Do you know me?

A playful and colorful illustration depicting various hobbies and interests, including soccer, video games, and favorite drinks, surrounded by fun character designs to represent personality and quirks.

Do You Know Me?

Test your knowledge about me with this fun and engaging quiz! Answer a series of questions related to my interests, dislikes, and experiences. See how well you really know me.

Don't forget to challenge your friends and compare scores!

  • 14 unique and interesting questions
  • Multiple-choice format
  • Bonus question for extra fun
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ActiveOtter527
What do I dislike most?
Going in and no one following up
What's my favorite number?
What part of my body did I injure when I was playing with my 7th grade soccer team in the rain?
My leg
My foot
My arm
My back
What's my favorite alcoholic drink of choice?
What are my two biggest instances that I am known to cringe at?
Furries and Milk coming out of nose
Furries and scraping the inside of a dirty pot with a fork
Shit on bathroom stall and someone else picking their nose while in their car
Chewing with your mouth open and Children crying on a plane
What do I hate most about plane rides?
Parents who bring their crying children
The lack of food for long flights
The lack of legroom in economy
How some airlines literally only have coke products and water and no other type of drinks
What does my middle name start with?
2 years ago, what kind of Dog AND cat did I want? (Before finding out most of my friends are allergic to cats)
A Collie and a Siamese Kitten
A dog and a cat
A Golden retriever and a Bengal Kitten
A Golden Retriever and a Singapura Kitten
A Golden retriever and a Ragdoll Kitten
What's my favorite jackbox game?
Fakin It
What is my favorite video game?
League of Legends
I don't have a favorite game
BONUS (Skippable, but if you skip, I will know): Back in 7th grade, I really disliked being there and didn't connect with many friends. The only thing that connected was my fist to other's faces. (*nervous sweats*) I went to 8th grade and loved it but I was pretty shy then. That then carried over into high school where I was constantly trying to break out of my shell but still couldn't. I kept to myself and barely wanted to socialize. Then I got to college, what prompted me to break out of my shell?
What do I say before almost every Valorant round?
Let's go B
Let's Gooooooo
Who has the spike?
What is one of my favorite childhood TV shows?
Batman Beyond
The Proud Family
Ben 10
That's so Raven
Kim Possible
Phineas and Ferb
Last question (Do you listen to me?): What are the last 3 recent cities I have been to?
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Seattle
New Orleans, Philadelphia, Seattle
Philadelphia, NYC, Seattle
New Orleans, Dallas, Seattle
Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Washington
Philadelphia, Olympia, Seattle
{"name":"Do you know me?", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge about me with this fun and engaging quiz! Answer a series of questions related to my interests, dislikes, and experiences. See how well you really know me.Don't forget to challenge your friends and compare scores!14 unique and interesting questionsMultiple-choice formatBonus question for extra fun","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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