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New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 12 Oct 21
[2110.04343] Ojan Khatib Damavandi, M. Lisa Manning, Jennifer M. Schwarz: Effective medium theory of random regular networks
[2110.04351] Seref Kalem: Defect studies in strain-relaxed Si$_{1-x}$Ge$_x$ alloys
[2110.04362] M. Mangeat, T. Guérin, D. S. Dean: Steady state of overdamped particles in the non-conservative force field of a simple non-linear model of optical trap
[2110.04455] Yuri Yu. Tarasevich, Andrei V. Eserkepov, Irina V. Vodolazskaya: Electrical conductivity of nanorod-based transparent electrodes: Comparison of mean-field approaches
[2110.04467] Zhihui Luo, Michel Ferrero, Dao-Xin Yao et al.: Inexorable Edge Kondo Breakdown in Topological Kondo Insulators
[2110.04472] Bo Lu, Guanxin Cheng, Pablo Burset et al.: Identifying Majorana bound states at quantum spin Hall edges using a metallic probe
[2110.04477] Shimin Cao, Chuanwu Cao, Shibing Tian et al.: Enhancement of spin-orbit coupling and magnetic scattering in hydrogenated graphene
[2110.04496] I. Nezbeda: Thermodynamic perturbation theory and equation of state developments
[2110.04506] T. Zalewski, A. Stupakiewicz: Single-shot imaging of ultrafast all-optical magnetization dynamics with a spatio-temporal resolution
[2110.04513] J. Rescic: Electrostatically assisted macroion association
[2110.04548] Phoebe Tengdin, Benoit Truc, Alexey Sapozhnik et al.: Imaging the controllable rotation of a skyrmion crystal driven by femtosecond laser pulses
[2110.04549] V. Ravnik, B. Hribar-Lee, O. Pizio et al.: Tetrahedrality, hydrogen bonding and the density anomaly of the central force water model. A Monte Carlo study
[2110.04551] O. Bernard: Relationship between thermodynamic perturbation and scaled particle theories for fused dimers fluids
[2110.04555] Sheetal, A. Elghandour, R. Klingeler et al.: Field induced spin freezing and low temperature heat capacity of disordered pyrochlore oxide Ho$_{2}$Zr$_{2}$O$_{7}$
[2110.04556] O. Pizio, S. Sokolowski, V. M. Trejos: Phase behavior of water-like models in nanoscopic pores of slit shape. Predictions from a density functional theory
[2110.04567] Ligesh Theeyancheri, Subhasish Chaki, Tapomoy Bhattacharjee et al.: Migration of active rings in porous media
[2110.04575] B. D. Marshall: A simple second order thermodynamic perturbation theory for associating fluids
[2110.04579] T. Urbic: Pressure dependence of solvation of non-polar solute in simple model of water
[2110.04583] M. F. Holovko, M. Ya. Korvatska: Clustering effects on the diffusion of patchy colloids in disordered porous media
[2110.04589] T. Mlakar, B. Hribar-Lee: Screening of ion-ion correlations in electrolyte solutions adsorbed in charged disordered matrices: Application of replica Ornstein-Zernike equations
[2110.04592] L. Baran, K. Dabrowska, W. Rzysko et al.: Molecular Dynamic study of model two-dimensional systems involving Janus dumbbells and spherical particles
[2110.04613] N. R. Brodnik, S. Brach, C. M. Long et al.: Fracture Diodes: Directional asymmetry of fracture toughness
[2110.04636] L. Skoric, C. Donnelly, A. Hierro-Rodriguez et al.: Domain wall automotion in three-dimensional magnetic helical interconnectors
[2110.04665] Alexandru B. Georgescu, Andrew J. Millis, James M. Rondinelli: Trigonal Symmetry Breaking and its Electronic Effects in Two-Dimensional Dihalides and Trihalides
[2110.04666] T. Yilmaz, E. Vescovo: Hidden electronic order in 1T-VSe2
[2110.04713] Xuebing Zhao, Jin Tang, Ke Pei et al.: Deterministic generation of skyrmions and antiskyrmions by electric current
[2110.04739] San-Dong Guo: Spin-valley-coupled quantum spin Hall insulator with topological Rashba-splitting edge states in Janus monolayer $\mathrm{CSb_{1.5}Bi_{1.5}}$
[2110.04762] Chengxiang Ding, Wenjing Zhu, Wenan Guo et al.: Special Transition and Extraordinary Phase on the Surface of a (2+1)-Dimensional Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
[2110.04769] Debarshi Mitra, Shreerang Pande, Apratim Chatterji: DNA-polymer architecture orchestrates the segregation and spatio-temporal organization of E. Coli chromosomes during replication in slow growth
[2110.04771] Sebastian Bichelmaier, Jesús Carrete, Michael Nelhiebel et al.: Accurate effective harmonic potential treatment of the high-temperature cubic phase of Hafnia
[2110.04778] Tasnum Reza, Sergey M. Frolov, David Pekker: A proposal to extract and enhance four-Majorana interactions in hybrid nanowires
[2110.04780] Hongwei Liu, Noah Mendelson, Irfan H. Abidi et al.: Quantum emitter formation in carbon-doped monolayer hexagonal boron nitride
[2110.04783] Minh Tam, Christian Flindt, Fredrik Brange: Optimal Entanglement Witness for Cooper Pair Splitters
[2110.04789] Yuka Kusanose, Takahiro Onimaru, Yu Yamane et al.: Synthesis and study of transport and magnetic properties of magnesium cage compounds $R$Ni$_{2}$Mg$_{20}$ ($R$ = Pr and Nd)
[2110.04790] Christopher Klose, Felix Büttner, Wen Hu et al.: Photon correlation spectroscopy with heterodyne mixing based on soft-x-ray magnetic circular dichroism
[2110.04793] Francisco Meirinhos, Michael Kajan, Johann Kroha et al.: Adaptive Numerical Solution of Kadanoff-Baym Equations
[2110.04803] Kenan Zhang, Changchun Ding, Baojun Pan et al.: Visualizing Van der Waals Epitaxial Growth of Two-Dimensional Heterostructures
[2110.04812] Seongjin Jang, Wenjie Kong, Hao Zeng: Magnetotransport in Fe3O4 nanoparticle arrays dominated by non-collinear surface spins
[2110.04843] Indrani Chakraborty, Daniel J. G. Pearce, Ruben W. Verweij et al.: Self-assembly dynamics of reconfigurable colloidal molecules
[2110.04851] Daniel Han, Dmitri V. Alexandrov, Anna Gavrilova et al.: Anomalous stochastic transport of particles with self-reinforcement and Mittag-Leffler distributed rest times
[2110.04876] Paul Stevenson, Christopher M Phenicie, Isaiah Gray et al.: Erbium-Implanted Materials for Quantum Communication Applications
[2110.04895] R. E. Schaublin, M. Becker, M. Cihova et al.: Precipitation in lean Mg-Zn-Ca alloys
[2110.04897] Mossab Alzweighi, Rami Mansour, Jussi Lahti et al.: The influence of structural variations on the constitutive response and strain variations in thin fibrous materials
[2110.04907] Qiangsheng, Matthew Snyder, Kyle Y. Chen et al.: Observation of Unpinned Two-Dimensional Dirac States in Antimony Single Layers with Phosphorene Structure
[2110.04909] W. N. Mizobata, J. E. Sanches, M. Penha et al.: Atomic frustration-based twistronics
[2110.04919] Ilya Ivantsov, Alvaro Ferraz, Evgenii Kochetov: Strong Correlation, Bloch Bundle Topology and Spinless Haldane-Hubbard Model
[2110.04920] I-Te Lu, Jin-Jian Zhou, Jinsoo Park et al.: First-principles ionized-impurity scattering and charge transport in doped materials
[2110.04936] Anand Katailiha, Ravindra G. Bhardwaj, Paul C. Lou et al.: Topological phonons in an inhomogeneously strained silicon-1: Evidence of long-distance spin transport and unidirectional magnetores...
[2110.04937] Anand Katailiha, Paul C. Lou, Ravindra G. Bhardwaj et al.: Topological phonons in an inhomogeneously strained silicon-2: Evidence of spin-momentum locking
[2110.04938] Paul C. Lou, Anand Katailiha, Ravindra G. Bhardwaj et al.: Topological phonons in an inhomogeneously strained silicon-3: Flexoelectronic doping mediated topological electronic magnetism of ph...
[2110.04939] Ravindra G Bhardwaj, Anand Katailiha, Paul C. Lou et al.: Topological phonons in an inhomogeneously strained silicon-4: Large spin dependent thermoelectric response and thermal spin transfer ...
[2110.04940] Paul C. Lou, Ravindra G. Bhardwaj, Anand Katailiha et al.: Topological phonons in an inhomogeneously strained silicon-5: Inhomogeneous magnetoelectronic effect in a conductor
[2110.04952] Sikandar Aftab, Ms. Samiya, Muhammad Waqas Iqbal et al.: Platinum Disulfide (PtS2) and Silicon Pyramids: Efficient 2D/3D Heterojunctions Tunneling and Breakdown Diodes
[2110.04958] Kazuaki Matano, Ryo Ogura, Mateo Fountainea et al.: Antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and superconductivity in NbRh$_2$B$_2$ and TaRh$_2$B$_2$ with a chiral crystal structure
[2110.04963] Seoung-Hun Kang, Sangjun Jeon, Hyun-Jung Kim et al.: Coulomb interaction-driven reshaped Weyl fermionic dispersions in MoTe2
[2110.05010] Daigo Ohki, Kazuyoshi Yoshimi, Akito Kobayashi: Topological Mott insulator phase and metal-insulator crossover in organic Dirac electron system $α$-(BEDT-TSeF)$_2$I$_3$
[2110.05046] Tapas Bar, Bhavtosh Bansal: Absolute calibration of the latent heat of transition using differential thermal analysis
[2110.05058] Sayan Routh, S. Thirupathaiah: Observation of Exchange Bias in Antiferromagnetic Cr$_{0.79}$Se due to the Coexistence of Itinerant Weak Ferromagnetism at Low-temperatures
[2110.05061] César González-Ruano, Coriolan Tiusan, Michel Hehn et al.: Boosting room temperature tunnel magnetoresistance in hybrid magnetic tunnel junctions under electric bias
[2110.05066] Yilian Xi, Mengting Zhao, Haifeng Feng et al.: Epitaxial Growth of Bilayer Bi(110) on Two-dimensional Ferromagnetic Fe3GeTe2
[2110.05090] Jiyu Chen, Francesco Petocchi, Philipp Werner: Causal versus local $GW$+EDMFT scheme and application to the triangular-lattice extended Hubbard model
[2110.05097] Eric Cereceda-López, Dominik Lips, Antonio Ortiz-Ambriz et al.: Hydrodynamic interactions can induce jamming in flow-driven systems
[2110.05112] Igor A Khovanov: The response of a bistable energy harvester to different excitations: the harvesting efficiency and links with stochastic and vibrational resonances
[2110.05120] Wen-Jia Rao: Approaching Thouless Energy and Griffiths Regime in Random Spin Systems By Singular Value Decomposition
[2110.05136] Ritwik Mondal, Akashdeep Kamra: Spin pumping at THz nutation resonances
[2110.05143] Ralf Fischer, Jordi Picó-Cortés, Wolfgang Himmler et al.: $4π$-periodic supercurrent tuned by an axial magnetic flux in topological insulator nanowires
[2110.05149] Alessandro De Martino, Kathrin Dorn, Francesco Buccheri et al.: Phonon-induced magnetoresistivity of Weyl semimetal nanowires
[2110.05181] Marvin M. Müller, Miriam Kosik, Marta Pelc et al.: Modification of the Optical Properties of Molecular Chains upon Coupling to Adatoms
[2110.05212] Chao-Kai Li, Gang Chen: Universal excitonic superexchange in spin-orbit-coupled Mott insulators
[2110.05227] Georges Sitja, Claude Henry: Activity of Pd n ( n = 1--5) Clusters on Alumina Film on Ni 3 Al(111) for CO Oxidation: A Molecular Beam Study
[2110.05238] Dominic Gerber, Lawrence A. Wilen, Florian Poydenot et al.: Stress accumulation around ice in a temperature gradient
[2110.05260] Aldair E. Gongora, Siddharth Mysore, Beichen Li et al.: Designing Composites with Target Effective Young's Modulus using Reinforcement Learning
[2110.05269] Aurélien Fabre, Jean-Baptiste Bouhiron, Tanish Satoor et al.: Simulating two-dimensional dynamics within a large-size atomic spin
[2110.05272] Shreyasi Das, Rup K. Chowdhury, Debjani Karmakar et al.: Substrate Dependent Synergistic Many-Body Effects in Atomically Thin Two Dimensional WS$_2$
[2110.05273] Clóves Gonçalves Rodrigues: On a Possible Melting Curve of C60 Fullerite
[2110.05274] Viatcheslav Ivanovich Zubov, Clóves Gonçalves Rodrigues: Intermolecular Correlations and Mean Square Relative Displacements in C60 Fullerite
[2110.05275] Clóves Gonçalves Rodrigues, Áurea Rosas Vasconcellos, Roberto Luzzi: Topics in Present-Day Science Technology and Innovation: Ultrafast Relaxation Processes in Semiconductors
[2110.05276] Emil R. Gallyamov, Andreas Leemann, Barbara Lothenbach et al.: Predicting damage in aggregates due to the volume increase of the alkali-silica reaction products
[2110.05281] Anne Matthies, Jinhong Park, Erez Berg et al.: Stability of Floquet Majorana box qubits
[2110.05284] Iman Abdoli, René Wittmann, Joseph Michael Brader et al.: Brownian magneto-gyrator as a tunable microengine
[2110.05288] A. A. Bespalov: Impurity-induced subgap states in superconductors with inhomogeneous pairing
[2110.05297] Sushant Saryal, Sandipan Mohanta, Bijay Kumar Agarwalla: Universal bounds on fluctuations for machines with broken time-reversal symmetry
[2110.05300] A. A. Bespalov, V. D. Plastovets: Large spectral gap and impurity-induced states in a two-dimensional Abrikosov vortex
[2110.05314] Hang Chen, Shahidul Asif, Matthew Whalen et al.: Revealing room temperature ferromagnetism in exfoliated Fe5GeTe2 flakes with quantum magnetic imaging
[2110.05333] Simone Di Cataldo, Shadi Qulaghasi, Giovanni B. Bachelet et al.: High-T$_c$ Superconductivity in doped boron-carbon clathrates
[2110.05336] Jiale Shi, Shanghui Huang, François Gygi et al.: Free Energy Landscape and Isomerization Rates of Au$_4$ Clusters at Finite Temperature
[2110.05361] Qian Xiao, Wenliang Zhang, Teguh Citra Asmara et al.: Dispersionless orbital excitations in (Li,Fe)OHFeSe superconductors
[2110.05363] Julia Schumann, Yutian Bao, Ryan T. Hannagan et al.: Periodic Trends in Adsorption Energies Around Single-Atom Alloy Active Sites
[2110.05364] Lorenzo Crippa, Adriano Amaricci, Severino Adler et al.: Local vs non-local correlation effects in interacting quantum spin Hall insulators
[2110.05366] B Thorpe, K Kalna, S Schirmer: Monte Carlo simulations of spin transport in nanoscale In_{0.7}Ga_{0.3}As transistors: Temperature and size effects
[2110.05373] Guanzhong Wang, Tom Dvir, Nick van Loo et al.: Non-local measurement of quasiparticle distribution in proximitized semiconductor nanowires using quantum dots
[2110.05452] Sharon S. Philip, Junjie Yang, P. F. S. Rosa et al.: Bi kagome sublattice distortions by quenching and flux pinning in superconducting RbBi$_2$
[2110.05460] Sarthak Bagaria, Rickmoy Samanta: Dynamics of Force Dipoles in Curved Biological Membranes
[2110.05462] Pilar Jiménez-Cavero, Oliver Gueckstock, Lukáš Nádvorník et al.: Tuning laser-induced terahertz spin currents from torque- to conduction-electron-mediated transport
[2110.05469] M. Nuske, L. Mathey: Frequency dependence of the light-induced Hall effect in dissipative graphene
[2110.05471] Maxim N. Chernodub, Yago Ferreiros, Adolfo G. Grushin et al.: Thermal transport, geometry, and anomalies
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 12 Oct 21","img":""}
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