Ch 4

A 37-year-old man tripped on a throw rug and fell to the ground, injuring his shoulder. The man is blind and has a service dog. As you are assessing the patient, he keeps inquiring about his dog. You should:
A. Tell him that he should not be concerned about the dog because you are there to help him.
B. Speak loudly into the patient's ear to ensure that he heard the questions you are asking him.
C. Provide psychological support and recognize that the dog and the patient depend on each other.
D. Tell him that the dog has been secured in another room and that you need him to answer your questions.
A device that receives a weak radio signal, amplifies that signal, and then rebroadcasts it is called a(n):
A. repeater.
B. amplifier.
C. antenna.
D. Paging system.
A pager is MOST accurately defined as a:
A. two-way radio that can send and receive voice information.
B. Stationary alert device that can transmit only text messages.
C. Device that receives multiple frequencies but cannot transmit.
D. Radio receiver that is silent unless activated by a dispatcher.
A patient with neurologic trauma has injury to some part of the:
A. vasculature.
B. Nervous system.
C. Brain or spinal cord.
D. Cardiovascular system.
A ___________ transmits data messages through a radio system and reduces the amount of time the radio frequency is tied up to send or receive a message.
A. Fax machine
B. Rapid paging system
C. Mobile data terminal
D. Stationary base station
Advanced life support (ALS) providers often use ___________ to transmit electrocardiograms and other patient data to online medical control.
A. scanners
B. telemetry
C. Cellular phones
D. Fax machines
All of the following are appropriate when communicating with a hearing-impaired patient, EXCEPT:
A. Speaking loudly, directly in the patient's ear.
B. Identifying yourself by showing your badge.
C. Rephrasing comments in clear, simple language.
D. Watching the patient's face for uncertain expressions.
An important aspect of caring for a sick or injured child is to:
A. Remove any toys because they will likely distract the child.
B. Ask a parent to hold the child if the illness or injury permits.
C. Stand over the child to reassure him or her that you can help.
D. Recall that most children are uncooperative when they are sick.
During your assessment of a young woman with a sudden onset of abdominal pain, you ask the patient when the pain began. She does not immediately respond to your question. You should:
A. Ask another question and repeat the first question later.
B. Immediately repeat the question to ensure that she heard you.
C. Tell her that you cannot help her if she won't answer you.
D. Allow the patient adequate time to answer your question.
EMS documentation is MOST accurately defined as:
A. A process for verifying your actions on a call using written or computer-based records.
B. A direct method of communicating with your patient by writing all questions on paper.
C. A written chronological account that includes all of the skills you performed at the scene.
D. A quality assurance tool that your medical director can use to determine if you performed appropriately.
Good communication means that:
A. The person being spoken to will be able to hear what is being said.
B. The person being spoken to understands exactly what he or she is told.
C. Only a minimal communication barrier exists between two people.
D. All external distractions have been eliminated from a conversation.
Guidelines for effective radio communication include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Holding the microphone 2" to 3" from your mouth.
B. Reducing background noise as much as you possibly can.
C. Avoiding words that are difficult to hear, such as “yes” and “no.”
D. Pausing every 60 seconds and saying, “Do you copy?”
In contrast to the prefix arterio-, the prefix vaso- means:
A. vessel.
B. artery.
C. vein.
D. capillary.
In which of the following phases of an EMS call is the EMR typically NOT involved?
A. Response to the scene
B. Transport to the hospital
C. Transferring patient care
D. Updating responding EMS units
Sick or injured patients may not always understand what you are doing or saying because they:
A. Are often scared.
B. Do not trust your abilities.
C. Are thinking about their family.
D. Experience trauma-induced hearing loss.
The MOST important reason for notifying the dispatcher after you have turned over care of a patient to other EMS providers is:
A. To enable the dispatcher to maintain an accurate time log for the incident.
B. To inform the dispatcher of the care you provided before other EMS providers arrived.
C. That the dispatcher is required to report any and all radio traffic to his or her supervisor.
D. To let the dispatcher know how long it will take before you are available for another call.
The prefix hyper- means:
A. Rapid or swift.
B. Below or deficient.
C. Abnormally slow.
D. Above or excessive.
The purpose of a communications system is to:
A. Communicate critical patient information face to face with another healthcare professional.
B. Relay information from one location to another when it is impossible to communicate face to face.
C. Transmit data from a remote location to the hospital so that the physician can provide the proper guidance.
D. Alert the general public in the event of a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or other significant situation.
Upon arriving at the scene of a major motor vehicle crash, you determine that there are multiple patients. You should:
A. Page additional help by using the mobile data terminal in your response vehicle.
B. Triage all patients and then use your portable radio to call for additional resources.
C. Immediately request additional resources using the mobile radio in your response vehicle.
D. Call for additional help using a cellular phone after you have determined the severity of the patients' injuries.
Upon arriving at the scene of an emergency call, a visual survey will enable you to:
A. Identify the patients who are the most critically ill or injured.
B. Determine the events that occurred shortly before the incident.
C. Identify any type of hazardous materials that may be involved.
D. Determine the number of patients and estimate injury severity.
When addressing a patient, using terms such as “Dear”:
A. Usually puts the patient at ease.
B. Lets the patient know that you care.
C. May demean and irritate the patient.
D. Is most appropriate for elderly patients.
When arriving at a patient's residence, all of the following signs would indicate that the patient is visually impaired, EXCEPT:
A. The presence of eye glasses.
B. A white cane found near the patient.
C. A small dog penned up in the backyard.
D. The patient pointing to his or her ear when you talk
When communicating with a conscious, sick, or injured patient, it is important to:
A. Speak quickly to expedite patient care.
B. Maintain eye contact whenever possible.
C. Use medical terms to avoid patient confusion.
D. Allow minimal time for the patient to respond.
When communicating with a non–English-speaking patient, you should first:
A. Use hand gestures only when communicating.
B. Write down your questions on a piece of paper.
C. Ask a family member to function as an interpreter.
D. Determine how much English the patient can speak
When communicating with older people who have a visual or hearing impairment, it is important to:
A. Remove their hearing aids to minimize distortion of your voice.
B. Use the same communication skills you would for any other patient with similar conditions.
C. Recall that most older people have significant hearing and visual impairments as a result of aging.
D. Constantly reassure them that the paramedics are on their way and that everything will be all right.
When dispatched to an emergency call, you should:
A. Not respond until you are sure of the location.
B. Call the dispatcher by phone to confirm directions.
C. Get in your response vehicle and proceed immediately.
D. Send a “received call” message to the dispatcher via text.
When emergency medical technicians (EMTs) or paramedics arrive at an emergency scene, the EMR should:
A. Disengage from patient care and give them room to work.
B. Provide them with a hand-off report and assist as needed.
C. Apprise family members who may be present at the scene.
D. Notify the dispatcher of their arrival and then depart the scene.
When referring to the blood, the prefix _______ is used.
A. hema-
B. angio-
C. cardio-
D. arterio-
When transmitting information from the patient's side to the responding ambulance, the emergency medical responder (EMR) would MOST likely use a:
A. Base station.
B. Mobile radio.
C. Portable radio.
D. Cellular telephone.
When treating any critically ill or injured patient, it is important to:
A. Reassure the patient that you are competent and that he or she will not die.
B. Allow multiple family members to speak to the patient at any given time.
C. Minimize communications with the patient to facilitate treatment.
D. Treat the patient the same way you would want your family member treated.
Which of the following general statements regarding communication devices is MOST correct?
A. EMRs should be thoroughly familiar with the construction of the radio devices used in their departments.
B. It is more important to understand how to send and receive data than it is to understand how the system is constructed.
C. Thorough knowledge of all the different communication systems is critical to transmitting and receiving information effectively.
D. Throughout the different phases of an emergency medical service (EMS) call, communications systems are used for the same function
Which of the following is an example of an internal distraction that may hinder an EMR's communication with a patient?
A. Worrying about personal finances while at the scene of a car crash
B. A loud bulldozer that is operating in a lot near a patient's residence
C. An angry husband who is demanding that the EMR care for his wife
D. Numerous family members who are giving the EMR patient information
Which of the following pieces of information is the LEAST critical to relay to the responding EMS unit about your patient?
A. Chief complaint
B. Status of the airway
C. Past medical history
D. Level of responsiveness
Which of the following prefixes is used when referring to the heart?
A. Cardio-
B. Hyper-
C. Hypo-
D. Vaso-
Which of the following statements regarding a base station is correct?
A. A base station is used by dispatchers to send and receive messages to and from all parts of the service area.
B. Base stations are attached to more than one antenna but can transmit and receive on only one frequency.
C. A base station is a powerful mobile two-way radio system that is designed to transmit on multiple frequencies.
D. Most base stations can be mobilized and deployed quickly to a remote location in an emergency situation.
Which of the following statements regarding documentation is NOT correct?
A. Your documentation serves as a legal document that reflects the actions you took at a scene.
B. Good documentation can help you recall the events of a call several months after it happened.
C. Proper documentation is an unreliable method for determining whether you functioned appropriately.
D. If you do not document an action or procedure, it is assumed that the action or procedure never occurred.
Which of the following statements regarding hearing-impaired patients is correct?
A. Do a complete assessment on every patient, whether he or she can hear you or not.
B. Patients with short-term hearing loss usually can communicate with you effectively.
C. Assess only the area where the hearing-impaired patient complains of pain or discomfort.
D. Patients who are hearing impaired will not be able to communicate effectively with other people.
Which of the following statements regarding online medical control is correct?
A. In most systems, EMRs are not required to contact medical control for the basic skills they are permitted to perform.
B. The EMR should always contact medical control via cellular telephone prior to performing any basic life support (BLS) skills.
C. EMTs and paramedics are rarely required to contact online medical control because they follow locally established protocols.
D. As an EMR, you should be present when an EMT or paramedic contacts medical control for patient care guidance or advice.
With which of the following hearing-impaired patients would it be the MOST difficult to communicate effectively?
A. A young patient with hereditary deafness
B. A patient with temporary deafness caused by an explosion
C. A patient with long-term hearing loss caused by an illness
D. An elderly patient with hearing aids
You are attempting to communicate with a deaf patient; however, because of the patient's hearing impairment, you are having difficulty obtaining the information you need and you do not know sign language. The patient lives alone and has no family. You should:
A. Cease communication and wait for the EMTs.
B. Repeatedly ask the patient the same questions.
C. Speak loudly and directly into the patient's ear.
D. Write your questions on a piece of paper.
You are caring for an 81-year-old woman as a responding EMS unit is en route to the scene. The woman is possibly having a heart attack and becomes frightened after you explain the situation to her. You should:
A. Ask the patient if she understood what you told her.
B. Request a neighbor to explain the situation to the patient.
C. Use medical terminology to reassure and calm the patient.
D. Wait for the EMS unit to arrive before providing further care.
You are obtaining the vital signs of a 50-year-old man who is complaining of severe chest pain when he asks you if he is going to die. You should tell him that:
A. His condition is probably not critical and that he will not die.
B. You don't know, but you are providing the best care that you can.
C. He is having a heart attack and there is a chance that he could die.
D. The responding EMS unit will probably be able to answer his question.
You arrive at the scene of a patient who, according to neighbors, is acting strange. Law enforcement personnel and a responding ambulance are en route but have not yet arrived. The patient, a middle-aged man, is sitting in a chair on his front porch. He appears sick and has slurred speech. As you get out of your response vehicle, the man shouts, “I have a gun and will shoot anyone who comes near me!” You should:
A. Retreat to a safe place and wait for law enforcement personnel to secure the scene.
B. Quickly proceed to the patient and assess him for any life-threatening conditions.
C. Tell the patient that you are there to help him and that he does not really want to shoot anyone.
D. Slowly approach the patient and constantly reassure him that you are there to provide assistance.
You have arrived at the scene of a patient with respiratory distress. A responding ambulance is approximately 10 minutes away. After performing a primary assessment and correcting any life-threatening conditions, you should:
A. Monitor the patient's condition until the EMS unit arrives.
B. Document your assessment and the skills that you performed.
C. Call online medical control and obtain permission for further care.
D. Update the responding EMS unit on the patient's present condition.
You have given responding paramedics a hand-off report regarding your patient, who has signs and symptoms of an infectious disease. When documenting the incident, you should:
A. Make a copy of your patient care form and give it to law enforcement personnel for their report.
B. Provide a detailed account of your assessment findings, treatment given, and pertinent medical history.
C. Include in your report that you think the patient is probably infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis, or tuberculosis.
D. Include the advanced care provided by the paramedics and why you think the care was performed.
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