Software Engineering Practice Test 2

Which expression statement regarding Reviews and Meetings is FALSE?
The A’s in SAMOSA stands for Agenda and Action items, which are optional pieces of good meetings
Can be beneficial to both presenters and attendees
They result in technical information exchange and can be highly educational for junior people
Intended to improve the quality of the software product using the wisdom of the attendees
What types of tests does Cucumber help you cover?
Integration Tests
Regression Tests
Acceptance Tests
All of the Above
We use 3x5 cards for User Stories because they are:
Readily available
Easy to lose
A design review is a meeting where authors present their design with the goal of what?
Writing code
Determing the requirements
Starting a design
Rails gives you a database per:
Environment (development, test, production)
Which one of these is NOT a classic technique of debugging
Coding invariants
Interactive debugging
Printing to terminal ("printf debugging")
Armando states that the web is fundamentally:
Request/reply oriented
Ruby/rails driven
Load/store oriented
Metaprogramming, according to Armando, is ____
To be avoided, because of the complexity
A nice feature to have, but not necessary
All programming in Ruby
Which of the following is not a part of the "Plan and Document" process?
The plan should be made before coding
Measure progress against the plan
Write detailed documentation for all the phases of the plan
Once the plan is written, no one can change it
When performing Software Quality Assurance, what is the correct order of testing from the lowest level (single methods) to the highest level (integrated program)?
System/Acceptance Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Modular Testing
Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Modular Testing, System/Acceptance Testing
Unit Testing, Module Testing, Integration Testing, System/Acceptance Testing
Unit Testing, Module Testing, System/Acceptance Testing, Integration Testing
Cucumber takes a user story and uses _______ to match English phrases to your ruby test code.
Rails Magic
Regular Expressions
Method Calls
Letting the customer only see the product when it is finished is an attribute of Agile Development.
Which of the following are guidelines for making a meeting effective? (Select all that apply.)
Start and stop meeting promptly
Create the agenda in advance
Record minutes so everyone can recall results
Set the time and date of the next meeting
Knowing how to read error messages can save you hours of time and effort. What is most likely the cause for the following error message: ‘undefined method ‘foo’ for nil:NilClass’ ?
There is no method 'foo'
An assignment silently failed, and you didn't error check
The method 'foo' was suppose to return false
The method 'foo' was suppose to return true
Which HTML attributes can be used to identify an element or group of elements to apply a common set of visual styles?
Colspan & rowspan
Ref & href
Src & alt
Id & class
In Ruby, method_missing (if defined) would be passed the ___.
Method name symbol, and arguments
Programmer-defined error message
exception object
Method type
In the Rational Unified Process, business modeling is only needed in the inception phase
Which of the following is NOT one of the techniques mentioned to reuse code?
Object Oriented Programming
Copy and Pasting previously used code
Design Patterns
Standardized Libraries
Suppose you discover that your most recent release contains a bug whose regression test will require extensive mocking or stubbing because the buggy code is convoluted. Which action, if any, is NOT appropriate?
Do the refactoring using TDD on the release branch, and push the bug fix as new code with tests
Do the refactoring using TDD on a different branch, push the bug fix as new code with tests, then cherry-pick the fix into release
Create a regression test with the necessary mocks and stubs, painful though it may be, and push the bugfix and tests to release branch
Depending on project priorities and project management, any of the above might be appropriate
If Cucumber says "Can't find mapping" you can run rake routes to find the right path.
Keeping track of your team's velocity helps you estimate how many user stories you can complete in an iteration
You should always _____ before merging.
Save your file to your computer
In Rails, what is the primary function of ActiveRecord? (choose the best answer)
to allow you to perform SQL statements on the database
To perform CRUD operations
To keep an active record
To connect the model to the database
In the MVC pattern, the ___ handles the visual aspects of the app.
According to Armando, what is the preferred way to print out all the elements of an Array in Ruby, assuming an Array named arr has been defined?
For I in (0..arr.length) do puts arr[i] end
for (i = 0; I < arr.length; I += 1) do puts arr[i] end
CurEl = arr[0] I = 1 while I < arr.length do puts arr[i] I += 1 end
Arr.each do |elt| puts elt end
Which of the following is true about adding more people to a project?
Adding people tends to hurt a late project, not help it
More people means that the project will be done quicker
It takes some of the load off the Project Manager
Adding more people doesn't help or hurt a project
Which of the following is NOT true of using Software as a Service (SaaS)?
With SaaS, you don't have to worry about backing up frequently and data loss.
Software developers must make sure the software is compatible with all machines and environments in which the software will be run on.
It is easy to install without worrying about hardware capabilities.
SaaS makes it easier for groups to interact with the same data.
If separate sub-teams are assigned to work on release bug fixes and new features, you will need to use:
Branch per release
Branch per feature
Branch per release + Branch per feature
Any of these will work
A user story describes a _____?
Customer's Need
All of the above
A user story in the format of: " As a [stakeholder] So that [I can achieve some goal] I want to [do some task] " is called:
Connextra format
Rails format
User format
Expression format
What does the 'R' in SMART User Stories stand for?
In order to make changes necessary to implement a particular feature without affecting the master branch the developer should create a _____ branch.
Assuming we have a model called User and we call, the database table users is automatically updated with a new record.
Using the MVC pattern means each entity in your app will have its own:
database, TCP/IP port, and app
Model, controller, and set of views
Name, structure, and interface
Where would a programmer look to find the assumptions that can be made for the Enumerable class? (Hint: The answer is your best friend according to Armando.)
In the code.
In the documentation
In the superclass
In the class header
Which of the following is a part of the Agile Manifesto?
Avoid change requests to prevent delays in the project.
Make sure that the customer knows the details of the contract
Working programs are more important than detailed documentation
Processes and tools over individuals
Which of the following is NOT true when using SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)?
An SOA benefit is code reuse.
All components are designed to be a service.
It is harder to recover from mistakes in design.
SOA makes it easier to create customized services.
If you try to push to a remote and get a “non-fast-forward (error): failed to push some refs”, which statement is FALSE?
Some commits present at remote are not present on your local repo
You need to do a merge/pull before you can complete the push
You need to manually fix merge conflicts in one or more files
Your local repo is out-of-date with respect to the remote
Cucumber and Behavior Driven Design are intended to test the code you wish you had.
When developing user stories, you consistently want to ask:
What's up?
Lo-Fi UIs are usually done on:
Mental images
Pen and paper
Approximately how long would it take to draw a LoFi UI sketch for RottenPotatoes?
Five minutes
Two hours
Half an hour
Twenty seconds
Which Git command allows the developer to only merge the changes from specific (named) commits?
Git cherry-pick
Git push
Git merge
Git select
The preferred method to make any changes to the database schema in a Rails app is:
A SQL GUI browser
Replace the production database with the new schema
A migration
Every model knows how to ____ itself in an ActiveRecord (hint: it's an acronym)
In Rails, models store their data in a:
ModelData object
Array variable
Text file
Relational database
Which method definition could be used in order to compare two objects (sheep1 and sheep2) of the Sheep class in the following way? sheep1 < sheep2
The Sheep class is not defined by Ruby and therefore cannot be compared in this way.
Class Sheep operator <(other_sheep) # implementation end end
Class Sheep def less_than(other_sheep) # implementation end end
Class Sheep include Comparable def <=>(other_sheep) # implementation end end
The lecture gave 10 questions to determine whether or not you should use Agile. Which of the following is not one of these questions?
Does the team have poor programming skills?
Will it have a long product lifetime?
Are you using poor software tools?
Do you have a set budget?
To contrast legacy code, we use the term___to indicate long-lasting code that is easy to evolve.
Genius code
Successful code
Beautiful code
unexpectedly long-lasting code
Which statement is TRUE?
Usually you complete the Behavior Driven Design phase with Cucumber before starting the Test Driven Development phase with RSpec
Usually you code the sad paths first
A sad path can pass without having code written needed to make a happy path pass
None of the above is true
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