Mambu Keynote Quiz

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The database transaction log is also called Write-Ahead log because:
The user must write to the log the action they plan to execute before actually running the database queries/commands
The database engine appends to the log the newly executed changes after writing the actual data
The database engine appends to the log the newly executed changes before writing the actual data
The user must write to the log after executing database queries/commands in order to maintain the database consistent
The following actions are recorded in the database log:
Inserting or updating a database record and then immediately publishing a message to a message broker is a bad practice because:
The message broker might use the same database for holding internal state and this can lead to concurrency issues
Failure to publish the message will automatically rollback the transaction
We should do it the other way around: publish message first and only then insert/update to the database
We cannot guarantee transactional execution of both actions: one might succeed while the other one fails, meaning we might reach inconsistent states
The following information CANNOT be extracted by default from the transaction log:
The user who executed the command
Command execution timestamp
The actual executed command
Transaction ID
The following statement is TRUE:
We can read uncommitted data during transaction execution through the database transaction log
The transaction log can be processed asynchronously, regardless of when it was written
All database systems expose and offer a transaction log
There is a general protocol for exposing transaction logs, and all database engines adhere to it
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