Oranje Interview

First Name
Last Name
In uncertain times, I usually expect the best.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
It’s easy for me to relax.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
If something can go wrong for me it will.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I am always optimistic about my future.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I enjoy my friends a lot.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
It’s important for me to keep busy.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I hardly ever expect things to go my way.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I don’t get upset too easily.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I rarely count on good things happening to me.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Overall, I expect more good things to happen to me than bad.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
When someone else is feeling excited, I tend to get excited too.
Other people’s misfortunes do not disturb me a great deal.
It upsets me to see someone being treated disrespectfully.
I remain unaffected when someone close to me is happy.
I enjoy making other people feel better.
I have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me.
When a friend starts to talk about his\her problems, I try to steer the conversation towards something else.
I can tell when others are sad even when they do not say anything.
I find that I am “in tune” with other people’s moods.
I do not feel sympathy for people who cause their own serious illnesses.
I become irritated when someone cries.
I am not really interested in how other people feel.
I get a strong urge to help when I see someone who is upset.
When I see someone being treated unfairly, I do not feel very much pity for them.
I find it silly for people to cry out of happiness.
When I see someone being taken advantage of, I feel kind of protective towards him\her.
Being neat is not exactly my strength.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
Organization is a key component of most things I do.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I need a neat environment in order to work well.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I become annoyed when things around me are disorganized.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
For me, being organized is unimportant.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
Half of the time I do not put things in their proper place.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
Most of the time my room is in complete disarray.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
Every item in my room and on my desk has its own designated place.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I frequently forget to put things back in their proper place.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I hate when people are sloppy.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
If I could get away with it, I would not pay taxes.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I would lie without hesitation if it serves my purpose.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I could be insincere and dishonest if the situation required me to do so.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
If I find money laying around, I’ll keep it to myself.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
If a cashier forgot to charge me for an item I would tell him/her.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I would rather get a bad grade than copy someone else’s homework and turn it in as my own.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
It bothers me when people cheat on their taxes.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
If I accidentally scratched a parked car, I would try to find the owner to pay for the repairs.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I firmly believe that under no circumstances it is okay to lie.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
The people who know me best would say that I am honest.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I have the highest respect for authorities and assist them whenever I can.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
People respect authority more than they should.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
Even if I knew how to get around the rules without breaking them, I would not do it.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I believe that people should be allowed to take drugs, as long as it doesn’t affect others.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I support long-established rules and traditions.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
People who resist authority should be severely punished.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
When I was in school, I used to break rules quite regularly.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
In my opinion, all laws should be strictly enforced.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
In my opinion, censorship slows down progress.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
When working with others I am the one who makes sure that rules are observed.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I often rush into action without thinking about potential consequences.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I rarely jump into something without first thinking about it.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I am known to make quick, hot-headed decisions.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I do not take unnecessary risks.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I am easily talked into doing silly things.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
My friends say I am unpredictable.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I get into trouble because I act on impulses rather than on thoughts.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I am careful with what I say to others.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I dislike being around impulsive people.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
Even under time pressure, I would rather take my time to think about my answer than to say the first thing that comes to mind.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I carry out my obligations to the best of my ability.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I often feel responsible for making sure that all group project assignments are completed.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I go out of my way to keep my promises.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
Sometimes it is too much of a bother to do exactly what is promised.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I would gladly spend some of my leisure time trying to improve my community.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
If I am running late to an appointment, I may decide not to go at all.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I am usually not the most responsible group member, but I will not shirk on my duties either.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
If I am running late, I try to call ahead to notify those who are waiting for me.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
When I make mistakes I often blame others.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I have a reputation for being late for almost every meeting or event.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I have high standards and work toward them.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I go above and beyond of what is required.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I do not work as hard as the majority of people around me.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I invest little effort into my work.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I demand the highest quality in everything I do.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I try to be the best at anything I do.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I make every effort to do more than what is expected of me.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I do what is required, but rarely anything more.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
Setting goals and achieving them is not very important to me.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
Getting average grades is enough for me.
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
A customer walks into the office and asks for the deadline to file a permit application. You do not know the answer. It would be best for you to do which of the following?
Tell the person what you think the answer might be.
Refer the person to your supervisor.
Say that you are not allowed to give out that information to the public.
Inform the person that you don't know but will find out.
A person approaches you and tells you of many complaints he has about your department. You should first:
Assume that his is just blowing off steam and ignore his complaints.
Check into the legitimacy of the complaints.
Ask for advice from your supervisor on the best way to handle the person.
Regard the complaints as accurate and take immediate steps to correct them.
Ssume that you are taking a telephone message for a co-worker who is not in the office at the time. Of the following, the LEAST important item to write on the message is the:
Length of the call.
Name of the caller
Time of the call
Telephone number of the caller
A customer has come into your office and submitted an application. When you give her some more forms to complete, she complains about all the bureaucratic red tape that is slowing down approval of her application. In which of the following ways should you respond to the customer?
Simply be patient with her.
Tell her the reasons why your office needs the information.
Suggest that she can contact her state legislators if she wants to change the law.
Say that you cannot process her application until all the forms have been completed.
As an administrative assistant, you have been training Mrs. W., who is not directly under your supervision. She has not appeared to be particularly competent during the month she has been in her position. You are explaining application procedures to a client when Mrs. W. Interrupts to ask you a question. You tell her you are busy with a client and will come to her office when you are through. In a low voice, she begins to call you names and say bad things about the department. There are several clients in the office in addition to the one you are working with. The supervisor doesn't appear to be around. What should you do?
Ignore her and continue to assist the client.
Get on the phone and request assistance from a department administrator.
Say, "Now Mrs. W., I said I'd be with you as soon as I could. Now please let me finish."
Ask another employee to help the client while you escort Mrs. W. To a room away from the public area.
You overhear your boss giving a client the name of a person to contact for some information. You know this person is no longer the one to reach for this information. The client is still in the office. What, if anything, should you do?
Do not get involved in the situation.
Quickly take your boss aside and provide the correct name.
Wait until the client leaves, and then provide your boss with the correct name.
Give the individual the correct name, and explain that your boss was not aware of a different person being responsible to provide the information.
You're helping a computer illiterate friend setup his Internet connection over the phone. He is just not getting what you are trying to explain. How much time do you spend explaining it to him?
I'd work with him for as long as it takes.
10 minutes or so; I'd go through it once as quickly as possible and then hang up.
About half an hour; I'd make sure he understands at least the basics.
None at all; I'd get frustrated the first time he says "I don't understand."
A person is telling you a story, but taking forever to get to the point. What do you do?
I let him/her finish the story, without interrupting.
I let him/her finish the story without interrupting, but can't help glancing at my watch.
I ask him/her to get to the point of the story.
I interrupt by asking, "Does this story have a point?"
Your friend/co-worker starts to get on your nerves. What would be your most likely response?
I would tell him/her right away that s/he is getting on my nerves because of X personality trait that I don't like, and that s/he should leave me alone.
I would hold it in as long as possible and then finally snap, telling him/her to get out of my face.
I would avoid that person until s/he got the point that I need a break.
I would explain what is bothering me, and ask for some time to myself.
When having a disagreement, I typically:
Lower my voice to an ominous whisper.
Maintain a normal voice level.
Raise my voice slightly.
Raise my voice level markedly.
When conversing with clients who have a less extensive vocabulary (e.g. Lower education level):
I brush them off - I just wouldn't have the patience to carry on.
I become very impatient and it's probably obvious.
I may become impatient but I try not to let on.
I adjust my speech to their level.
When conversing with a person who takes forever to get to the point:
I keep myself from finishing his/her sentences.
try not to finish his/her sentences but do not always succeed.
I can't help finishing his/her sentences.
I finish his/her sentences for him/her.
When it comes to resolving conflicts:
I usually give in and let the other person have his/her way.
I prefer "give and take".
I try to push for a win on my part but if it is not in the cards I can accept a compromise.
It's my way or the highway.
When it comes to conflict:
I can "agree to disagree". I accept that other people have different viewpoints than my own.
Even though I usually think I am right, I can accept that others have different viewpoints.
I find it extremely difficult to accept that others have different viewpoints than my own, and that we could both be right.
You are asked to push a particular viewpoint with a client. The request makes perfect business sense but you happen to not believe in the particular notion you are to advocate. How do you deal with the situation?
Despite the intention to go ahead with the request, I just can't follow through with it.
I will make an attempt and I will be convincing.
I try to do my best to "pull it off".
I "pull it off" effortlessly
Which of these does not portray 'active' listening?
Repeating words unnecessarily.
Taking down notes.
Saying 'I understand', 'go on', 'you're right'.
Which of these does not add to the image that you project?
Your body language.
Your choice of words.
Your designation/job title.
Which of these is the correct way to go?
I do not need to put up with extremely rude customers.
The customer has the right to be upset, and that is why he/she has called in.
I can change my behavior and response according to the mood of the customer.
There is 'reactive' customer service. What is its opposite, and mostly preferred?
Which of these words/phrases would not be taken too positively by customers?
You are most welcome.
I will try my best.
Which of the following would an angry customer prefer to see you doing when in front of you?
Simply nodding your head.
Folding your arms.
What is an angry, complaining customer?
Always right.
Always a customer.
Most probably lying.
What does 'CRM' stand for?
Customers Rudimentarily Managed.
Customer Relationship Management.
Cannot Give a Reasonable Solution.
When is a company considered service-oriented?
¼ of its staff works in customer care.
Its mission statement covers the topic of customer care extensively.
Customer service/satisfaction is the goal of all departments.
What is customer care?
When a customer is into your service even before he faces any problem.
Managed care programs for customers.
An important section in the brochure of the company.
Who is a complaining customer?
Someone who wants to be heard in order to have his/her problem solved or experience validated.
Someone who wants to vent out his/her anger.
Someone who wants to complain for nothing.
How do complaints affect a company?
They waste time and resources of the organization.
They help the company identify the problems in the service/product.
They degrade the reputation of the company.
What are customer service departments?
Set up to clean up the problems created by other departments.
Departments set up to study customer behavior and patterns.
Build customer loyalty.
When attempting to convince a potential customer to buy a product, what is the most important thing to be kept in mind?
Offer him/her the best deal.
Matching his/her needs to the best possible product/service.
Making a sale at any cost.
What do customers respond positively to?
Creative and entertaining.
Impulsive and spontaneous.
Friendly and helpful.
What do most customers want?
To be treated as an individual.
To be pampered.
To get their queries/problems solved.
Why do most companies have a customer service department?
To solve customer issues and render excellent after sales service.
To keep a track of their customers.
To socialize with their customers.
What is customer service culture?
N environment where customers are welcomed with a smile.
An environment where customers feel wanted and get their queries resolved.
An environment where customers can keep in touch with the company.
If the customer has a very peculiar accent, what do you do?
Try to finish the call quickly.
Transfer the call to another executive.
Listen carefully and talk slowly.
What is active listening?
Listening to the customer while actively doing your work.
Listening to the customer and interrupting as much as possible.
Listening to the customer and responding when necessary.
Hich of these is the most ideal?
Identify why the customer has called.
Identify why the customer has called.
Flatter the customer and divert his attention from the core issue.
The three types of storage are regular, warehouse, and special. Listed below are the rules for deciding which type of storage to use.
* Regular or warehouse storage should be used for items that do not need special handling.
* Special storage should be used for items that need special handling.
* Warehouse storage should be used for items weighing over 200 pounds.
* Regular storage should be used for items weighing less than 200 pounds.
* Special storage should always be used for storing hazardous materials.
The three types of storage are regular, warehouse, and special. Listed below are the rules for deciding which type of storage to use.
* Regular or warehouse storage should be used for items that do not need special handling.
* Special storage should be used for items that need special handling.
* Warehouse storage should be used for items weighing over 200 pounds.
* Regular storage should be used for items weighing less than 200 pounds.
* Special storage should always be used for storing hazardous materials.
What type of storage would be used for equipment weighing 350 pounds?
What type of storage would be used for a fifty-pound box of dynamite?
What type of storage would be used for a five-gallon drum needing refrigeration?
What type of storage would be used for machinery weighing 175 pounds?
What type of storage would be used for a cement truck used for parts?
It makes sense that a person would move around a few times a year until they find the home or apartment that works best for themsleves?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I don’t know many people that have filed for bankrupcy.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Most people I know live paycheck to paycheck.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Relationships are tough, more than half of friends have been divorsed.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Very few of my parents or their friends were divorsed.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
It is my responsibility to always be looking for a better job to support my family.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I would love to have a new car every year.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
My friends and family are very supportive with my finances, childcare, etc.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I know quite a few people that have been arrested for one thing or another.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
If I was sick, I would trust most of my friends to fill in for me at work if I asked.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I walk up stairs equivalent to at least one flight:
Several times a day
Hardly ever take the stairs
Twice a day
Not more than once a day
During a normal day I'm in motion:
Less than 20 minutes
Between 20-40
More than 1 hour
About 1 hour
An ideal job means I am:
Active all day
Half sitting, half standing or walking
Mainly sitting, but with some standing or walking
Sitting (often more than an hour at a time)
What is the most you could manage?
I can't walk for one mile without stopping
I can walk for one mile without stopping
I can run at a good pace for one mile
I can jog at a consistent but slow pace for one mile
How much of your time each week do you spend on indoor household activities? (cleaning, washing dishes, clothes, etc.)
More than 120 minutes
About 120 minutes
Not more than 30 minutes
About 60 minutes
How much of your time each week do you spend on outdoor household activities (mowing the lawn, gardening, cleaning the snow, etc.)?
About 60 minutes
More than 120 minutes
About 120 minutes
Not more than 30 minutes
During my break at work, I would like to go for a walk:
Twice a week
At least three times a week
Every day
Hardly ever
How much do you stretch (bending, yoga, etc.)?
More than 3 times a week
Less than once a week
2-3 times a week
1 time a week
How much time do you spend on strengthening exercises?
Less than once a week
2-3 times a week
More than 3 times a week
1 time a week
How much time do you spend doing aerobic exercises each week? (Brisk walking, running, swimming, etc.)
Not more than 30 minutes
More than 120 minutes
About 60 minutes
About 120 minutes
You're shopping at a department store when you accidentally knock an expensive crystal bowl off the shelf. It shatters. You're alone in the aisle – no one saw. You…
Immediately find the store manager and offer to pay for the bowl.
Walk out of the store. It was an accident.
Immediately find the store manager. Point to another customer and say you saw him or her deliberately smash the bowl.
You're taking a stroll when you see a stray $20 bill fall from the pocket of an elderly woman walking in front of you. She doesn't notice the fallen money. You…
Pick up the money and pocket it. Finders Keepers.
Pick up the money, and hand it back to her.
Pick up the money. Hand her a five and tell her she dropped it. $15 is a reasonable finder's fee.
You are supposed to spend Sunday afternoon at your in-laws' house. Sunday morning, your friend calls; he has just won two tickets on the 50-yard line to the big game, and he wants you to join him. You…
Tell your wife the truth. Ask her to tell her parents that you have a terrible migraine and couldn't bear to crawl out of your dark room.
Tell your wife that your boss just called. It turns out there's a big project due Monday morning and they're really counting on you. Sorry…
Go to your in-laws house as planned. You've already made the plans.
You take your 13-year-old son to a movie. The box office cashier assumes that he is younger and charges him for a child's ticket, a saving of $6. You…
Tell the cashier your son's true age. It doesn't set a good example to cheat, even passively.
Take the cheaper ticket. It's no big deal.
Take the cheaper ticket, but explain to your son that in most cases, one should be honest.
You and your friend are metal-detecting for coins and jewelry on the beach. While he is taking a break, you find a money clip on the beach with $100 cash in it. You and your buddy agreed to split whatever you find 50-50. But now you're tempted to keep the cash from for yourself. You…
Tell him about the additional loot, and suggest that you talk about how to distribute in a way that leaves both of you comfortable.
Tell him about your find and then split the money evenly. It's only fair.
Don't tell your partner. You got the extra cash with your own initiative. It's yours.
You have a medical bill to pay for your Mom’s cancer treatment. There is an opportunity to pay most of this bill if you make a few lies on your taxes. You…
Would rather let your Mom die than cheat on your taxes.
Lie on this year’s taxes, but swear you will never do it again.
Believe it is OK to get away with as many white lies as possible every year.
You are running late for a job interview, but know you can make it on time if you go over the speed limit. You…
Go fast enough to make it on time, but not too fast that would risk you getting a ticket.
Call the person doing the interview and tell them that you didn’t leave on time and will be late.
Go the speed limit, but tell the person doing the interview that you got a flat tire.
Your best was out past her curfew. Your friend asks you to participate in a made up story so she doesn’t get in trouble with her mom. You…
Go ahead and participate in her story and lie to her mom. After all, it is just a white lie and no one was hurt.
Tell her mom that she is lying, even though you know it will ruin your friendship.
Agree to go along with the story, so long as she promises not to make you lie for her again.
You are outside of a Walmart and some offers to sell you a bootleg DVD of the hottest movie in theatres. You…
Call the police.
Walk by and ignore them.
Purchase the DVD.
You are out camping and it gets really cold. You want to start a fire, but the sign says “Fire Danger High, No Fires”. You…
Take every single precaution and make a really small fire, just big enough to keep you warm, but has no risk of spreading.
Drive home, you would rather leave your vacation than disobey a sign.
See that other people in the campground have made a fire, so you make one too.
I’m pretty good at resisting temptation.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I have a hard time breaking bad habits.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I can be lazy.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I can be inappropriate.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
If something is fun, I’ll probably do it, even if I know it’s bad for me.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I refuse things that are bad for me.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I wish I had more self-discipline.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
People would say that I have amazing self-discipline.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Pleasure and fun sometimes keep me from getting work done.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I have trouble concentrating.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I’m good at working toward long-term goals.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Sometimes I can’t stop myself from doing something, even if I know it’s wrong.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I often act without thinking.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Once I choose a solution, I develop an implementation plan with the sequence of events necessary for completion.
Not at all
Very Often
After a solution has been implemented, I immediately look for ways to improve the idea and avoid future problems.
Not at all
Very Often
To avoid asking the wrong question, I take care to define each problem carefully before trying to solve it.
Not at all
Very Often
I strive to look at problems from different perspectives and generate multiple solutions.
Not at all
Very Often
I try to address the political issues and other consequences of the change I’m proposing so that others will understand and support my solution.
Not at all
Very Often
I evaluate potential solutions carefully and thoroughly against a predefined standard.
Not at all
Very Often
I systematically search for issues that may become problems in the future
Not at all
Very Often
When I decide on a solution, I make it happen – no matter what opposition I may face.
Not at all
Very Often
I find that small problems often become much bigger in scope, and thus very difficult to solve.
Not at all
Very Often
I ask myself lots of different questions about the nature of the problem.
Not at all
Very Often
After my solution is implemented, I relax and focus again on my regular duties.
Not at all
Very Often
I focus on keeping current operations running smoothly and hope that problems don’t appear.
Not at all
Very Often
I evaluate potential solutions as I think of them.
Not at all
Very Often
When I need to find a solution to a problem, I usually have all of the information I need to solve it.
Not at all
Very Often
When evaluating solutions, I take time to think about how I should choose between options.
Not at all
Very Often
Making a decision is the end of my problem-solving process.
Not at all
Very Often
Do you think you are the kind of person who:
Is easy to get to know and makes friends quickly?
Reveals yourself gradually to others only after you know them well?
Do you think you would have more to offer your company because you are:
Innovative and an idea person?
A practical and down-to-earth person?
If you were planning on buying a new car, would you be likely to:
Discuss your plans with friends and associates?
Discuss your plans with people whom have a lot of experience?
Do you consider yourself to have an:
Average network of friends and acquaintances?
Above-average network of friends and acquaintances?
When sitting next to a stranger on an airplane or in a waiting room of a doctor's office, are you more likely to:
Initiate a conversation?
Have a conversation after it is initiated by the other party?
Do you feel more comfortable:
With new and potentially better ways of doing things?
With tried and proven ways of doing things?
Do you often find yourself focusing more on the future and where you may be heading instead of the present and what you are doing now?
If you have been refused financing for a new house you believe in, would you:
Drop the idea of buying a new home?
Seek financing elsewhere?
When performing a task, do you:
Usually do it in a proven and accepted way?
Often look for a new and better way to do it?
Do you prefer:
Taking on new challenges?
Sharpening current skills?
{"name":"Oranje Interview", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"In uncertain times, I usually expect the best., It’s easy for me to relax., If something can go wrong for me it will.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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