itself to just excelling all others in spiritual rank, instead it passes these excellences on to others.
Khatamiyyat means acquiring the highest spiritual rank and withholding it from everyone else.
The Holy Prophet (saw) is the Khatam of all the prophets.
The Promised Messiah (as) is the Khatam of all of the people in love for the Holy Prophet (saw).
What was one of the interpretations of Khatmun Nabiyyin made by Muslim thinkers? (Page 16)
Allamah ‘Abdur Rahman bin Khaldun (rta) (rta) states that the noble qualities in all their grandeur have found their perfection in our Holy Prophet (saw) and therefore he is Khatamun-Nabiyyin.
Allamah ‘Abdur Rahman bin Khaldun (rta) states khatam does not mean the last with respect to time, but the ultimate according to degree or rank.
Allamah ‘Abdur Rahman bin Khaldun (rta) states The Holy Prophetsa is khatam because there neither was nor will be any equal to him in generosity, that is, spreading the blessings.
Allamah ‘Abdur Rahman bin Khaldun (rta) states that similar to the highest rank of authority given to a governor, there is no one above the ranks or with more authority than the ‘Khatamun-Nabiyyin.’ All others are subordinate to him.
What is one point that Huzur (ra) makes in regards to the advent of a Prophet from within the Ummah and how this is not in conflict with Khatm-e- Nabuwwat? (page 24).
The Promised Messiah (as) states states that following the advent of Hadrat Muhammad the Chosen One, the Seal of the Prophetssa, the attainment of the attributes of prophethood by his followers as subordinate or by way of inheritance, will in no way conflict with his status as the Seal of the Prophets.
The Promised Messiah (as) states that while we believe in the progeny of Hazrat Ibramim (as), it is surprising that people deny this possibility in the case of the progeny and the followers of Hadrat Muhammad (saw).
The Promised Messiah (as) states that All prophethood has come to an end except the prophethood of Muhammad (saw). No law-bearing Prophet can come after him. A Prophet who does not bring a new law can come, but he has to be a follower of the Holy Prophet (saw) first.
The only meaning of Khatme Nabuwwat clearly states that the Holy Prophet (saw) is the last prophet in time and no other prophet can come after him, law bearing or not.
Which various Hadith were mentioned regarding the meaning of Khatamiyyat? (Pages 38-43) Tick THREE that apply.
Thirty imposters will be born in this ummah, each of which will think or claim himself to be a Prophet, despite the fact that I am the Khatam of the Prophets and after me there will be no Prophet of any kind.” Hadith used by disbelievers to prove Holy Prophet is the last Prophet in time.
The story of the great Czar of Russia was irrelevant in this matter. Hazoor only mentioned it as a side story.
The Prophet of Allah says, ‘Isa will be besieged along with his Companions. Isa will turn to God with full attention along with his companions, Allah be pleased with them. Isa will descend along with his companions. Isa will turn to God with full attention along with his companions, Allah be pleased with them” Hadith used by believers proving that Holy Prophet (saw) calls the Messiah who is to come, the Prophet of God, four times.
Irrespective of whether thirty or three million dajjals or impostors appear, the fact remains that the Holy Prophet (saw) has addressed the Messiah of the Latter Days as a Prophet of God.
Discuss the interpretation of Khataman Nabiyyin in the Holy Quran. (Pages 65-68) Tick TWO that apply.
This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion” where perfection of religion has been claimed.
Holy Quran confirms that the Holy Prophet (saw) is the last prophet in time and there will be no other prophet after him.
The Promised Messiah (as) writes the expression Khataman-Nabiyyin which has been applied to the Holy Prophet (saw) demands that the Book that was revealed to him, should be the most perfect of all Books and should comprise all excellences.
The Holy Quran perfectly supports the beliefs of those who wrote the White Papers.
What is the distinction between true and false claimants, and what is said about the one that lies? (page 89)
If someone who claims to be a prophet is an imposter (false), God will not punish him for his falsehood. The people who believe in the imposter will be punished.
If an imposter claims to be a prophet, God would reveal his falsehood to the people in dreams.
An angel will descend upon the people of the time to clearly state whether or not the claimant is an imposter or not.
If someone who claims to be a prophet is an imposter (false), God will punish him for his falsehood. If he speaks the truth and the people oppose him, they will be subject to God’s wrath.
Why was the Promised Messiah (as) opposed in his mission and how is this similar to previous Prophets? (page 90)
The Promised Messiah was confronted in debates, prayer duels and everything else that a true Prophet faces. But your treatment has no value; because Allah the Almighty is also granting the same favours as He has always conferred upon the true Prophets.
The Promised Messiah (as) was not met with any opposition from the people. Many accepted his claim without question and continued to spread his claim with ease.
The Promised Messiah (as) made his claim and displayed some pomp and glory in the beginning, but he could not achieve his objectives nor did his teachings last for a long time period.
Although the Promised Messiah (as) was met with opposition in the beginning, the people supported and rallied behind him within just a few weeks time.
How does belief in the finality of Prophethood fit with the fundamentals of the Islamic faith and what impacts does it have on civilisation? (Page 101)
The beliefs, cultural practices and way of life of Muslims, regardless of sect, are exactly the same all over the world.
Look at what has happened to those who believe in their version of ‘Khatm-e-Nubuwwat.’ They are all at odds with each other. But those who, according to your assertion do not believe in it, are declared as a model of Islamic culture by your ‘Thinker of Islam.’
The facts prove that the non-Ahmadi claim that belief in Khatm-e-Nubuwwat has given Muslims unity, consistency and harmony.
All those who believe in Khatm-e-Nubuwwat as the finality of prophethood in all time have been given the promise that they will enter paradise.
How does Huzur (ra) explain the second coming of the Messiah and Allamah Iqbal’s view? (page 118)
Iqbal makes valid points which supports the Pakistani government and proves that the White Papers are correct.
All Muslims believe with absolute certainty that the awaited Messiah would be a Prophet of Allah and that he will be a new person in the spirit of the old Jesus (as).
Iqbal writes “As I understand the significance of the movement, the Ahmadi belief that Christ died the death of an ordinary mortal, and that his second advent means only the advent of a person who is spiritually like unto him, give the movement some sort of a rational appearance” which leaves no room for escape for those who oppose the Ahmadiyya perspective.
Allamah Iqbal was actually raised under the influence of western civilization and he viewed Islamic teachings in the light of the Western philosophy and completely believed in the Ahmadi philosophy. In fact, he later converted to Ahmadiyyat.
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