How much of a horse person are you? (Not my pics)

Let's start simple: WHAT COLAH IS DA HORSEY
Purple Me:are you color blind or something?
Okay that was pretty easy, right? Next question! What part of the bridle does English tack have, but that western does not?
Okay.. Now..... Breeeeeds! Dis is a ______?
Quarter Horse
PONEH Me:why would you even choose this answer?
Still breeds! And I am now presenting to you as this photo....
A Percheron, and pretty one too... Me:Agreed, on the pretty, I'm not giving u any nudge tho
A Clydesdale, the beautiful giants
The uhm tall horse
The one and only.... Quarter horse!
Okay this is breeds, but no more pictures! What breed am I? I am a cold blood and considered small for my type, I have a dished face and am showcased with my head high and my legs back behind me. What am I?
Arabian, showy horses. Ick.
Frisian! My fav!
Err... Stallion? Me:Lol! Like a stallion could stand like that.mtry another answer
Palomino, the sweet little show horse
Getting towards the end, so let's get away from breeds and closer to hands on facts. Soooo where is/are the horses blind spot or spots?
Directly in front and towards the back
Most of the left and right sides and behind
Directly in front
I was gonna ask about sweat scrapers, but that was to simple, so curry Combs! What is a curry comb used for? I gave you an aid, the picture
Pulling water and sweat off the horses body to allow them to cool down
Scraping off mud and dried dirt
Removing dirt and hairs before putting on the saddle pad
Brushing the mane and tail
Taking off shoes
I used this as the last question, I thought it went good. And because it's ROLEPLAY! Yay! So say you just went on a ride on your favorite horse, Bimbo. You just finished untacking, when you see Bimbo is very sweaty and needs washed (coated with water) what steps do you do to cool him down?
I get a bucket of water, then I get my handy sweatscraper and use that to put water on Bimbo, then let him dry in the stall/pen/pasture
I get a hose and cover him in water, then I scrape it off with the sweatscraper. And release Bimbo into the stall/pen/pasture
I get a sponge, a bucket of water, and a sweatscraper from the tack room, and I use the sponge to get him wet, then the sweatscraper to remove extra water. I then bring Bimbo to the stall/pen/pasture where he lives and let him go. =)
I give him a carrot, hug him, speak to him, then let him go into the stall/pen/pasture when nothing works ;)
{"name":"How much of a horse person are you? (Not my pics)", "url":"","txt":"Let's start simple: WHAT COLAH IS DA HORSEY, Okay that was pretty easy, right? Next question! What part of the bridle does English tack have, but that western does not?, Okay.. Now..... Breeeeeds! Dis is a ______?","img":""}
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