Are you a Federalist or an Anti Federalist?

A historical depiction of the debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists, featuring iconic figures like Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, with a backdrop of the U.S. Constitution and symbolic representations of democracy and personal rights.

Federalist or Anti-Federalist? Discover Your Political Identity!

Are you curious about your political beliefs and how they align with historical perspectives? Take our engaging quiz to find out whether you're more of a Federalist or an Anti-Federalist!

  • Explore your views on government power and individual rights.
  • Understand the foundational ideas of American democracy.
  • Learn about the philosophical underpinnings of political thought.
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by DebatingIdea23
What is more important to you? Not just related to the government, but in general.
Compromising, learning, and taking away smart ideas even from the people you don't personally like or feel connected to.
Always staying loyal and supporting the decisions of your best friend even if they have upset you over the same mistake multiple times. You believe that your friendship is important and they will learn when the time comes.
What should the government be able to do in case of a rebellion?
The government should never have a right to put their citizens in jail without a proper trial and sufficient (enough) evidence in any case. Not holding a trial is against citizen rights.
The government should have a right to put citizens in jail without trial in case of rebellions or treason (if they are against the government or supporting an enemy, they should not be granted the same rights as citizens) to protect the safety of the general public.
Which do you agree with more? Not just government related, but in general.
Creating a vision/plan based on hypothetical (assumption/not a fact) big picture good ideas to help others. It's important to improvise in extreme situations.
Creating a vision based on easily proven, accountable facts to help people. It's better to stick to what has been proven successful when you are faced with extreme situations.
Is it important to include a Bill of Rights in the Constitution? A list of laws that explicitly (openly) protect specific rights of the citizens (freedom of speech, religion right to bear arms, etc.)
Yes, it's meant to tell the government what rights it cannot take away and must protect at all times.
No, people already know their rights because they are born with them.
What should the freedom of speech (press/religion, etc.) depend on in the government?
The attitudes and feelings of the people and the government at the current moment (who we are at war with, who we are allies with, etc.)
It should only depend on the government's protection against censorship and limitation of the freedom of speech.
What should the federal government be able to make laws about? Not STATE (applies only to the states), but FEDERAL (applies to ALL states) government?
Only the things to protect the citizens and their rights
Anything that the government sees as necessary at the time or appropriate.
Do you believe it's important for the people to understand how the government works?
Yes, the public must understand what the politicians are doing to avoid being taken advantage of.
Not really, the general public shouldn't really need to be concerned with what the politicians are doing because we are founded on great, honest ideas.
What are you more likely to do to help others?
Team up with like-minded people with the same experiences as you for a better understanding of each other and to get things done faster and easier.
Team up with people from different backgrounds; you might get things done slower, but you'd try to help everyone in a more inclusive (includes everyone) way and by sharing new ideas.
Which statement describes you more accurately?
You can usually admit when you are wrong and take advice when it's reasonable.
You are motivated by your goals and strong morals
Which statement describes you more accurately? #2
You can usually point out what's wrong and what's right because you have pretty good common sense.
You love diversity and appreciate (enjoy) working well with others.
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