The _____ is a professional who manages financial records for individuals and businesses.
A) accountant
B) bicycle
c) gallery
A person who flies an aircraft, like an airplane, is called a _____.
A) pilot
A) waiter
C) pollution
When the stars shine brightly in the sky, it is usually _____.
A) midnight
b) traffic
C) problem
We're going to the art ________ this weekend.
A) theatre
B) gallery
C) circus
The streets are very ________ during rush hour.
A) vacant
B) deserted
C) crowded
The ________ served us dinner at the restaurant.
A) chauffeur
B) waiter
C) pilot
We saw a play at the ________.
A) theater
B) cinema
C) stadium
Please ________ your voice.
A) lift
B) raise
C) rise
Let's ________ the river by boat.
A) swim
B) cross
C) pass
_____ is a time of day when it is completely dark, typically from 12:00 AM to 4:00 AM.
a) Midnight
b) pollution
C) straight
A person who navigates and controls a ship on the sea is called a _____.
A) sailor
B) swing
C) tailor
People often use a _____ to get from one place to another, especially in urban areas.
A) transport
b) gallery
C) seesaw
The _____ is the part of a city or town where the most important buildings and activities are located.
A) centre
b) slide
c) sailor
When the streets are not busy with cars and people, it's often very _____.
A) quiet
B) quite
C) traffic
A place where you can receive medical care and treatment is a _____.
a) medical centre
B) school
c) cinema
My brother ______ in Madrid.
A) live
B) lives
C) living
I ______ Spanish but I ______ English.
A) speaks / don't speak
B) speak / doesn't speak
C) speak / don't speak
Where ______ Gloria ______?
A) do / live
B) does / live
C) does / lives
My parents ______ a house in the countryside.
A) have
B) has
C) having
I ______ to work by bus every day.
A) goes
B) go
C) going
We ______ lunch at 1pm.
A) have
B) has
C) having
She ______ very hard.
A) work
B) works
C) working
She ______ busy at the moment.
A) are
B) is
C) be
She ______ at 6 a.m. Daily but I ______ at 8 a.m.
A) wakes up / waking up
B) wake up / wakes up
C) wakes up / wake up
He ______ in New York now but he ______ from Chicago originally.
A) live / is
B) lives / is
C) lives / are
______ your father like spicy food?
A) Do
B) Does
C) Is
______ Lisa like romantic comedies?
A) Do
B) Does
C) Is
I am from Spain, ______ I live in England.
A) and
B) but
C) or
My brother works in a hospital ______ he lives in Madrid.
A) and
B) but
C) or
I love basketball ______ I don't like football.
A) and
B) but
C) or
{"name":"LIFE 120 UNIT 3 QUIZ 3 VOCAB & GRAMMAR MAGDI ALAYED", "url":"","txt":"The _____ is a professional who manages financial records for individuals and businesses., A person who flies an aircraft, like an airplane, is called a _____., When the stars shine brightly in the sky, it is usually _____.","img":""}
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