Jewish News Quiz: July 28, 2023

What happened when Conservative rabbis met recently to discuss the permissibility of driving electric cars on Shabbat?
They voted unanimously to permit it
They voted to permit it, but also adopted a competing opinion banning it
They could not reach agreement, tabling the issue until next January
They voted to forbid it, creating tension with an earlier ruling permitting driving gas-powered cars
Jewish athlete Eli Dershwitz this week became the first U.S. man to win the World Championship in what sport?
Competitive tag
Sabre fencing
What did the White House say in response to the passage of a judicial overhaul measure in Israel this week?
No comment
"It is unfortunate that the vote today took place with the slimmest possible majority"
"This is a dark day for Israeli democracy"
"This is an affront to democracy that poses significant threats to our strategic partnership"
How many of the 736 athletes competing in the FIFA Women’s World Cup are known to be Jewish?
An upcoming film is being slammed for insensitively using a tour of Holocaust sites as a romantic plot device. Who produced it?
A K-pop group trying to break into K-drama
A Polish independent sibling director duo
A leading Bollywood studio
Higher Ground Productions, the Obamas' production company
A new short film profiles a Florida rabbi who did what in response to the state's abortion ban?
Picked up his life and moved to Boston
Sued for violating his congregation's religious freedom
Set up a clandestine operation smuggling abortion pills into the state
Went on a hunger strike outside the state capitol building
A traveling Holocaust museum touring U.S. schools has what unique element?
Holocaust denier protesters tailing it
Video projections of survivors programmed with voice recognition and 2,000 pre-recorded answers
A raffle for a free trip to Israel, with students winning entries by answering trivia questions
Commentary from U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, among others
What happened when Irish singer Sinead O’Connor, who died this week, planned a pro-peace concert in Israel in 1997?
She was forced to cancel it due to a right-wing harassment campaign led by Itamar Ben-Gvir
She was forced to cancel it due to threats from Palestinian terrorists
She witnessed a suicide bombing a block away and rushed to aid victims
She added a surprise visit to the Palestinian city of Hebron and held a free concert there
{"name":"Jewish News Quiz: July 28, 2023", "url":"","txt":"Please enter your email address, What happened when Conservative rabbis met recently to discuss the permissibility of driving electric cars on Shabbat?, Jewish athlete Eli Dershwitz this week became the first U.S. man to win the World Championship in what sport?","img":""}
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