Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 18 May 21
[2105.07000] Shih-Yun Tang, Tyler D. Robinson, Mark S. Marley et al.: Impacts of Water Latent Heat on the Thermal Structure of Ultra-Cool Objects: Brown Dwarfs and Free-Floating Planets
[2105.07001] S. Crestan, A. Giuliani, S. Mereghetti et al.: Multiwavelength investigation of the candidate Galactic PeVatron MGRO J1908+06
[2105.07003] Manuel Arca Sedda, Francesco Paolo Rizzuto, Thorsten Naab et al.: Breaching the limit: formation of GW190521-like and IMBH mergers in young massive clusters
[2105.07004] Kazunori Akiyama, Andrew Chael, Dominic W. Pesce: New Views of Black Holes from Computational Imaging
[2105.07005] Jack Lubin, Paul Robertson, Gudmundur Stefansson et al.: Stellar Activity Manifesting at a One Year Alias Explains Barnard b as a False Positive
[2105.07011] Lilan Yang, Shichao Wu, Kai Liao et al.: Event rate predictions of strongly lensed gravitational waves with detector networks and more realistic templates
[2105.07013] Marko Ristic, Elizabeth Champion, Richard O'Shaughnessy et al.: Interpolating Detailed Simulations of Kilonovae: Adaptive Learning and Parameter Inference Applications
[2105.07023] W. D. Langer, J. L. Pineda, P. F. Goldsmith et al.: The Dense Warm Ionized Medium in the Inner Galaxy
[2105.07030] M. Polkas, M. Petropoulou, G. Vasilopoulos et al.: A numerical study of long-term multi-wavelength blazar variability
[2105.07040] Andrei Tokovinin, Brian D. Mason, Rene A. Mendez et al.: Speckle Interferometry at SOAR in 2020
[2105.07072] Pierre-Marie Gori, Farrokh Vakili, Jean-Pierre Rivet et al.: I3T: Intensity Interferometry Imaging Telescope
[2105.07103] Francisco X. Linares Cedeño, Nandan Roy, L. Arturo Ureña-López: Tracker phantom field and a cosmological constant: dynamics of a composite dark energy model
[2105.07110] Miguel Flores R., Luis J. Corral, Celia R. Fierro-Santillán: Stellar Spectra Models Classification and Parameter Estimation Using Machine Learning Algorithms
[2105.07126] Anh Phan, Santanu Das, Albert Stebbins et al.: AlgoSCR: An algorithm for Solar Contamination Removal from radio interferometric data
[2105.07151] Zheng Yu, Ji Li, Bingqiu Chen et al.: Mapping the Galactic Disk with the LAMOST and Gaia Red Clump Sample VII: the Stellar Disk Structure Revealed by the Mono-abundance Populations
[2105.07223] Ryoya Yamamoto, Jun Fukue: Radiatively-Driven Black-Hole Winds Revisited
[2105.07242] D.D. Dzhappuev, Yu.Z. Afashokov, I.M. Dzaparova et al.: Observation of photons above 300 TeV associated with a high-energy neutrino from the Cygnus Cocoon region
[2105.07266] Tomomi Otani, Ted von Hippel, Derek Buzasi et al.: Gyrochronology Model Evaluation Method
[2105.07280] Roland Szakacs, Céline Péroux, Martin Zwaan et al.: MUSE-ALMA Halos VI: Coupling Atomic, Ionised & Molecular Gas Kinematics of Galaxies
[2105.07335] Aisha Al Yazeedi, Ivan Yu. Katkov, Joseph D. Gelfand et al.: The impact of low luminosity AGN on their host galaxies: A radio and optical investigation of the kpc-scale outflow in MaNGA 1-166919
[2105.07339] Ze Zhong, Yang Guo, Mingde Ding: The role of non-axisymmetry of magnetic flux rope in constraining solar eruptions
[2105.07357] Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Nicola Omodei, Gokul .P. Srinivasaragavan et al.: On the Existence of the Plateau Emission in High-Energy Gamma-Ray Burst LightCurves observed byFermi-LAT
[2105.07368] Max Goldberg, Konstantin Batygin: A Tidal Origin for a 3-body Resonance in Kepler-221
[2105.07413] K. Gourdji, R. A. M. J. Wijers, A. Rowlinson et al.: Searching for low radio-frequency gravitational wave counterparts in wide-field LOFAR data
[2105.07425] S. Blinnikov, D. Nadyozhin, N. Kramarev et al.: Neutron Star Mergers and Gamma-Ray Bursts: Stripping Model
[2105.07440] Nico Krieger, Fabian Walter, Alberto D. Bolatto et al.: NOEMA High Fidelity Imaging of the Molecular Gas in and around M82
[2105.07442] Patrick M. Shober, Eleanor K. Sansom, Phil A. Bland et al.: The main asteroid belt: the primary source of debris on comet-like orbits
[2105.07471] Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Karl M. Menten, Andreas Brunthaler et al.: A Global View on Star Formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic Plane Survey III. 6.7 GHz Methanol maser survey in Cygnus X
[2105.07481] Michael J. Baker, Moritz Breitbach, Joachim Kopp et al.: Primordial Black Holes from First-Order Cosmological Phase Transitions
[2105.07516] Leonid Ledentsov: Thermal Trigger for Solar Flares II: Effect of the Guide Magnetic Field
[2105.07575] Chow-Choong Ngeow, Szu-Han Liao, Eric C. Bellm et al.: Zwicky Transient Facility and Globular Clusters: the Period-Luminosity and Period-Luminosity-Color Relations for Late-Type Contact Binaries
[2105.07601] Forrest S. Mozer, Stuart Bale, John Bonnell et al.: On the origin of switchbacks observed in the solar wind
[2105.07651] Jurrien Sebastiaan Knibbe, Tim Van Hoolst: Modelling of thermal stratification at the top of a planetary core: Application to the cores of Earth and Mercury and the thermal coupling with their mantles
[2105.07687] V. Bujarrabal, M. Agundez, M. Gomez-Garrido et al.: Structure and dynamics of the inner nebula around the symbiotic stellar system R Aqr
[2105.07690] Vincent Chambouleyron, Olivier Fauvarque, Jean-François Sauvage et al.: Variation on a Zernike wavefront sensor theme: optimal use of photons
[2105.07701] Sho Higashi, Hajime Susa, Gen Chiaki: Amplification of turbulence in contracting prestellar cores in primordial minihalos
[2105.07708] Jörn Warnecke, Matthias Rheinhardt, Mariangela Viviani et al.: Investigating global convective dynamos with mean-field models: full spectrum of turbulent effects required
[2105.07714] W. Kollatschny, H. Meusinger, M. Hoeft et al.: A galaxy cluster in the innermost Zone of Avoidance, close to the radio phoenix VLSSJ2217.5+594
[2105.07717] Soumyadeep Das, Preeti Kharb, Raffaella Morganti et al.: The peculiar WAT NGC 2329 with Seyfert/FR I-like radio lobes
[2105.07779] C. Maitra, P. Esposito, A. Tiengo et al.: IKT16: Discovery of a 22 ms energetic rotation-powered pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud
[2105.07786] Sho Masui, Yasumasa Yamasaki, Hideo Ogawa et al.: Development of a new wideband heterodyne receiver system for the Osaka 1.85-m mm-submm telescope -- Receiver development & the first light of simul...
[2105.07810] Matteo Biagetti, Valerio De Luca, Gabriele Franciolini et al.: The Formation Probability of Primordial Black Holes
[2105.07873] S. G. Shulman, V. P. Grinin: UX Ori Stars Eclipses by Large-Scale Disc Humps
[2105.07905] A. D. Biggs: The time delay of CLASS B1600+434 from VLA multi-frequency and polarization monitoring
[2105.07910] John T. O'Brien, Wolfgang E. Kerzendorf, Andrew Fullard et al.: Rapid Probabilistic Estimation of Type Ia Supernovae Explosion Parameters I: Single Epoch Spectrum of SN 2002bo
[2105.07927] Liang Chen, Zheng Xiong, Cong Li et al.: Strong constraints on Lorentz violation using new $γ$-ray observations around PeV
[2105.07967] Chengyi Li, Bo-Qiang Ma: Ultrahigh-energy photons from LHAASO as probes of Lorentz symmetry violations
[2105.07973] Ali Rida Khalifeh, Raul Jimenez: Distinguishing Dark Energy Models with Neutrino Oscillations
[2105.07987] Brett M. Morris, Kevin Heng, Alexis Brandeker et al.: A CHEOPS White Dwarf Transit Search
[2105.08009] L. C. Mayorga, Tyler D. Robinson, Mark S. Marley et al.: Variable Irradiation on 1D Cloudless Eccentric Exoplanet Atmospheres
[2105.08015] S. Muller, W. Ubachs, K. M. Menten et al.: A study of submillimeter methanol absorption toward PKS1830-211: Excitation, invariance of the proton-electron mass ratio, and systematics
[2105.08017] Haoxuan Jiang, Jianghui Ji: Thermophysical Modeling of 20 Themis Family Asteroids with WISE/NEOWISE Observations
[2105.08026] János M. Szalai-Gindl, Thomas J. Loredo, Brandon C. Kelly et al.: GPU-Accelerated Hierarchical Bayesian Inference with Application to Modeling Cosmic Populations: CUDAHM
[2105.08027] Martin W. Sommer, Tim Schrabback, Douglas E. Applegate et al.: Weak lensing mass modeling bias and the impact of miscentring
[2105.08028] Daniel B. Seaton, J. Marcus Hughes, Sivakumara K. Tadikonda et al.: The Sun's Dynamic Extended Corona Observed in Extreme Ultraviolet
[2105.08055] Aklant K. Bhowmick, Laura Blecha, Paul Torrey et al.: Impact of gas based seeding on supermassive black hole populations at $z\geq7$
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 18 May 21","img":""}
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