American Idioms Review

What are your names?
Select the correct idiom for the blank:
I hope the party the neighbors are having doesn't ________________.  I had to call the police last time.
Select the correct idiom for the blank:
I think you've __________________ with this idea.  The boss is going to love it!
Select the correct idiom for the blank:
I just got my Covid shot, and I'm feeling a bit _______________.
Select the correct idiom for the blank:
What?  Costco changed to a smaller hot dog bun, and they also got rid of the onions?  _____________________.  I'm going to go yell at them!
Select the correct idiom for the blank:
A: I'm worried... How are we going to get 10,000 people to sign up for subscriptions to our website?
B: ____________________.  For now, just focus on designing the website.
Select the correct idiom for the blank:
A: What?  How did Spartacus end up wearing my glasses and scarf?
B: ____________________. 
Select the correct idiom for the blank:
I think you're __________________ by trying to mail this information to everyone in the neighborhood.  It would be far easier to post it online.
Select the correct idiom for the blank:
A: How do you think I did on the speech?
B: ____________________.
Select the correct idiom for the blank:
I think my mechanic ____________________ when working on my car.  It has more problems now than when I took it in to be repaired.
{"name":"American Idioms Review", "url":"","txt":"What are your names?, Select the correct idiom for the blank:   I hope the party the neighbors are having doesn't ________________.  I had to call the police last time., Select the correct idiom for the blank:   I think you've __________________ with this idea.  The boss is going to love it!","img":""}
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