Christiana Care Imaging Services - Customer Service Quiz

In busy situations, you should always take customers on a first-come, first-serve basis. What might be an exception to that rule?
A. When you can quickly get another customer on their way without really slowing down the one you are currently helping.
B. When another customer has an urgent need that makes an interruption imperative.
C. When you ask your current customer if it's OK to help another and briefly explain why.
D. Any of the above could be an exception to the rule.
When customers are in a rush, you should:
A. Slow down the service you provide to make sure nobody makes a mistake.
B. Always be consistent in your service - neither faster nor slower - regardless of the style of the customer in front of you.
C. Help them as quickly as you can so you show respect for their time.
D. None of the above.
You can make the best recommendations when you:
A. Listen and ask questions to get the full picture.
B. Know your products or services, inside and out.
C. Know where to get information if you don't know the answer to a question.
D. All of the above.
When faced with an angry customer, which of the following will contribute to reaching a solution?
A. Let them tell their story even if you already have a solution in mind.
B. Find something to agree with so they understand that you want to cooperate with them.
C. Express your own feelings about how they are treating you if they are making you feel upset.
D. Both (A) and (B) above.
Always thank customers for their business - even customers who have made complaints or wasted your time by taking forever to decide.
If a customer has a problem and there is no easy solution, you should:
A. Not do anything - it's their problem, not yours.
B. Get the customer's contact information and tell them you'll get back to them if you're able to think of something later.
C. Make a commitment to solve the problem, and consider all your options.
D. All of the above.
Some people are naturally good at customer service, but others just don't get it. That's because you can't really learn customer service - you either have it or you don't.
Is it OK to use a standard phrase when you answer the phone so you sound the same, every single time?
Yes, as long as you use a pleasant and enthusiastic voice.
No, you should think of new ways to answer so that repeat callers hear variety when they call back.
Good listening skills make the customer feel better about your products or services but they usually interfere with efficiency and make the call take longer.
Listening is not just hearing. Which of the following skills are included in good customer service listening?
A. Make short affirming statements to let the customer know you are listening attentively.
B. Restate what you have heard to confirm that you got it right.
C. Ask clarifying questions.
D. All of the above.
An "open-ended" question is defined as the kind of question that:
A. Requires a simple choice of a yes-or-no answer.
B. Is used to probe for more information and starts with words like Which, How, Where, Why or When.
It's a mistake to ask callers for permission before placing them on hold - they'll just say "no" and besides you don't have time to waste when you have to pick up another ringing line or quickly research the answer to their question.
What is the best way to give out the answer when the same question comes up, call after call?
A. Use a script when your wording has to be very specific.
B. Maintain a conversational tone, don't race through it, and use a positive voice.
C. Be creative and come up with a new way to say it for every call, even though this takes extra time and effort.
D. Both (A) and (B) above.
When a caller is angry, it's best to take charge of the call right away and not let them do the talking.
When a customer calls about a problem, you should:
A. Know about your products or services so you can solve it.
B. Know your systems and policies so you can think creatively if there is no easy answer.
C. Know what you are empowered to offer the customer as part of the solution.
D. All of the above, depending on the situation.
In order to be an ATTENTIVE listener, a person should:
A. Respect the customer's concerns.
B. Keep distractions to a minimum.
C. Speak in thoughtful, assuring tones.
D. All of the above.
What is the most important aspect of ACTIVE listening?
A. Being friendly.
B. Attempting to understand the message.
C. Not allowing the customer to get too emotional.
D. Taking control of the situation.
A customer service representative can ensure that the customer knows he/she is being heard by:
A. Repeating what he/she says to make sure you are both on the same page.
B. Asking questions.
C. Bringing another person into the conversation.
D. Both (A) and (B)
Listening OBJECTIVELY is achieved by:
A. Not jumping to conclusions.
B. Avoiding threatening questions or statements.
C. Keeping an open mind about what the customers tell you.
D. All of the above.
True or False: A customer service representative should devote their total concentration to what he/she will tell the customer next.
When dealing with an angry customer, which of the following is NOT a good plan?
A. Don't take it personally - even when it seems like customers are blaming you for their dissatisfaction.
B. Collaborate. Work with the customer to solve the problem as a team.
C. Be prepared to show the customer that it's not your fault if someone else in your organization dropped the ball.
D. Remain calm and in control to solve the problem faster and with less stress.
Which of these is a good technique for calming an emotional customer?
A. Treat the customer with respect - no matter how they are treating you.
B. Connect with the customer by recognizing specifics that are contributing to the stressfulness of their situation.
C. Listen attentively and let the customer know that you understand how they feel about the problem.
D. All of these are excellent techniques for calming emotional an emotional customer.
Which of these would NOT be a good beginning statement you would make to an angry customer?
A. "I understand..."
B. "Look, I don't see what the big deal is..."
C. "I appreciate..."
D. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention..."
Transferring a customer to someone else in your organization can be a good way to stop a situation from escalating. Why?
A. The other person is probably nicer than you are.
B. It gives the customer a chance to cool down and get a fresh start.
C. Who cares why? At least it's not your problem any more.
D. The customer might forget what they were complaining about while waiting for the new person.
Your attitude can have a lot to do with how a customer service issue gets resolved. Which of these are characteristic of a good attitude?
A. Don't take it personally
B. Be professional
C. Cooperate and collaborate
D. All of these
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