Common Factor

How do we look for the GCF?
List the Prime Factors of each number and find which repeats more.
Look for the denominator that would fit the fraction best.
Divide the number by 2.
Look for the least prime factor.
How do we begin a Common Factor problem?
By looking at the equation and looking for variables.
Dividing answers by a random number.
Always start looking for the Greatest Common Factor. (GCF)
Just stare at it.
What should we divide by the GCF?
The variables
The equation
How do we get the answer? True or False, We put the GCF outside the parenthesis.
{"name":"Common Factor", "url":"","txt":"How do we look for the GCF?, How do we begin a Common Factor problem?, What should we divide by the GCF?","img":""}
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