The BeerEst Challenge
{"name":"The BeerEst Challenge", "url":"","txt":"Some hints and rules The BeerEst Challenge is created in collaboration of Pilsner Urquell Brewery, Momentin Baltics and Estonian Sommelier Association to give a fun and educational challenge to find out who knows best the world of beer in different aspects.By participating you must be at least 21 years old. Otherwise, the results are disqualified. Please make sure that you have a stable internet connection and enough time. The test will take maximum 1 hour by filling all questions with maximum time limits. Double check your answer and spelling before going to the next question, there is no back button. With multiple choice questions please check only the correct answer\/answers - ticking the wrong answer\/answers will give minus points! If you don't know the answer and do not want to risk losing points, you can skip the question by just pressing next. When asked to write the answer, keep it short, there are NO long descriptive answers. Writing the wrong answer will not give you minus points! Be precise! Spelling mistakes will count as a wrong answer and will not give points. There is a time limit for each question (it is noted in the question, and you can see the time left under the question) You will get questions about different topics related to beer at a different difficulty level. Don't get scared if you don't know some of the answers. The test will be the same as difficult for the other participants as well and missing an answer or few, would not spoil your chance to be a winner at the end of the day! Let´s play fair - please don´t use searching engines etc. during the test and the test is meant to be taken individually and one time only. For your friends and colleagues suggest participating in their own!And please share your participation with us- make a selfie or let your friend take a pic and please post it to the Facebook event discussion here! It will be great if you can tag your friends to invite them to participate!!! We wish you good luck and let the wisest beer expert win!Pilsner UrquellMomentin BalticsEstonian Sommelier Association","img":""}