Dental ResearchI

121. Normally, how many aims we can have in one study?:
σ� 1
σ� 2
σ� 3
σ� 4
122. For interval or ratio measurement before we can decide which test we can use to find whether there is difference between or among groups, we have to do?:
σ� Parametric test
σ� T-test
σ� Anova
σ� Chi-square
123. To test whether 2 variables are independent or dependent, we can use?:
σ� Parametric test
σ� T-test
σ� Anova
σ� Chi-square test
124. To find significant difference between 2 groups, we can use?:
σ� Two-independent- samples Tests for related variable (Mann-Whitney U) if variable is non-parametric
σ� Two-independent- samples Tests for related variable (Mann-Whitney U) if variable is parametric
σ� Two-Independent-Samples Tests for unrelated (Mann-Whitney U) if variable is non-parametric
σ� Two-Independent-Samples Tests for unrelated (Mann-Whitney U) if variable is parametric
125. To find significant difference among more than 2 groups, we can use?:
σ� K independent Samples Tests for related variable (Kruskal-Wallis H) if variable is non-parametric
σ� K independent Samples Tests for unrelated variable (Kruskal-Wallis H) if variable is non-parametric
σ� K independent Samples Tests for related variable (Kruskal-Wallis H) if variable is parametric
σ� K independent Samples Tests for unrelated variable (Kruskal-Wallis H) if variable is parametric
126. To find significant difference between 2 groups, we can use?:
σ� Independent-Sample T Test for related variable if variable is non-parametric
σ� Independent-Sample T Test for related variable if variable is parametric
σ� Independent-Sample T Test for unrelated variable if variable is non-parametric
σ� Independent-Sample T Test for unrelated variable if variable is parametric
127. Skewness and kurtosis value can tell whether variable is?:
σ� Difference from another variable
σ� Statistically significant value
σ� Parametric or non-parametric
σ� Standard deviation
128. Normally, we can set significant level of?:
σ� 0.05
σ� 0.03
σ� 0.005
σ� 0.5
129. We can further analyze to find correlation after we test?:
σ� Whether 2 variables are not independent
σ� Whether 2 variables are not normal
σ� Whether 2 variables are the same
σ� Whether 2 variables are difference
130. Which is University of Health Science prefer reference style?:
σ� Vancouver
σ� APA
σ� Chicago
σ� MLa
131. What can we do with Research?:
σ� Categorise, Evaluate, Predict, Control, correlate
σ� Describe, Evaluate, Predict, Control, compare
σ� Explain, Evaluate, Predict, Control
σ� All of above
132. Which component of the indicators which can be measured?:
σ� Variables
σ� Values
σ� Concept
σ� Theory
133. Actual units of measurement of the variables are?:
σ� Variables
σ� Values
σ� Concept
σ� Theory
134. What is a pilot study?:
σ� It is common practice to pre-test on a small number of people before the main study.
σ� It is commonly used in disciplines that are concerned with people, particularly as part of society.
σ� It is more suitable for questions that require probing to obtain adequate information.
σ� It is contains structured and unstructured sections with standardized
135. What is the most important method to collect qualitative data?:
σ� Send questionnaire by email
σ� Conducting interview
σ� Observing without involve
σ� Doing experiment
136. Good research proposals will always:
σ� Focus on addressing the research objectives
σ� Have good format
σ� Use Vancouver reference style
σ� Consider all possible research that had previously been done on the topic.
137. Which ONE of these phrases is best used in a research writing?:
σ� This research aim to know………..
σ� I am sure that…………
σ� The study might be good ………….
σ� The intention is to understand……….
138. Which ONE of these is best avoided in a proposal?:
σ� Short, clear sentences.
σ� Accurate spelling and grammar.
σ� Careful use of correct gender terms.
σ� Jargon
139. What helps to agree timing, agree resource allocation and also draws boundaries?
σ� The final report.
σ� The proposal.
σ� The observation form.
σ� The questionnaire.
140. How are research questions most often described?
σ� How data is collecting
σ� Posed after important factors are identified
σ� May arise from our everyday life experiences
σ� How research select sample
141. In general, when selecting factors for a study, you want to be sure of which of these?
σ� They have been investigated before
σ� They are available to investigate
σ� They are not of interest to you
σ� They do not lead to another question
142. Which of the following is a good way to find a research topic?
σ� Personal experience
σ� Getting an idea from your advisor
σ� Looking for the gap of other articles
σ� All of the above
143. How would you define the research process?
σ� The researcher's plan of action to be followed when carrying out research.
σ� A method of collecting research data.
σ� The stages or steps the researcher follows in carrying out a research project.
σ� The account of a study the researcher will write at the end of the study ready for publication.
144. Why does a researcher write a research proposal at the start of a study?
σ� So they will not forget what they are doing during the study.
σ� So they can advertise for people to take part in the study.
σ� To make sure they have not left any part of the study out when they are planning it.
σ� To apply for ethical approval and to gain permission to access participants or sources of data.
145. Research is:
σ� Searching again and again
σ� Finding solution to any problem
σ� Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
σ� All are corrects
146. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?:
σ� Searching sources of information to locate problem.
σ� Survey of related literature
σ� Identification of problem
σ� Searching for solutions to the problem
147. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on:
σ� Primary Data only
σ� Secondary Data only
σ� Primary and Secondary Data
σ� All are corrects
148. Questionnaire is a :
σ� Research method
σ� Measurement technique
σ� Tool for data collection
σ� Data analysis technique
149. Why is it important to read original articles when you are reviewing the literature?
σ� To look for flaws in the method.
σ� To examine the validity of the conclusions.
σ� To obtain an overview of methods and procedures.
σ� All of these
150. Which section of a journal article is provided in most online electronic databases?
σ� Abstract
σ� Results.
σ� Introduction.
σ� Conclusion.
151. What is the purpose of doing qualitative research?
σ� To identify problem
σ� To find the solution
σ� To identify problem or to find the possible solution
σ� None of these
152. The introductory section of a research report should aim to:
σ� Identify the specific focus of the study.
σ� Provide a rationale for the dissertation, or article.
σ� Grab the reader's attention.
σ� All of the above.
153. What is the purpose of the conclusion in a research report?
σ� It just a summary what the article already said.
σ� It summarizes the key findings in relation to the research questions.
σ� It contains a useful review of the relevant literature.
σ� It outlines the methodological procedures that were employed.
154. We review the relevant literature to know:
σ� What is already known about the topic
σ� What concepts and theories have been applied to the topic
σ� Who are the key contributors to the topic
σ� All of the above
155. What is research problem?
σ� Is an educational issue or concern that an investigator presents
σ� Justifies in a research study
σ� Opinions and attitudes
σ� Is an educational issue or concern that an investigator presents in order to draw research questions
156. Research gives us information about:
σ� Opinions and attitudes
σ� Habits and culture
σ� Scientific facts
σ� Medical information
σ� All are corrects
157. What types of materials are needed for literature review?
σ� Books, Magazine articles
σ� Newspaper articles, Scholarly journal articles and web site
σ� Other materials, such as statistics, government publications
σ� All are corrects
158. A research question is
σ� An answerable inquiry into a specific concern or issue.
σ� It is the initial step in a research project and the first active step in the research project
σ� The 'initial step' means after you have an idea of what you want to study,
σ� All are corrects
159. A literature review is:
σ� An evaluative report of information found in the literature related to your selected area of study.
σ� It describe, summarise, evaluate and clarify.
σ� It should give a theoretical base for the research
σ� All are corrects
160. Which of these will NOT help you to decide whether a publication is reputable?
σ� Citation rate.
σ� Audience.
σ� Importance to peers.
σ� Advertising inside.
161. Before searching you should define the timeframe of your search. Why?
σ� So you find the most articles.
σ� So you don't find the library busy.
σ� So you do not incur unnecessary costs.
σ� So you work when you are most efficient.
162. Why is it important for a researcher to review the literature?
σ� Because it is traditional.
σ� Because it shows time has been spent on the subject.
σ� Because it will find if anyone has done the work before.
σ� Because it identifies like-minded researchers.
163. A successful literature review:
σ� Synthesizes material from several sources on the same question/research topic.
σ� Assesses the state of existing knowledge on a topic by comparing studies in terms of assumptions
σ� about the research question, experimental method, data analysis, any conclusions drawn, and to raise questions for further research.
σ� Synthesizes material from several sources on the same question/research topic and assesses the state of existing knowledge on a topic by comparing studies in terms of assumptions about the research question, experimental method, data analysis, any conclusions drawn, and to raise questions for further research.
164. The conclusion should:
σ� Evaluate and summarize what researchers have shown
σ� Show strengths and weaknesses
σ� Provide questions for further study
σ� All of the above.
165. Which is the right order of four basic sections of a research report?
σ� Literature review, results, method, discussion.
σ� Literature review, method, results, discussion.
σ� Discussion, literature review, method, results.
σ� Literature review, discussion, method, results.
σ� Method, results, literature review, discussion.
166. The discussion section is characterized by:
σ� The researcher's reporting of the statistical results.
σ� A brief conclusion and description of statistical tests.
σ� Repeating all of the literature listed in the literature review.
σ� The researcher's interpretation of the results.
σ� The inclusion of tables and graphs.
167. To put ideas together to form a new whole is
σ� Evaluation
σ� Synthesis
σ� Analysis
σ� Application
168. Your conceptual framework is normally developed?
σ� Before your literature review
σ� During your literature review
σ� During data collection
σ� During data analysis
169. What should not be included in a research proposal?
σ� A summary of existing work in the area
σ� The proposed methods to collect data
σ� The results that will be obtained
σ� An acknowledgement of any ethical issues
170. Identifying someone nationality is an example of:
σ� Nominal measurement
σ� Ordinal measurement
σ� Interval measurement
σ� Ratio measurement
171. When may a participant withdraw his/her name from a study?:
σ� When the study is complete
σ� With the permission of the researcher
σ� At any time they feel they wish to withdraw
σ� As soon as they have provided enough data for conclusions to have been made
172. A research that allows the respondent to tell about their perception and knowledge of something would be
σ� Quantitative research
σ� An online interview
σ� A face-to-face interview
σ� Qualitative research
173. An advantage of an interview over a questionnaire may be
σ� It provides more structured data
σ� The time taken is generally shorter for interviews
σ� It is easier to analyze
σ� It allows trust and rapport to be developed
174. What will normally be the last of the following sections to be written?
σ� Abstract
σ� Literature review
σ� Results
σ� Conclusion
175. What can a researcher use the literature to achieve?
σ� They can demonstrate their competence by referring to prominent writings in the field.
σ� They develop their version of the literature in such a way as to show and to lead up to the contribution they will be making in their own project or article.
σ� They can identify a gap or problem in the literature that corresponds to the research questions.
σ� All of the above are corrects.
176. The role of a project supervisor is to:
σ� Make sure you keep to your schedule and deadlines
σ� Provide intellectual support, guidance and critical feedback
σ� Negotiate access to the research setting on the student's behalf
σ� Give you a reading list
177. You can manage your time and resources best, by:
σ� Working out a timetable
σ� Finding out what resources are readily available to you
σ� Calculating a budget for likely expenditure
σ� All of the above are corrects
178. How can you tell if your research questions are really good?
σ� If they guide your literature search
σ� If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument
σ� If they force you to narrow the scope of your research
σ� All of the above
179. Closed ended questions are those that:
σ� Have a fixed range of possible answers
σ� Prevent respondents from allocating themselves to a category
σ� Encourage detailed, elaborate responses
σ� Relate to the basic demographic characteristics of respondents
180. An open question is one that:
σ� Allows respondents to answer in their own terms
σ� Does not suggest or provide a limited range of responses
σ� Can help to generate answers for closed questions
σ� All of the above
181. Constraints or problems in a study are known as:
σ� Assumptions
σ� Generalisations
σ� Concepts
σ� Limitations, or practical consideration
182. The section/sentence that includes the aim or purpose of the study is found in the:
σ� Literature review
σ� Methodology
σ� Introduction
σ� Discussion
183. A qualitative research question:
σ� Asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be explored
σ� Is generally an open-ended question
σ� Asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be explored and is generally an open-ended question
σ� None of the above
184. In which section of the research plan are research participants described in detail?
σ� Introduction
σ� Methodology
σ� Result
σ� Discussion
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