First Name
Last Name
Contact Number (please note calls will be scheduled via zoom, the number is for emergencies)
What type of coaching are you interested in:
What type of coaching are you looking for right now?
I am a new leader building my team for the first time.
I am a seasoned leader and I want to increase the effectiveness of my team.
I am looking to build a tribe and expand my professional network.
I am focusing on my personal development (career, finding or building a tribe, purpose, etc).
How would you describe the results you are looking to achieve through your coaching with Leah?
What would it mean to you to achieve your leadership or personal goals?
What obstacles do you see getting in your way?
What have you tried and what were the results?
Right now:
I have the financial resources to invest in my professional and personal development
I have access to the financial resources to invest in my professional and personal development (e.g. Company training budget)
I don't have the financial resources to invest in my personal and professional development and I am stuck.
Where did you most recently hear about Leah?
How do you define leadership?
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