Are You a Grammar Whiz?

Which article should precede the initialism MFA?
A or an
Which of the following can be a linking verb and an action verb?
A sentence requires a subject and a predicate to _____________.
Ensure a point
Be complete
Be logical
Find the sentence with misused words.
He poured over the newspaper.
Did you double-check that you used the right dose?
Thank you for the very nice compliment!
Were you deeply affected by the movie?
Which should be capitalized?
Pets' names
Generic professions
Which is a valid rule for using punctuation with quotation marks?
Place punctuation directly beneath the quotation marks.
Place all punctuation marks outside of quotation marks.
Place punctuation inside or outside of quotation marks, depending on the punctuation.
Select the valid comma rule.
Use a comma to separate two independent clauses.
Use a comma to separate a subject and its verb.
Use a comma to offset an appositive.
Which sentence has an ambiguous pronoun problem?
The son asked his father if he could drive to work to get there on time.
The daughter asked her mother, "Are you going to give me a warning?"
When someone doesn't know the answer, they often guess.
{"name":"Are You a Grammar Whiz?", "url":"","txt":"Which article should precede the initialism MFA?, Which of the following can be a linking verb and an action verb?, A sentence requires a subject and a predicate to _____________.","img":""}
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