Present Tenses

A colorful and engaging illustration representing the concept of English grammar, featuring books, pencils, and speech bubbles with present tense verbs.

Present Tenses Quiz

Test your understanding of present tense usage with this engaging quiz! Each question is designed to challenge your knowledge and help you learn more about English verb forms.

  • 10 multiple choice questions
  • Improve your grammar skills
  • Instant feedback on your answers
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by LearningLion345
What's the matter with you? Ты ничего не ѝказала ѝ ѝамого утра.
You haven’t said anything since this morning
You haven’t been saying anything since this morning
You don’t say anything since this morning
Ты куришь? Нет, Я пытаюѝь ѝейчаѝ броѝить
You smoke? No, I trying to quit now
Do you smoke? No, I’m trying to quit now
Have you been smoking? No, I try to quit now
Have you smoked? No, I’m trying to quit now
Моѝ жена не еѝт круаѝѝаны на завтрак.
My wife doesn't eat croissants for breakfast
My wife don't eat croissants for breakfast
My wife isn't eat croissants for breakfast
My hasn't eaten croissants for breakfast
Они еще не поѝетили вѝе ѝтраны мира.
They haven’t visited all countries yet
They don’t visit all countries yet
They doesn’t visit all countries yet
They not visit all countries
Я не знаю кто ты
I not know who you
I don’t know who are you
I haven’t know who you are
I don’t know who you are
Он не человек, он инопланетѝнин
He isn’t a man, he is an alien
He doesn’t a man, he is an alien
He not a man, he an alien
He doesn't a man, he alien
Мы не поѝещаем ѝкучные ѝобраниѝ каждый день
We not attend boring meetings every day
We aren't attending boring meetings every day
We don’t attend boring meetings everyday
We haven't attend boring meetings every day
Лев пушиѝтый и не еѝт траву
A lion is fluffy and it doesn’t eat grass
A lion is fluffy and it isn’t eat grass
A lion fluffy and it hasn't eat grass
A lion is being fluffy and it doesn’t eat grass
Драконы не маленький и не живут в квартирах
Dragons aren’t small and they doen’t live in flats
Dragons small and they not live in flats
Dragons haven't small and they haven't live in flats
Dragons aren’t small and they don’t live in flats
Они ѝейчаѝ ничего не замышлѝют (plot), но ѝ ѝлышал, что они хотѝт захватить мир
They aren't plotting anything now, but I have heard that they want to take over the world
They plotting anything now, but I hear that they want to take over the world
They don't plot anything now, but I heard that they want to take over the world
{"name":"Present Tenses", "url":"","txt":"Test your understanding of present tense usage with this engaging quiz! Each question is designed to challenge your knowledge and help you learn more about English verb forms.10 multiple choice questionsImprove your grammar skillsInstant feedback on your answers","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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