
Which of the following can be used to definitively distinguish diabetes mellitus type 1 from type 2?
Family history of type 2 diabetes
Serum C- Peptide level
Acanthosis nigricans
Beta cell autoantibody level
Each of the following is a common complication of prednisone therapy except:
Memory loss
Glucose intolerance
Growth retardation
Cosmetic effects
Increased risk for infection
The first sign of pubertal development in males is:
Axillary hair
Facial hair
Testicular enlargement
Peak growth velocity
Unwillingness to separate from his Cleveland Brown football helmet in mixed company
The first sign of pubertal development in females is:
Axillary hair
Hiding the Cleveland Brown helmet from their male counterparts
Which of the following is true regarding the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid malignancies in children?
The diagnostic yield of fine needle biopsy is independent of the skill of the physician taking the
sample and the pathologist doing the reading
The diagnostic yield is independent of the size of the nodule
Follicular adenomas can be distinguished by fine needle biopsy alone
Fine needle biopsy is the gold standard for preoperative diagnosis of thyroid nodules
Hemorrhage and abscess formation are common after fine needle abscess formation
{"name":"Endocrinology", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q60WCF9B1","txt":"Which of the following can be used to definitively distinguish diabetes mellitus type 1 from type 2?, Each of the following is a common complication of prednisone therapy except:, The first sign of pubertal development in males is:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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