120 MCQs (Psychiatry) by bonG thoM

1- A 25 years old woman with a history of schizoaffective disorders, she did not sleep, irritable, spoke nonsense, want to run away. She was by the general doctor from the emergency unit. She is six weeks pregnant. Her BP: 120/80mmgh, pulse: 102/mn. The medical illness reveals no pathology noted. Which is the following medication need to be most urgently for the treatment?
A- Carbamazepine
B- Clonazepam
C- Fluoxetine
D- Olanzapine
E- Sodium valproate
2- A 33 years old woman with a history of schizoaffective disorders is referred for assessment the obstetric team. She has just giving birth to a healthy baby and wishes to breastfeed. They are seeking immediately advice regarding her medication and the risk of breast feeding. Which is of the following medications needs to be the most urgently treated?
A- Carbamazepine
B- Diazepam
C- Fluoxetine
D- Olanzapine
E- Sodium valproate
3- A 35 years old man with a history of schizoaffective disorders comes with urinary retention. Which of the following medications is most likely to be responsible?just giving birth to a healthy baby and wishes to breastfeed. They are seeking immediately advice regarding her medication and the risk of breast feeding. Which is of the following medications needs to be the most urgently treated?
A- Carbamazepine
B- B- Clomipramine
C- Fluoxetine
D- Olanzapine
E- Sodium valproate
4- A 32 years old woman with a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder being treated with clozapine was found to have mild neutropenia on routine blood investigation. Which of these psychotropic drug is the most likely to have a beneficial effect in correcting this patient’s neutropenia?
A- Olanzapine
B- Risperidone
C- Lithium
D- Sodium valproate
E- Haloperidol
5- A 65 years old woman is referred for assessment the cardiology therapist. He has a history of unstable angina and has become depressed. Which of the following antidepressants would be the most suitable for treating this patient?
A- Clomipramine
B- Nortriptyline
C- Amitriptyline
D- Imipramine
E- Fluoxetine
6- A 44 years old woman is attending for treatment of bipolar affective disorders. A routine blood investigation reveals a raised ALP and gamma GT. Which of the following drug is the most caused this abnormality?
A- Carbamazepine
B- Lithium
C- Clonazepam
D- Sodium valproate
E- Haloperidol
7- A 50 years old woman with a diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder and epilepsy has been well maintained on sodium valproate. She recently has a relapse both illnesses after a second medication was introduced. Which of these medication is the most likely responsible for her relapse?
A- Diazepam
B- Risperidone
C- Olanzapine
D- Clonazepam
E- Carbamazepine
8- Which of following statements regarding lithium is most true?
A- A serum peak level is reached 12 hours after ingestion
B- Absorbed rapidly from the upper gastrointestinal tract
C- Extensively metabolized by the liver
D- Bound to serum protein (pharmacokinetic)
E- Poor correlation between serum level and side effect
9- Which of following scenarios is lithium least likely to be effective?
A- Treatment of mania
B- Prophylaxis for bipolar disorder
C- Prophylaxis for unipolar disorder
D- Maintenance treatment bipolar disorder
E- Treatment resistant of depression
10- A 35 years old man on lithium for one year for the treatment of bipolar is brought to emergency by his family due to disorientation in his mental state. Following examination give the suspect lithium toxicity. Which of the following would be the most concern?
A- Diarrhea
B- Tremor
C- Apathy
D- Polydipsia
E- Urine retention
Senario 1- A 35-year-old man, married, 2 children, accountant with no previous psychiatric history is referred by his family physician for psychiatric evaluation. The physician found that he had mild hyperlipidemia. About 2 months ago, the man began to feel very blue, with a drop in his desire to play with his children and to compete in his usual volleyball. He reports that he has lost most of his libido and is having difficulty sleeping. 1- Which of the following is the most information needed?
A- Experience of the traumatic event
B- Experience of the anxiety situation
C- Experience of the trigger object
D- Experience of the problem at work and family
2- Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A- Clozapine
B- Fluoxetine
C- Diazepam
D- Carbamazepine
3- Which would be the most appropriate initial treatment for this patient?
A- Clozapine
B- Fluoxetine
C- Diazepam
D- Carbamazepine
Senario 2-Serena is 27 years old, accountancy. She complaints of head cold and poor quality sleep. He blood pressure is 105/ 75 mmgh, pouls is 96/ mn. Those symptoms are likely to be symptoms of:
A. distress
B. eustress
C. allostasis
D. Learned helplessness
Lesson: Anxiety disorders: Objective: Student be able to understand the biological related symptoms of anxiety disorders
1- Regarding central serotonergic neurotransmission, which of the following serotonin receptors is most likely to operate presynaptic?
A- 5HT-1A
B- 5HT-2A
C- 5HT-2C
D- 5HT-1D
2- Recent evidence suggests that at least some phobias is closely associated with the emotion of:
A- Anger
B- Sadness
C- Irritable
D- Disgust(dislike)
E- Euphoric
3- Individuals experience concerns about embarrassment and is afraid that others will judge them to be anxious, weak, “crazy”, or stupid. The emotional will be:
A- Fear of going out alone
B- Fear of crowd place
C- Fear of performance
D- Fear of panicky
E- Fear of dangerous
4- A 20 years old man comes with the symptoms of the emotional excessive checking his door most of the time. Which is the symptoms below could explain his emotional?
A- The ambivalence of thinking
B- The compulsion behavior
C- The Blocking thought
D- The disorders thinking
E- The arousal stage
5- Anxiety disorder is the psychological response which could be biological explain as:
A- Excessive chloride ion in synaptic cleft
B- Low chloride ion in synaptic Cleft
C- Excessive sodium ion in synaptic Cleft
D- Low sodium ion in synaptic Cleft
E- Low sodium and chloride ion in synaptic cleft
6- Anxiety disorder is biological change in GABA A receptor which can be explained as:
A- Decrease an activity of GABA A receptor
B- Increase an activity of GABA A receptor
C- Open the channel chloride ion of GABA A receptor
D- increase an activity of GABA A receptor
E- Open the channel sodium ion of GABA A receptor
Lesson: Anxiety disorders Objective: Student be able to recognize symptoms and diagnosis of anxiety disorders. Senario 3- Mrs S is 40 years old, married, 2 children, teacher, from Kandal province. She comes to Psychiatric OPD alone and complains of palpitation, chestiness, cold extremities and fear of stay home alone but no symptoms of panic attacks with 6 months onset. BP= 120/75 mmhg, Pouls= 102/mn and Temperature=36.5 C:1- What is the most important family’s information you need to explore:
A- Family history of Psychotic disorders
B- Family history of mood disorders
C- Family history of medical condition
D- Family history of an anxiety disorders
E- Family history of personality disorders
Lesson: Anxiety disorders Objective: Student be able to recognize symptoms and diagnosis of anxiety disorders. Senario 3- Mrs S is 40 years old, married, 2 children, teacher, from Kandal province. She comes to Psychiatric OPD alone and complains of palpitation, chestiness, cold extremities and fear of stay home alone but no symptoms of panic attacks with 6 months onset. BP= 120/75 mmhg, Pouls= 102/mn and Temperature=36.5 C:2- What is the most important patient’s information you need to explore:
A- Study problem in childhood stage
B- School phobia in child hoodstage
C- Escape class in adolescent stage
D- Parent separate in young adulthood
E- Psychological development stage.
Lesson: Anxiety disorders Objective: Student be able to recognize symptoms and diagnosis of anxiety disorders. Senario 3- Mrs S is 40 years old, married, 2 children, teacher, from Kandal province. She comes to Psychiatric OPD alone and complains of palpitation, chestiness, cold extremities and fear of stay home alone but no symptoms of panic attacks with 6 months onset. BP= 120/75 mmhg, Pouls= 102/mn and Temperature=36.5 C:3- What is the common symptoms you need to explore:
A- Feeling of guilty
B- Feeling of anxious
C- Feeling of excused
D- Feeling of hopelessness
E- Feeling of being kills
Lesson: Anxiety disorders Objective: Student be able to recognize symptoms and diagnosis of anxiety disorders. Senario 3- Mrs S is 40 years old, married, 2 children, teacher, from Kandal province. She comes to Psychiatric OPD alone and complains of palpitation, chestiness, cold extremities and fear of stay home alone but no symptoms of panic attacks with 6 months onset. BP= 120/75 mmhg, Pouls= 102/mn and Temperature=36.5 C:4- What is the probably diagnosis of this patient:
A- Social phobia
B- Specific phobia
C- Generalized anxiety disorders
D- Panic disorder
E- Agoraphobia
Senario 4- Mr. A 22 years old, single, worker, from Kg Speu province, come at psychiatric OPD by feeling of fearfulness, woke up often at midnight with fearful feeling, difficulty to concentrate with daily work and palpitation. He noted those symptoms happen in several days after saw the serious traffic accident which some people died and continue around one months. BP= 110mmhg/ 70mmhg, Pouls= 92/mn and Temperature=37 C: 1- What is the most important symptoms you need to explore:
A- Feeling of guilty with reminding this event
B- Feeling of helplessness with reminding this event
C- Feeling of panicky with reminding this event
D- Feeling of depression with reminding this event
E- Feeling of being crazy with reminding this event
Senario 4- Mr. A 22 years old, single, worker, from Kg Speu province, come at psychiatric OPD by feeling of fearfulness, woke up often at midnight with fearful feeling, difficulty to concentrate with daily work and palpitation. He noted those symptoms happen in several days after saw the serious traffic accident which some people died and continue around one months. BP= 110mmhg/ 70mmhg, Pouls= 92/mn and Temperature=37 C:2- What is the main evidence that he has psychological problem:
A- Heart about the traffic accident
B- Saw the people die by this event
C- Experienced of panicky
D- Experienced of being judge
E- Experienced of fearful
Senario 4- Mr. A 22 years old, single, worker, from Kg Speu province, come at psychiatric OPD by feeling of fearfulness, woke up often at midnight with fearful feeling, difficulty to concentrate with daily work and palpitation. He noted those symptoms happen in several days after saw the serious traffic accident which some people died and continue around one months. BP= 110mmhg/ 70mmhg, Pouls= 92/mn and Temperature=37 C:3- What is the main symptoms for the psychiatric diagnosis :
A- Woke up often at midnight with fearful feeling
B- Difficulty to concentrate with daily work
C- Experienced of palpitation even before the event
D- Experienced of fearful even before the event
E- Experienced of difficulty in coping daily problem
Senario 4- Mr. A 22 years old, single, worker, from Kg Speu province, come at psychiatric OPD by feeling of fearfulness, woke up often at midnight with fearful feeling, difficulty to concentrate with daily work and palpitation. He noted those symptoms happen in several days after saw the serious traffic accident which some people died and continue around one months. BP= 110mmhg/ 70mmhg, Pouls= 92/mn and Temperature=37 C:4- Which is the relevant psychological symptoms could be follow by the above event:
A- Worry over others event.
B- Reliving meeting this event
C- Flight of idea about this event.
D- Ambivalence thought to this event.
E- Thought blocking by this event.
Senario 4- Mr. A 22 years old, single, worker, from Kg Speu province, come at psychiatric OPD by feeling of fearfulness, woke up often at midnight with fearful feeling, difficulty to concentrate with daily work and palpitation. He noted those symptoms happen in several days after saw the serious traffic accident which some people died and continue around one months. BP= 110mmhg/ 70mmhg, Pouls= 92/mn and Temperature=37 C:5- What is the probably diagnosis of this patient:
A- Phobic Disorders
B- Depressive disorders
C- Post traumatic stress Disorders
D- Acute stress disorders
E- Adjustment Disorders
Senario 5- A 18 female patient, student, lives in Phnom- Penh, come to Psychiatric OPD and complains of palpitation, fearful, difficulty falling asleep, trembling and feeling numbness, especially crossing the bridge. 1- What is the emotional response of this patient?
A- A persistent fear of social situations
B- A triggered by a specific object
C- An abnormal sensitivity to the high
D- An excessive worry of going out home.
E- An excessive worry of crowd
Senario 5- A 18 female patient, student, lives in Phnom- Penh, come to Psychiatric OPD and complains of palpitation, fearful, difficulty falling asleep, trembling and feeling numbness, especially crossing the bridge. 2- What is the probably diagnosis of this patient?
A- Social phobia.
B- Agoraphobia.
C- Specific phobia
D- Panic disorders
E- Generalized anxiety Disorders
Senario 6- Mrs. B 36 years old, married, seller, lives in Kandal province come to emergency because of suddenly emotional disturbance for 2-3 times/ month, such as: perspiring, heart palpitation, difficulty to breath in (dyspnia), difficulty to control this emotion and fear of dying for around 4 weeks. She had BP= 130/80mmgh, Pouls= 102 /mn, other medical investigation reveal no abnormality related to the medical illness noted. 1- What are the additional important symptoms you need to explore:
A- Depressive symptoms
B- Psychotic symptoms
C- Hypomania symptoms
D- Mania symptoms
E- Anxiety symptoms
Senario 6- Mrs. B 36 years old, married, seller, lives in Kandal province come to emergency because of suddenly emotional disturbance for 2-3 times/ month, such as: perspiring, heart palpitation, difficulty to breath in (dyspnia), difficulty to control this emotion and fear of dying for around 4 weeks. She had BP= 130/80mmgh, Pouls= 102 /mn, other medical investigation reveal no abnormality related to the medical illness noted.2- What is the laboratory test you need to ask for:
A- Vitamin B12
B- Vitamin D and Vitamin E
C- Calcium in blood
D- Albumin in blood
Senario 6- Mrs. B 36 years old, married, seller, lives in Kandal province come to emergency because of suddenly emotional disturbance for 2-3 times/ month, such as: perspiring, heart palpitation, difficulty to breath in (dyspnia), difficulty to control this emotion and fear of dying for around 4 weeks. She had BP= 130/80mmgh, Pouls= 102 /mn, other medical investigation reveal no abnormality related to the medical illness noted.3- What is the common feature that the patient had those symptoms:
A- Dysfunction of the body cells.
B- Oxygen is less in body cells
C- Decreas blood pH level
D- Small side of the red blood cells
E- Less number of red blood cells
Senario 6- Mrs. B 36 years old, married, seller, lives in Kandal province come to emergency because of suddenly emotional disturbance for 2-3 times/ month, such as: perspiring, heart palpitation, difficulty to breath in (dyspnia), difficulty to control this emotion and fear of dying for around 4 weeks. She had BP= 130/80mmgh, Pouls= 102 /mn, other medical investigation reveal no abnormality related to the medical illness noted.4- What is the probably diagnosis of this patient:
A- Social phobia
B- Agoraphobia
C- Panic disorders
D- Others anxiety disorders
Senario 7- Patient SK 23 years old man, live in Kandal province, single, come to psychiatric OPD because of changing behavior such as concerned every things. Especially turned on the light, refrigerator, fan and other 2 -3 times before getting out home. His behavios happen for 2 months ago.1- What is the problem of the psychological symptoms of SK?
A- Distractive thought
B- Obsession thought
C- Thought blocking
D- Thought broadcasting
E- Thought insertion
Senario 7- Patient SK 23 years old man, live in Kandal province, single, come to psychiatric OPD because of changing behavior such as concerned every things. Especially turned on the light, refrigerator, fan and other 2 -3 times before getting out home. His behavios happen for 2 months ago.2- What is the probably diagnosis of SK?
A- OCD with panic attack
B- OCD without panic attack
C- OCD with agoraphobia
C- OCD with agoraphobia
D- OCD with social phobia
E- OCD without anxiety symptoms
Senario 8- LB is a 18 years old female, single who comes to the psychiatric out patient department because she doesn’t want to participate in team activities and shows an extreme sensitive to rejection. She is shy and needs strong guarantees of uncritical acceptance. These issue have been worse for 1year. 1- What is the most striking aspect in the clinical interviews?
A- The patient’s anxiety about talking
B- The patient’s fearfulness about talking
C- The patient’s aloofness about talking
Patient’s ambitiousness about talking
Senario 8- LB is a 18 years old female, single who comes to the psychiatric out patient department because she doesn’t want to participate in team activities and shows an extreme sensitive to rejection. She is shy and needs strong guarantees of uncritical acceptance. These issue have been worse for 1year.2- What is a pervasive pattern of LB?
A- Grandiosity
B- Social inhibition
C- Social detachment
D- Perfectionism
Senario 8- LB is a 18 years old female, single who comes to the psychiatric out patient department because she doesn’t want to participate in team activities and shows an extreme sensitive to rejection. She is shy and needs strong guarantees of uncritical acceptance. These issue have been worse for 1year.3- What is the feeling of LB?
A- Fantasy
B- Enviousness
C- Inadequacy
D- Coldness
Senario 8- LB is a 18 years old female, single who comes to the psychiatric out patient department because she doesn’t want to participate in team activities and shows an extreme sensitive to rejection. She is shy and needs strong guarantees of uncritical acceptance. These issue have been worse for 1year.4- What is the most important history you need to explore?
A- Present history
B- Past psychiatric history
C- Personal hist
D- Family history
Senario 8- LB is a 18 years old female, single who comes to the psychiatric out patient department because she doesn’t want to participate in team activities and shows an extreme sensitive to rejection. She is shy and needs strong guarantees of uncritical acceptance. These issue have been worse for 1year.5- What is the most important patient’s information you need to explore?
A- Study information
B- Development informati
C- Personality information
D- Relationship information
{"name":"120 MCQs (Psychiatry) by bonG thoM", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1- A 25 years old woman with a history of schizoaffective disorders, she did not sleep, irritable, spoke nonsense, want to run away. She was by the general doctor from the emergency unit. She is six weeks pregnant. Her BP: 120\/80mmgh, pulse: 102\/mn. The medical illness reveals no pathology noted. Which is the following medication need to be most urgently for the treatment?, 3- A 35 years old man with a history of schizoaffective disorders comes with urinary retention. Which of the following medications is most likely to be responsible?just giving birth to a healthy baby and wishes to breastfeed. They are seeking immediately advice regarding her medication and the risk of breast feeding. Which is of the following medications needs to be the most urgently treated?, 2- A 33 years old woman with a history of schizoaffective disorders is referred for assessment the obstetric team. She has just giving birth to a healthy baby and wishes to breastfeed. They are seeking immediately advice regarding her medication and the risk of breast feeding. Which is of the following medications needs to be the most urgently treated?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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