Cal Poly Humboldt Plastics Quiz

What percentage of all plastic is made from fossil fuels?
How many million tons of plastic end up in the oceans each year?
1 million tons
6 million tons
11 million tons
50 million tons
What percent of its plastic waste does the U.S. recycle?
On average, how long is a plastic bag used by a person before being discarded?
15 minutes
1 hour
1 day
1 week
Which of the following is the LEAST effective way of protecting our planet from plastic pollution?
Throwing plastic into the recycling bin
Using a refillable water bottle
Taking reusable bags to the grocery store
Growing your own food at home or in a community garden
What are microplastics?
Really small plastic toys
100ml plastic bottles
Plastic particles that carry chemicals
Plastic made from algae
When toxic chemicals are released into the soil from plastics, what does it affect?
The plants
The animals
All of the above
What are common effects of plastics on human health?
A. Cancers
B. Lung disease
C. Birth defects
D. There are no adverse effects
A,B, and C
What is the estimated global cost of plastic-related health effects per year?
Less than $1 billion
$10 billion
$50 billion
$100 billion
What percent of today's global plastic waste currently ends up in the environment?
Primary sources of microplastic pollution in the marine environment include (check all that apply):
microfibers from synthetic textiles and clothing
dust generated from vehicle tires as they wear down on the road
City dust: urban microplastic sources like artificial turf and building paints
Plasti-stones - rocks formed of plastic deep within the earth's core
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Plastic in an environmental issue because its manufacture and disposal disproportionately impacts BIPOC, rural and low-income communities
True or False: There are no alternatives to single use plastic products
{"name":"Cal Poly Humboldt Plastics Quiz", "url":"","txt":"What percentage of all plastic is made from fossil fuels?, How many million tons of plastic end up in the oceans each year?, What percent of its plastic waste does the U.S. recycle?","img":""}
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