CCH - Emphasis Quiz

What majors are you most interested in?
New Media
Editing & Visual Effects
Which of the following best describes you?
Are you more creative or analytical?
You and a few friends decide to go on a camping trip. You..
Planned the trip, like always
Are making the playlist, a successful trip needs a great soundtrack
Got stuck with navigation duty
Are just along for the ride
You arrive at your destination, but need to walk a mile through the woods to get to your campsite. While walking, you come across a cave. You…
Check it out! What’s camping without a little excitement?
Convince someone else to take a look. You’re curious, but if someone is going to be eaten by a’d prefer it not be you.
Wonder what’s in the cave, but keep walking. It is getting dark and you need to set up camp.
Are trying to find a signal for your cell phone. This walk would be more entertaining if you could get on Twitter or play some music.
After passing the cave, you come across a stream. It looks too wide to jump, and there’s no bridge in site. You...
Try to jump it anyway, you have a killer horizontal leap.
Consult the map you brought with you, always best to be prepared.
Start looking around for rocks and logs, this bridge isn’t going to build itself.
Organize the group, you need to come up with a plan for getting across.
You find a way across the stream, but lose your shoe in the muddy bank. You…
Leave it. The show must go on.
Dig through the mud and pull it out.
Remember that your friend brought an extra pair of shoes, and ask if you can borrow them. You’ll get your shoe out later.
Wonder how you got in these woods. You hate nature, you hate mud, you hate these people for convincing you this was a good idea.
You come to a fork in the trail. You…
Go left. You just have a gut feeling about it.
Go right. The path is more worn that way, so it is probably the way to go.
Consult the map you brought with you, that’s what maps are for.
Wait for someone else to choose a path. You aren’t getting blamed for picking the wrong way.
Most likely due to going the wrong way at the fork in the road, you end up lost in the woods. You…
Take charge of the situation and start issuing out tasks.
Start singing a funny song to lighten the mood.
Pull out your phone and see if you have a signal. This is how most horror movies start..
Wonder why no one is considering walking back the way we came.
While arguing about what to do, someone spots a sign and you realize you are only about 100 yards from your campsite! You...
Scream for joy and start running towards it.
Start assessing the best way to set up camp.
Start creating a whole virtual reality game about this trip in your head.
Watch your friends run ahead. You imagine them through the lens of a camera, running to an epic theme song.
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