
In 1815, Italy
Had deep economic and cultural divisions
Had shed its attachment to the local region in favor of a desire for national unity
Embraced the revolutionary spirit generated by the French Revolution
Was characterized by its rejection of the values of the Old Regime
Giuseppe Garibaldi supported all of the following EXCEPT
Female emancipation
The abolition of capital punishment
Racial equality
the need for a separate southern Italian state
Otto von Bismarck came to power as a result of a
Coup d'état
National election in which he represented the conservative party
Conflict between the crown and the lower chamber of the Prussian parliament
Conflict between the monarchy and the military establishment
Prussia's victory over Austria
Was the final stage in German unification
Separated German conservatism from German nationalism
Separated German nationalism from German liberalism
Was an opportunity for liberalism to reassert itself
At the conclusion of the revolutions of 1848–1849, the Habsburg monarchy
Resolved to loosen its autocracy in hopes of maintaining peace
Used an expanded secret police to stifle liberal and nationalist expressions
Accepted the Magyar bid for independence
Decentralized its bureaucracy and strengthened the power of local officials
Volkish thinkers believed that the pure German spirit had been corrupted by
The Enlightenment
Medieval traditions
Rural living
Zionism was founded by
Houston Stewart Chamberlain
Theodor Herzl
Richard Wagner
Edouard Drumont
In the nineteenth century, most European Jews were
Professionals, merchants, and bankers
Middle class
The ________ led revolutionary insurrections in Italy in the 1820s and 1830s
The Pan-German League
Fourth Lateran Council
Young Italy was founded by
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Giuseppe Mazzini
Victor Emmanuel
Count Camillo Benso di Cavour
In the early nineteenth century, Prussian bureaucrats introduced reforms in order to
Promote liberty
Start Germany on the path to unification
Augment the power of the Prussian middle class
Strengthen the state
Those most committed to the unification of Italy included the
Italian middle classes, which saw unity as good for trade and commerce
Bourbon ruler of the Two Sicilies, who hoped to subjugate the Papal States
Austrian Empire, which saw a united Italy as a potential ally against Prussia and France
Pope, who wished to remove French influence from the Papal States of central Italy
The policies of Cavour succeeded in unifying Italy partly because he
Established the leadership of his own state in the north and benefited from Garibaldi's conquests in the south
Rejected foreign assistance in achieving unification, in order to appeal to Italian pride
Kept Italians from becoming involved in foreign affairs until they had resolved their domestic problems
Aroused the masses in a revolutionary movement to overthrow existing governments everywhere in Italy
The Junkers were
The Prussian equivalent of the Carbonari
Prussian aristocrats who supported the Prussian throne
Prussian serfs who demanded emancipation
Prussian liberals who wanted to scrap monarchical government
The Zollverein provided the ________ foundation for German unification
The Prussian liberals abandoned the cause of liberal revolution in 1866 as the result of all of the following EXCEPT
The promise of responsible parliamentary government
The prospect of increased power
An adoration for Prussian militarism
A fascination with territorial expansion
The Franco-Prussian War resulted from
A readiness in France and in Prussia to fight over the future of the South German states
Prussian insistence on placing a member of its ruling family on the throne of Spain
Napoleon III's resumption of Napoleon I's attempt to conquer all of Europe
Austria's tampering with the Ems telegram, hoping to play off its two major enemies against one another
As a result of the creation of the Dual Monarchy in the Hapsburg Empire in 1867
Austria remained a monarchy while Hungary became a constitutional republic
All ethnic and nationality groups in the Austrian Empire were more free and independent than before
Most ethnic minorities felt that the domination of the Germans and Magyars blocked their own national aspirations
Hungary was granted complete independence in the conduct of its foreign policy
By the beginning of the twentieth century, the staunchest advocates of nationalism were
Volkish thinkers thought of race as
A combination of physical features and moral and intellectual qualities
Only moral attributes
Only physical attributes
Only intellectual tendencies
{"name":"CH24", "url":"","txt":"In 1815, Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi supported all of the following EXCEPT, Otto von Bismarck came to power as a result of a","img":""}
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