Compre Part 1

For any proposed bridge site, the topographic and river surveys should be extended from the centerline of the bridge at least
A. 100 to 200 upstream only
B. 100 to 200 downstream only
C. 100 to 200 upstream and downstream
D. 300 m upstream and downstream
What is the simplest type of superstructure of a concrete bridge with a limited span of 8 meters?
A. Reinforced concrete slab
B. Concrete plank deck
C. Girder and slab superstructure
D. Beam or Plank Bridge
Which of these is not classified as a type of caisson foundation?
A. Pneumatic foundation
B. Box caisson
C. Open caisson
D. Hydraulic caisson
Which of the following documents is not necessary at the project site?
A. Bill of quantities
B. Plans
C. General specification
D. Feasibility study
An asphalt cement can be a good bituminous binder material for item
A. 306
B. 308
C. 310
D. 311
The following reasons may cause the granting of contract time extension with the exception of one:
A. Exceptionally adverse climate conditions
B. Excusable failure of contractor to provide equipment and man power
C. Causes beyond the control of contractor
D. Causes of which government is not directly responsible
What is the allowable variance from the original unit price, so that a contract will be entitled to contract price escalation?
A. Less than 2 %
B. Less than 5 %
C. More than 5 %
D. Less than 3 %
The government may rescind the contract work if there is:
Delay in the payment of contractors claim for billing
Existing right-of-way problem
Undue delay attributable solely to the contractor
Adverse peace and order conditions
From the time of project was hid to the issuance of notice to proceed, how many calendar days is required for a project to be entitled to contract priced adjustment?
A. 60
B. 90
C. 120
D. 150
Under which of the following conditions must a change order not to be issued?
A. Where there is a decrease in work due to deletion of work items
B. Where there is reclassification of item of works
C. Where the aggregate cost has increased and is limited to 25% of the original cost
D. Where there is increase in cost in construction materials
Which of the ff. Is not considered a Variation Order?
A. Change order
B. Extra work order
C. Resume order
D. Supplemental agreement
A project with delays due to reasons beyond the control of the contractor may be granted a time extension if the affected works, as shown in the PERT/CPM diagram, are:
A. Dummy activities
B. Critical activities
C. Non critical activities
D. Hammock activities
If after fifty (50%) completion, the work is satisfactorily undertaken and on schedule no additional retention should be made otherwise the progress payment should be imposed a retention rate of:
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 15%
D. 20%
What is the permitted variation from the design thickness of a layer of aggregate base course?
A. ± 20 mm
B. ± 15 mm
C. ± 25 mm
D. ± 10 mm
What is the permitted variation from the design thickness of a layer of aggregate subbase course?
A. ± 20 mm
B. ± 10 mm
C. ± 30 mm
D. ± 15 mm
What is the required area of the trial section needed to check the suitability of the materials and efficiency of the equipment and construction method the contractor will use?
A. About 500 sq.m.
B. About 400 sq.m.
C. About 100 sq.m.
D. About 600 sq.m.
What is the accepted proportion mixture of cement to be added to the soil aggregate (dry soil) in a Portland cement stabilized road mix base course (item 204)?
A. 4 to 20 mass percent
B. 6 to 10 mass percent
C. 5 to 12 mass percent
D. 3 to 12 mass percent
What is the accepted proportion mixture of lime to be added to the soil aggregate (dry soil), in a Lime stabilized road mix base course (item 203)?
A. 2 to 10 mass percent
B. 4 to 15 mass percent
C. 3 to 18 mass percent
D. 3 to 12 mass percent
Sub- grade soil is well compacted under the controlled condition of:
A. Over saturation with water
B. Optimum moisture content and maximum dry density
C. Dry soil
D. Cold weather
The rate of application of seal coat using cutback asphalt is _____.
A. 1.5-3.0 li./sq.m.
B. 2.0-3.0 li./sq.m.
C. 1-2 li/sq.m.
D. 1.5 - 2 li/sq.m
Defective works in a project should be brought to the attention of the contractor by the Project Inspector thru:
A. Logbook entry
B. Progress billing deduction
C. Inspection report
D. Site instruction
How much percentage is withheld on the general items until the final acceptance of the project?
A. 15%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 50%
Which of the following is not a construction safety procedure?
A. The side of deep excavations must be properly shored
B. All openings above ground level must be guarded
C. Operators and mechanics must be required to log in when operating equipment
D. Workers engaged in clearing must be protected from hazardous plans
Which of the following is not a cause of delay in project implementation?
A. Revision in plans
B. Inadequacy of contractor’s resources
C. Non-availability of construction materials
D. Rainy month pre-determined in the area
The bar chart is also called a:
A. Precedence diagram
B. Gantt chart
C. CPM diagram
D. PERT chart
Who assists the Project engineer in the overall direction and supervision of field operations?
A. Contractor’s engineer
B. Resident engineer
C. Materials engineer
D. Project inspector
If after fifty (50%) completion, the work is satisfactorily undertaken and on schedule no additional retention should be made otherwise the progress payment should be imposed a retention rate of:
A. 5 %
B. 10%
C. 15%
D. 20%
A project with delays due to reasons beyond the control of the contractor may be granted a time extension if the affected works, as shown in the PERT/CPM diagram, are:
A. Dummy activities
B. Critical activities
C. Non-critical activities
D. Hammock activities
Which of the following is not considered a Variation Order?
A. Change order
B. Extra work order
C. Resume order
D. Supplemental agreement
A variation order may be in the form of extra work order or change order. What is the maximum allowable percentage of the change order?
A. 10%
B. 15%
C. 5%
D. 20%
Whose engineering judgement will prevail in the overall field implementation of a project?
A. Project inspector
B. Resident engineer
C. Project engineer
D. Materials engineer
What is the single vertical datum to which elevation for all infrastructure projects should be referred to?
A. Mean sea level
B. 10.47 m below mean sea level
C. 10.00 below mean lower low water
D. Mean lower low water
Who supervises the work and test employed in project implementation?
A. Project inspector
B. Contractor’s engineer
C. Materials engineer
D. Project engineer
What is the required minimum field density for embankment materials?
A. 85%
B. 90%
C. 95%
D. 100%
In the DPWH Standard specifications, what is the item no. embankment?
A. 100
B. 102
C. 104
D. 106
What is item 506 in the DPWH structural specifications?
A. Structural concrete
B. Prestressed concrete
C. Stone masonry
D. Riprap and grouted riprap
In laying stone components of item 505 (Riprap and Grouted Riprap) each stone should be:
A. Laid with its longest axis perpendicular to the slope
B. Pitched to line along the beds and joints
C. Laid with its face parallel to the faces of the walls
D. Reasonably uniform with no projection more than 150 mm
What is the minimum cement content (40 kg/bag) per cubic meter of class B concrete?
A. 8 bags
B. 9 bags
C. 9.5 bags
D. 11 bags
The minimum testing requirement of concrete for item 405 is the compressive strength test on concrete cylinder samples consisting of a set of 3 concrete cylinder samples to represent not more than:
A. 50 m^3 of concrete
B. 75 m^3 of concrete
C. 100 m^3 of concrete
D. 125 m^3 of concrete
Clay can be distinguished from silt by performing:
A. Sieve analysis test
B. Hydrometer test
C. Plastic limit test
D. Liquid limit test
The Atterberg limit tests are performed on the soil fraction passing sieve no.:
A. 4
B. 16
C. 40
D. 200
How often can progress payment be requested by a contractor?
A. Once a month
B. Twice a month
C. As soon as an item of work is completed
D. As often as he desires
The process of maintaining sufficient moisture and favourable temperature in concrete is called:
A. Consolidation
B. Shrinkage
C. Curing
D. Evaporation
Before an asphalt pavement or asphalt surface treatment is placed on a granular base, what liquid asphalt is applied?
A. Seal coat
B. Tack coat
C. Prime coat
D. Epoxy coat
What formula is used in computing price escalation?
A. No loss-no gain formula
B. Economic formula
C. Parametric formula
D. Parabolic formula
In an inspection report, aside from the findings, which is the most important item to be included?
A. Duration of inspection
B. Members of the inspectorate team
C. Copy of the memorandum to inspectorate team
D. Recommendation of the possible actions to be undertaken
After the final inspection of a reported 100 % accomplished project, before a certificate of final inspection is issued, which of the following should be conducted in the field:
A. Emergency conference
B. Exit conference
C. Pre- construction conference
D. Turn- over ceremony
If a project is started more than 8 months after the bidding, the contractor is entitled to claim for:
A. Bonus
B. Additional advance payment
C. Price adjustment
D. Extra work order
For reference in the preparation of catch-up plans the following are the prevailing weather conditions in the Philippines with the exception of:
A. Two pronounced seasons, dry from November to April, wet during the rest of the year
B. No dry seasons, with a very pronounced maximum rainfall from Nov. to Jan.
C. Dry and rainy is equally distributed throughout the year
D. Rainfall more or less distributed throughout the year
The catch up schedule reflects:
A. Financial expenditures
B. Accomplishment-duration relationship
C. The advance accomplishment
D. Preliminary engineering activities
If a contractor continues to disregard agreed project plans and specifications, what recommendation should you prepare?
A. Contract suspension
B. Termination of contract
C. Rescission of contract
D. Blacklisting of contractor
Excavation of indurated rocks can be undertaken by:
A. Pick and shovel
B. Ripper
C. Road grader
D. Bulldozer
You are assigned as a new Project Engineer on an almost completed spillway project and you found out per field survey that the spillway elevation is lower by one meter. What should you do?
A. Accept the project as is
B. Require the contractor to redo the spillway
C. Install corresponding ogee
D. Reprimand the former Project engineer
Which of the following structures is constructed parallel to the flow of the river and serve as protection of riverbank?
A. Spur dike
B. Revetment
C. Mini dam
D. Groin
Dams are hydraulic structures constructed to:
A. Increase conveyance capacity of the river
B. Arrest scouring on meandering river sections
C. Protect river banks from heavy run0off
D. Retard flood run off and minimize effect of flash floods
Which of the following complements as regulating flood control structure:
A. Main canal
B. Weir or control gate
C. Drainage lateral
D. Groin and spur dike
In embankment works, which of the following is undertaken first?
A. Clearing and grubbing
B. Excavation of core trench
C. As-take survey works
D. Construction of the impervious fill
Before actual construction of a dam is started, which of the following should be secured first?
A. Maintenance of access road
B. Delivery of construction materials
C. Stripping of ground surface
D. Installation of safety requirements
If the void ratio of a soil is 1, the porosity (n) is equal to:
A. 10 %
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 50%
Who prepares daily reports on work accomplishment for review of the Project Engineer?
A. Resident engineer
B. Material engineer
C. Project engineer
D. Contractor engineer
Unless otherwise specified, all materials below subgrade level in earth should be cut to a depth of:
A.100 mm
B. 150 mm
C. 200 mm
D. 250 mm
Unless otherwise indicated in the plans, mortar for masonry walls should be composed of one part Portland Cement and:
A. 1 part fine aggregates by volume
B. I inch part fine aggregates by volume
C. 2 parts fine aggregates by volume
D. 2 inches parts fine aggregates by volume
The depth of weakened plane joints on a 23.0 cm thick pavement should not be less than:
A. 45 mm
B. 50 mm
C. 60 mm
D. 75 mm
The item no. for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) in the DPWH Standard Specification is:
A. 200
B. 201
C. 310
D. 311
Under item 310, the asphalt content of bituminous mix on the basis of total dry aggregate should between:
A. 4% to 8%
B. 5% to 8%
C. 3% to 5 %
D. 5% to 7%
For purposes of pavement design, the varying axle loads are converted to a common denominator which is in terms of:
A. 5,000 lb (22KN) wheel load
B. 10.000 lb (44KN) single axle load
C. 32,000 lb (142KN) tandem axle load
D. 18,000 lb (80KN) single axle load
Which of the following modifies specific work items relative to increases/decreases in the quantities provided for in the original contract?
A. Extra Work order
B. Change order
C. Resume order
D. Suspension order
An equation where BK (Back) is greater than AH (Ahead) means:
A. A deductive distance
B. An addictive distance
C. No increase in distance
D. The road length
In identifying project location intended for asphalt pavement, which of the following criteria is not appropriate to recommend?
A. Drainage facilities is well-maintained
B. Location is not in a typhoon belt area
C. Existing base course is stable
D. Flood-prone road section
If the type of soil in item 200 material is non-plastic, what Atterberg Limit Test can be performed?
A. Plastic limit
B. Liquid limit
C. Shrinkage limit
D. Both a and b
Measurement of concrete materials for concrete structures shall be by:
A. Volume
B. weight
C. Quantity
D. Density
If the good and hard soil is available within 2 to 3 m below the bed level of a river, the design will generally require:
A. Spread foundations
B. Raft foundations
C. Pile foundations
D. Caisson foundations
If the required thickness of item 200 is 300 mm, the material may be spread and compacted in ________ layer (s).
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Uniform
What do you call a record or book compiled to contain the data information and history in the implementation of a project from start to completion?
A. Blue book
B. History book
C. Log book
D. Statement of Work Accomplished SWA
In riprapping, masonry works and concrete slope protection on side slope, revetment, etc., which of the following are provided to serve as water outlet and lateral pressure reliever on the structure?
A. Cut-off wall
B. Berm
C. Weep hole
D. Gravel filter
What do you call the strengthening of an old existing asphalt or concrete pavement by providing additional adequate thickness over it?
A. Re-blocking
B. Sealing
C. Grouting
D. Overlaying
Concrete mix not in place within______ minutes from the time ingredients were charged into the mixing drum or has developed initial set, should not be used.
A. 90
B. 45
C. 30
D. 15
The time elapsed from the time water is added to the concrete mix and transported by a truck mixer up to the time said mix is deposited in place at the site should not exceed:
A. 15 mins.
B. 45 mins.
C. 30 mins.
D. 20 mins.
Before placing concrete, the base of a roadway for concreting should be kept in moist condition and saturated with water for at least:
A. 6 hrs.
B. 1.5 hrs.
C. 2 hrs.
D. 3 hrs.
To protect Portland cement concrete pavement against rain before it has sufficiently hardened, should be required to have at all times any of the following materials with the exception of:
A. Metal form or wood planks
B. Burlaps or cotton mats
C. Plastic sheeting material
D. Plastic water stops
In the compaction of sub-base, the compacted dry density of each layer should not be less than what value of the maximum dry density, determined according to the AASHTO method?
A. 95%
B. 96%
C. 98%
D. 100%
The rate of application of emulsified asphalt used as tack coat, should be within the range of:
A. 0.2-0.5 l/m^2
B. 0.2-0.7 l/m^2
C. 0.15-0.7 l/m^2
D. 0.15-0.5 l/m^2
Camber on gravel roads is provided to:
A. Establish a smooth riding surface
B. Prevent water from stagnating on the carriageway
C. Provide boundary line for the two lanes
D. Plant grass of sodding
Sub-grade soil is well compacted under the controlled condition of:
A. Over saturation with water
B. Optimum moisture content and maximum dry density
C. Dry soil
D. Old weather
Before an asphalt pavement or asphalt surface treatment is placed on a granular base, what liquid asphalt is applied?
A. Seal coat
B. Tack coat
C. Prime coat
D. Epoxy coat
Bearings for bridges are designed to provide free movement of girders. Which of the following is not used to allow such movement?
A. Expansion joints
B. Rockers
C. Sliding plates
D. Rollers
A contractor encountered an equation on the plans. Quite confused, he clarified the term “BK” and “AH” from the Engineer. If you were the Engineer, you would say that:
A. BK means new survey stationing
B. AH means old survey stationing corrected
C. BK means old survey stationing corrected: AH, new survey stationing
D. Both a and b
In practice, K – Factor is used to convert average annual daily traffic to the 30th highest annual hourly volume (DHV) and is defined as:
D. L/A
The maximum length of ascending gradient which a loaded truck can operate without undue reduction in speed is called:
A. Critical length of grade for design
B. Exceptional gradient
C. Limiting gradient
D. Ruling gradient
To find the time flow, it is required to determine the length of channel. This can be done by transforming the drainage area into a rectangle whose two sides are in the proportion of 1:1, 5. The length of the stream is assumed one diagonal of this rectangle plus one-half of the shorter side of the rectangle, which is the:
Square root of the square of width plus half of
Square root of the sum of the squares of longer side and W plus half of W
Square root of the square of the squares of L plus half of W
3.0 W
Profile along the centreline of the river channel should be extended from the centreline of the bridge by at least
A. 100 to 200 upstream only
B. 100 to 200 downstream
C. 100 to 200 upstream and downstream
D. 300 m upstream and downstream
The depth of weekend plane joints should not be less than:
A. 45 mm
B. 50 mm
C. 60 mm
D. 75 mm
Unless otherwise indicated in the plans, mortar for masonry walls should be composed of one part Portland Cement and:
A. 1 part fine aggregates by volume
B. 1 inch part fine aggregates by volume
C. 2 parts fine aggregates by volume
D. 2 inch parts fine aggregates by volume
Unless otherwise specified, all materials below subgrade level in earth should be cut to a depth:
A. 100 mm
B. 150 mm
C. 200 mm
D. 250 mm
Who prepares daily reports on work accomplishments for review of the project engineer?
A. Resident engineer
B. Materials engineer
C. Project engineer
D. Contractors engineer
Who assists the Project engineer in the overall direction and supervision of field operation?
A. Contractors engineer
B. Resident engineer
C. Materials engineer
D. Project inspector
Which of the following is not a field test in road construction?
A. Density test
B. Core boring test
C. California bearing ratio (CBR) test
D. Dynamic cone penetrometer test
Per program of work, the estimated volume of item 201 materials is 7,500 cubic meter. How many grading and plasticity test are required based on the DPWH minimum testing requirement?
A. 3
B. 25
C. 7
D. 9
Item 201 materials with CBR value of 75% (which is 5% less than the minimum requirements) can still be used in the design of a concrete pavement provided that the following are considered except one:
A. Adequate compaction is applied during construction
B. Increase the thickness requirement of base course
C. The design is only intended for a barangay road project
D. The foundation contains unsuitable materials
Your total approved accomplishment on a project including those to be covered by an extra work is equivalent to 75% BUT ONLY 65% is covered under the approved original contract. Up to what level of progress billing would you allow?
A. Up to the total 75% accomplishment
B. Below 75% but more than 65% accomplishment
C. Up to the documented value not more than 50 %
D. Up to the documented value not more than 65%
{"name":"Compre Part 1", "url":"","txt":"For any proposed bridge site, the topographic and river surveys should be extended from the centerline of the bridge at least, What is the simplest type of superstructure of a concrete bridge with a limited span of 8 meters?, Which of these is not classified as a type of caisson foundation?","img":""}
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