Policy and Legal Framework (Env Sci)

A visually appealing image depicting a balanced ecology with elements of conservation, laws, and natural resources management, including symbols like trees, water, and legal documents.

Environmental Policy and Legal Framework Quiz

Test your knowledge on the essential policies and laws governing environmental science and management. This quiz covers various topics related to environmental protection, legal frameworks, and sustainable practices.

Challenge yourself with questions on:

  • Key principles and policies
  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Green and brown laws
  • Major environmental agencies
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ProtectingNature501
A broad discipline which include both the protection of the environment and conservation of the natural resources.
Environmental Science
Environmental Management
Pollution Prevention
Waste Management
A set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and increase its operating efficiency
Environmental Management Systems
Environmental Management Plan
Polluter's Management Systems
Environmental Management
Those who produce pollution should bear the cost of managing it through reparations or cleanup efforts in order to prevent damage to the environment and to human health.
Pollution Management
Polluter's Management Principle
Polluter's Pay Principle
Environmental Management
States that if a product, an action, or a policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, protective action should be supported and/or implemented,before there is complete scientific proof of a risk.
Prevention Principle
Polluter's Princple
Precaution Principle
Precautionary Principle
Aimed to protect the right of the people to a healthy environment through a requirement of environmental impact assessment and statements.
Philippine Environmental Policy
Philippine Environment Code
1987 Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development
Philippine Agenda 21
Defines the management policy objectives and strategies for water, air, natural resources, land and waste management by prescribing the enforcement of environmental quality standards
Philippine Environment Code
Philippine Environmental Policy
Midterm Philippine Development Plan
Philippine Agenda 21
Declares a policy that the state shall “protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature’
1987 Philippine Constitution
1987 Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development
Philippine Agenda 21
Philippine Environment Code
Represents the country‘s first roadmap towards achieving economic growth and environmental integrity
1987 Philippine Constitution
Philippine Development Goals
1987 Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development
Philippine Environmental Policy
Set guidelines for sustainable national development giving emphasis to ‘appropriate productivity, instead of ‘maximum productivity’
Philippine Agenda 21
Philippine Environment Code
Philippine Development Goals
Philippine Environmental Policy
Which laws fall under green laws?
Forestry Code
Water Code
Environmental Impact Statement System
Philippine Fisheries Code
Wildlife Conservation Act
Philippine Mining Act
Climate Change Act
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
Which laws fall under brown laws?
Clean Water Act
Environmental Impact Statement System
Wildlife Conservation Act
Philippine Mining Act
Climate Change Act
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
Clean Air Act
Toxic Substances, Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act
Evaluation and analysis of the potential environmental impacts of a project/activity and the identification of mitigation and preventive measures to eliminate and/or minimize environmental impacts
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
Environmental Impact Statement System
Environmental Waste Statement System
Environmental Impact Statements
Aims to protect the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology. The law also serves as an action plan that identified that strategies, initiatives, and activities to prepare the country to the inevitable effects of climate change.
Climate Regulation Act
Climate Change Act
Sustainable Development Act
Environmental Management Act
The primary agency responsible for environmental management as well as the use and management of natural resources.
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Department of the Environment and Natural Resources
Department of the Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources
Which organization adopted the Polluter's Pay Principle?
Organization for Economical Opportunities and Development
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Department of the Environmental and Natural Resources
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