Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 14 May 21
[2105.05851] Zheng Zhou, Xue-Feng Zhang, Frank Pollmann et al.: Fractal Quantum Phase Transitions: Critical Phenomena Beyond Renormalization
[2105.05857] Yves H. Kwan, Glenn Wagner, Tomohiro Soejima et al.: Kekulé spiral order at all nonzero integer fillings in twisted bilayer graphene
[2105.05861] Lina G. Johnsen, Haakon T. Simensen, Arne Brataas et al.: Magnon spin current induced by triplet Cooper pair supercurrents
[2105.05865] Matthew D. Horner, Jiannis K. Pachos: Edge density of bulk states due to relativity
[2105.05869] Kai Klocke, Joel E. Moore, Jason Alicea et al.: Thermal anyon interferometry in phonon-coupled Kitaev spin liquids
[2105.05886] J.R. Hortensius, D. Afanasiev, M. Matthiesen et al.: Coherent spin-wave transport in an antiferromagnet
[2105.05890] Fabian Grünewald, Riccardo Alessandri, Peter C. Kroon et al.: Polyply: a python suite for facilitating simulations of (bio-)macromolecules and nanomaterials
[2105.05896] Massimo Boninsegni: No evidence of crystallization slowdown in supercooled liquid hydrogen mixtures
[2105.05906] Shaozhi Li, Randy S. Fishman: Phase transitions of the ferroelectric $(\mathrm{ND}_4)_2\mathrm{FeCl}_5\cdot\mathrm{D}_2\mathrm{O}$ under a magnetic field
[2105.05921] Emanuele Boattini, Frank Smallenburg, Laura Filion: Averaging local structure to predict the dynamic propensity in supercooled liquids
[2105.05922] Anusuya Pal, Amalesh Gope, Germano S. Iannacchione: Statistical Image Analysis of Drying Bovine Serum Albumin Droplets in Phosphate Buffered Saline
[2105.05925] L. S. Ricco, V. K. Kozin, A. C. Seridonio et al.: Accessing the degree of Majorana nonlocality with photons
[2105.05927] Cheng-Wei Lee, Meenakshi Singh, Adele Tamboli et al.: Transition metal impurities in Silicon: Computational search for a semiconductor qubit
[2105.05930] Richa Pokharel Madhogaria, Chang-Ming Hung, Baleeswaraiah Muchharla et al.: Strain-modulated helimagnetism and emergent magnetic phase diagrams in highly crystalline MnP nanorod films
[2105.05936] Jacob Tinnin, Huseyin Aksu, Zhengqing Tong et al.: CTRAMER: An open source software package for correlating interfacial charge transfer rate constants with donor acceptor geometries in organi...
[2105.05940] Alexeï Bosak, Sofia-Michaela Souliou, Clément Faugeras et al.: Evidence for nesting driven charge density waves instabilities in a quasi-two-dimensional material: LaAgSb2
[2105.05941] Anusuya Pal, Amalesh Gope, Germano S. Iannacchione: Temperature-dependent Pattern Formation in Drying Aqueous Droplets of Lysozyme
[2105.05945] Anusuya Pal, Amalesh Gope, Germano S. Iannacchione: Exploring the Pattern Formation of Lysozyme Drying Droplets in Phosphate Buffer Saline Solution
[2105.05951] Jason Jung, Roy L.M. Op het Veld, Rik Benoist et al.: Universal Platform for Scalable Semiconductor-Superconductor Nanowire Networks
[2105.05982] A. N. Afanasiev: Zero sound origin of acoustic plasmons in two-component Fermi gases
[2105.05986] Ceren B. Dağ, Philipp Uhrich, Jad C. Halimeh: Probing Equilibrium and Dynamical Criticality Through Single-Site Observables
[2105.06028] Yanwei Cui, Siqi Wu, Qinqing Zhu et al.: Metal-insulator-like transition, superconducting dome and topological electronic structure in Ga-doped Re$_{3}$Ge$_{7}$
[2105.06034] Tae Gwan Park, Byoung Ki Choi, Junho Park et al.: Interlayer coupling and ultrafast hot electron transfer dynamics in metallic VSe2/graphene van der Waals heterostructures
[2105.06048] Chui-Zhen Chen, Dong-Hui Xu, X. C. Xie: Evolution of Berry curvature and Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in an Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulator
[2105.06059] Hyang Keun Yoo, Luca Moreschini, Andrew L. Walter et al.: Enhanced tunability of two-dimensional electron gas on SrTiO3 through heterostructuring
[2105.06061] Hyang Keun Yoo, Luca Moreschini, Aaron Bostwick et al.: In situ investigation of conducting interface formation in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructure
[2105.06102] Cijy Mathai, Oleg Shtempluck, Eyal Buks: Thermal instability in a ferrimagnetic resonator strongly coupled to a loop-gap microwave cavity
[2105.06119] Mikael Fremling, Lars Fritz: A bipartite variant of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model from a strained Kitaev honeycomb model
[2105.06133] Xiaofu Zhang, Adriana E. Lita, Huanlong Liu et al.: Size dependent nature of the magnetic-field driven superconductor-to-insulator quantum-phase transitions
[2105.06139] Youbing Li, Jinghua Liang, Haoming Ding et al.: Near-Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Behavior of Single-Atom-Thick 2D Iron in Nanolaminated Ternary MAX Phases
[2105.06140] Shusaku Imajo, Atsushi Miyake, Ryosuke Kurihara et al.: Quantum transport of topological spin solitonsin a one-dimensional organic ferroelectric
[2105.06154] Haiyan Lu, Li Huang: Unraveling exotic 5$f$ states and paramagnetic phase of PuSn$_3$
[2105.06171] D.-H.-Minh Nguyen, Koji Kobayashi, Jan-Erik R. Wichmann et al.: Quantum Hall effect induced by chiral Landau levels in topological semimetal films
[2105.06193] Riku Tuovinen: Electron correlation effects in superconducting nanowires in and out of equilibrium
[2105.06210] A.O. Sorokin: First-order transition in the stacked-$J_1$-$J_2$ Ising model on a cubic lattice
[2105.06234] Muftah Al-Mahdawi, Qingyi Xiang, Yoshio Miura et al.: Quantum-well tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance above room temperature
[2105.06277] T. Bisswanger, Z. Winter, A. Schmidt et al.: CVD bilayer graphene spin valves with 26 $μ$m spin diffusion length at room temperature
[2105.06283] Ruben W. Verweij, Pepijn G. Moerman, Loes P.P. Huijnen et al.: Conformations and diffusion of flexibly linked colloidal chains
[2105.06330] Kellianne Kornick, Ted Brzinski, Scott V. Franklin: The Excluded Area of Superellipse Sector Particles
[2105.06352] Anmol Lamichhane, Ravhi Kumar, Muhtar Ahart et al.: X-ray Diffraction and Equation of State of the C-S-H Room-Temperature Superconductor
[2105.06356] I. I. Mazin, K. Koepernik, M.D. Johannes et al.: Prediction of unconventional magnetism in doped FeSb2
[2105.06362] Lena Nadine Majer, Björn Miksch, Guilherme Gorgen Lesseux et al.: Charge-order phase transition in the quasi one-dimensional organic conductor (TMTTF)$_2$NO$_3$
[2105.06375] Jordi Baró, Mehdi Pouragha, Richard Wan et al.: Quasistatic kinetic avalanches and self-organized criticality in deviatorically loaded granular media
[2105.06380] Pappu Acharya, Debankur Das, Kabir Ramola: Disorder Perturbation Expansion for Athermal Crystals
[2105.06385] P. I. Gerevenkov, D. V. Kuntu, Ia. A. Filatov et al.: Effect of magnetic anisotropy evolution on laser-induced magnetization precession in thin galfenol films
[2105.06392] U. Buchenau: Hydrogen bond dynamics at the glass transition
[2105.06396] L. Villa, S. J. Thomson, L. Sanchez-Palencia: Finding the phase diagram of strongly-correlated disordered bosons using quantum quenches
[2105.06402] Peter P. Orth, Daniel Phelan, J. Zhao et al.: The essential role of magnetic frustration in the phase diagrams of doped cobaltites
[2105.06417] Chengjie Luo, Liesbeth M. C. Janssen: Glassy dynamics of sticky hard spheres beyond the mode-coupling regime
[2105.06430] Jephthah Iyaro, Igor Proskurin, Robert L. Stamps: Collective dynamics of domain walls: an antiferromagnetic spin texture in an optical cavity
[2105.06437] Ifeanyi John Onuorah, Muhammad Maikudi Isah, Roberto De Renzi et al.: Frustrated network of indirect exchange paths between tetrahedrally coordinated Co in Ba$_2$CoO$_4$
[2105.06439] Thaís V. Trevisan, Pablo Villar Arribi, Olle Heinonen et al.: Bicircular light tuning of magnetic symmetry and topology in Dirac semimetal Cd$_3$As$_2$
[2105.06447] X. Chen, M. Zeuner, U. Schneider et al.: AtomECS: Simulate laser cooling and magneto-optical traps
[2105.06469] Chuanchang Zeng, Girish Sharma, Sumanta Tewari et al.: Partially-separated Majorana modes in a disordered medium
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 14 May 21","img":""}
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