Emotional Schema

What sentence best describes you?
I feel that people are basically unreliable
I feel safer keeping people at a distance
I find the way people view me as discouraging
At times when I was unhappy, loneliness had a huge part to do with it
If someone gives me credit for something, I tend to say it could have been better
What sentence best describes you?
I have trouble putting aside worries over situations I cannot change
When I was young I was often told that I did everything wrong
It sometimes seems to me that the rules that should apply to other people shouldn’t apply to me.
I often feel controlled or rebellious
I find rejection extremely painful
What sentence best describes you?
I feel more superior or better than others
In a relationship, I feel like its only a matter of time before the person leaves
I'm constantly working to win other people's love
I prefer to be told what to do rather than decide for myself
I am doubtful that other people have good intentons
What sentence best describes you?
I regularly find myself worrying about terrible things that will happen to me
I regard people's success in life as a fluke
I feel other don't understand me and don't want to either
I get frustrated with others when they don't want to improve or better themselves
I feel guilty when I spend time taking care of myself
Which sentence best describes you?
I'm not happy unless people are happy with me
My needs are less important than those around me
I would have trouble feeling loved if people close to me didn't approve my actions
I complain how nothing is good enough for me
No matter how hard I try. I will never be successful
Which sentence best describes you?
If something goes wrong, I think it will turn into a disaster
No matter how much work I get done, it never seems to be enough
I don't get enough emotional support in life
I find it difficult for people to provide what I need
I feel like I need to protect myself because people will harm me
{"name":"Emotional Schema", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What sentence best describes you?, What sentence best describes you?, What sentence best describes you?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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