Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 28 Jan 21
[2101.11005] Quang H. Tran, Brendan P. Bowler, William D. Cochran et al.: The Epoch of Giant Planet Migration Planet Search Program. I. Near-Infrared Radial Velocity Jitter of Young Sun-like Stars
[2101.11006] Dominik A. Riechers, Asantha Cooray, Ismael Perez-Fournon et al.: The GADOT Galaxy Survey: Dense Gas and Feedback in Herschel-Selected Starburst Galaxies at Redshifts 2 to 6
[2101.11009] Yao-Lun Yang, Nami Sakai, Yichen Zhang et al.: The Perseus ALMA Chemistry Survey (PEACHES). I. The Complex Organic Molecules in Perseus Embedded Protostars
[2101.11011] Srikanth T. Nagesh, Indranil Banik, Ingo Thies et al.: The Phantom of RAMSES user guide for galaxy simulations using Milgromian and Newtonian gravity
[2101.11012] Mariangelly Díaz-Rodríguez, Jeremiah W. Murphy, Benjamin F. Williams et al.: Progenitor Mass Distribution for 22 Historic Core-Collapse Supernovae
[2101.11013] Baptiste Faure, Frédéric Bournaud, Jérémy Fensch et al.: Hierarchical fragmentation in high redshift galaxies revealed by hydrodynamical simulations
[2101.11014] Nickolas Kokron, Joseph DeRose, Shi-Fan Chen et al.: The cosmology dependence of galaxy clustering and lensing from a hybrid $N$-body-perturbation theory model
[2101.11016] Kaustav K. Das, Kishan Sankharva, Pankaj Jain: Explaining Excess Dipole in NVSS Data Using Superhorizon Perturbation
[2101.11017] Ofer M. Springer, Eran O. Ofek: Measuring time delays: I. Using a flux time series that is a linear combination of time-shifted light curves
[2101.11021] Maria L. van Loon, Peter D. Mitchell, Joop Schaye: Explaining the scatter in the galaxy mass-metallicity relation with gas flows
[2101.11022] Michael J. Greener, Michael Merrifield, Alfonso Aragón-Salamanca et al.: SDSS-IV MaNGA: the "G-dwarf problem" revisited
[2101.11024] Ofer M. Springer, Eran O. Ofek: Measuring time delays: II. Using observations of the unresolved flux and astrometry
[2101.11025] A. Noll, S. Deheuvels, J. Ballot: Probing core overshooting using subgiant asteroseismology: the case of KIC10273246
[2101.11026] Takahiro Sudoh, Tim Linden, Dan Hooper: The Highest Energy HAWC Sources are Leptonic and Powered by Pulsars
[2101.11027] Mattia Di Mauro, Martin Wolfgang Winkler: Multimessenger constraints on the dark matter interpretation of the Fermi-LAT Galactic center excess
[2101.11028] Takaaki Kitaki, Shin Mineshige, Ken Ohsuga et al.: Outflow from super-Eddington flow: where it originates from and how much impact it gives?
[2101.11034] Matthew E. Orr, H Perry Hatchfield, Cara Battersby et al.: Fiery Cores: Bursty and Smooth Star Formation Distributions across Galaxy Centers in Cosmological Zoom-in Simulations
[2101.11047] Emily M. Leiner, Aaron Geller: A Census of Blue Stragglers in Gaia DR2 Open Clusters as a Test of Population Synthesis and Mass Transfer Physics
[2101.11068] Z. G. Maas, C. A. Pilachowski: The Galactic Chemical Evolution of Chlorine
[2101.11069] Jiong Qiu: The Neupert Effect of Flare UltraViolet and Soft X-ray Emissions
[2101.11088] Atrideb Chatterjee, Tirthankar Roy Choudhury, Sourav Mitra: CosmoReionMC: A package for estimating cosmological and astrophysical parameters using CMB, Lyman-α absorption and global 21 cm data
[2101.11098] Heling Deng: A possible mass distribution of primordial black holes implied by LIGO-Virgo
[2101.11130] A. L. Wallace, M. J. Ireland, C. Federrath: Constraints on Planets in Nearby Young Moving Groups Detectable by High-Contrast Imaging and Gaia Astrometry
[2101.11137] Raffy Traas, Steve Croft, Vishal Gajjar et al.: The Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life: Searching for Technosignatures in Observations of TESS Targets of Interest
[2101.11171] Harim Jin, Sung-Chul Yoon, Sergei Blinnikov: The effect of circumstellar matter on the double-peaked type Ic supernovae and implications for LSQ14efd, iPTF15dtg and SN 2020bvc
[2101.11172] Haoyang Ye, Steve F. Gull, Sze M. Tan et al.: High dynamic range wide field imaging method in radio interferometry
[2101.11181] Ben Thorne, Lloyd Knox, Karthik Prabhu: A Generative Model of Galactic Dust Emission Using Variational Inference
[2101.11192] Shu-Hua Yang, Chun-Mei Pi, Xiao-Ping Zheng et al.: Constraints from compact star observations on non-Newtonian gravity in strange stars based on a density dependent quark mass model
[2101.11202] Cong Xu, Hans Moritz Günther, Vinay L. Kashyap et al.: Change point detection and image segmentation for time series of astrophysical images
[2101.11244] Masahiro Kawasaki, Hiromasa Nakatsuka: Gravitational waves from type II axion-like curvaton model and its implication for NANOGrav result
[2101.11270] Marcellin Atemkeng, Simon Perkins, Jonathan Kenyon et al.: Xova: Baseline-Dependent Time and Channel Averaging for Radio Interferometry
[2101.11273] Kenta Setoguchi, Yoshihiro Ueda, Yoshiki Toba et al.: Black Hole and Galaxy Coevolution in Moderately Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei at z~1.4 in SXDF
[2101.11290] Jack A. Devlin, Matthias J. Borchert, Stefan Erlewein et al.: Constraints on the Coupling between Axionlike Dark Matter and Photons Using an Antiproton Superconducting Tuned Detection Circuit in a ...
[2101.11307] E. Sanchis, L. Testi, A. Natta et al.: Measuring the ratio of the gas and dust emission radii of protoplanetary disks in the Lupus star-forming region
[2101.11314] Chayan Mondal, Annapurni Subramaniam, Koshy George et al.: Tracing young star-forming clumps in the nearby flocculent spiral galaxy NGC 7793 with UVIT imaging
[2101.11321] L. H. M. Rouppe van der Voort, J. Joshi, V. M. J. Henriques et al.: Signatures of ubiquitous magnetic reconnection in the deep atmosphere of sunspot penumbrae
[2101.11340] Jacob Teffs, Simon J. Prentice, Paolo Mazzali et al.: Observations and Spectral Modelling of the Narrow-Lined Type Ic SN 2017ein
[2101.11355] Davide Greggio, Simone Di Filippo, Demetrio Magrin et al.: Optical design trade-off study for the AO module of MAVIS
[2101.11368] Géza Csörnyei, László Dobos, István Csabai: The effect of emission lines on the performance of photometric redshift estimation algorithms
[2101.11371] L. Ighina, S. Belladitta, A. Caccianiga et al.: Radio Detection of VIK J2318-3113, the Most Distant Radio-Loud Quasar (z=6.44)
[2101.11372] Rahul Kothari, Roy Maartens: Lensing contribution to the 21cm intensity bispectrum
[2101.11377] G. Adhikari, P. Adhikari, E. Barbosa de Souza et al.: Background modeling for dark matter search with 1.7 years of COSINE-100 data
[2101.11426] Timo Reinhold, Alexander I. Shapiro, Veronika Witzke et al.: Where have all the solar-like stars gone? Rotation period detectability at various inclinations and metallicities
[2101.11445] Hector Socas-Navarro, Andres Asensio Ramos: Mapping the Sun's upper photosphere with artificial neural networks
[2101.11448] Jia-wen Li, Xinwu Cao: The large-scale magnetic field advected in the corona of a thin accretion disk
[2101.11450] Tsuyoshi Sawada, Chin-Shin Chang, Harold Francke et al.: Offline Correction of Atmospheric Effects on Single-Dish Radio Spectroscopy
[2101.11480] J.A. Toalá, G. Rubio, E. Santamaría et al.: X-ray observations of the nova shell IPHASX J210204.7+471015
[2101.11497] M. J. Huston, K. L. Luhman: The Initial Mass Function of Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in the W3 Complex
[2101.11511] Soumitra Hazra, Victor Réville, Barbara Perri et al.: Modeling Solar Wind Variations over an 11-yr Cycle with Alfvén Wave Dissipation: a Parameter Study
[2101.11534] Zachary Buchanan, Kin Long Kelvin Lee, Olivia Chitarra et al.: A rotational and vibrational investigation of phenylpropiolonitrile (C$_6$H$_5$C$_3$N)
[2101.11540] Sanna Gulati, Debbijoy Bhattacharya, Subir Bhattacharyya et al.: Multiwavelength monitoring of NGC 1275 over a decade: Evidence of a shift in synchrotron peak frequency and long-term multi-band flu...
[2101.11543] Bohua Li, Jianrong Tan, Yi Mao: Linear Polarization of the 21 cm Line from the Epoch of Reionization
[2101.11550] Shin-nosuke Ishikawa, Hideaki Matsumura, Yasunobu Uchiyama et al.: Automatic Detection of Occulted Hard X-ray Flares Using Deep-Learning Methods
[2101.11564] Claire Poppett, Patrick Jelinsky, Julien Guy et al.: Performance of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument(DESI) Fiber System
[2101.11602] The Pierre Auger Collaboration: A. Aab, P. Abreu, M. Aglietta et al.: The FRAM robotic telescope for atmospheric monitoring at the Pierre Auger Observatory
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 28 Jan 21","img":""}
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