
A 12 years old boy receiving long term treatment for spring catarrh, developed defective vision in both eyes. The likely cause is?
Posterior subcapsular cataract .
Acute anterior uveitis
Vitreous hemorrhage .
Optic neuritis .
Retinopathy of prematurity .
A 22-year-old male is admitted to hospital for a psychotic illness and was commenced on an antipsychotic medication. Few days later, he compla ins of feeling anxious and restless. He is unable to keep his legs from moving and has been pacing up and down the corridors. He is distressed by his symptoms and has been expressing suicidal thoughts. His urine drug screen was negative. Select the most likely diagnosis from the following answer?
Acute stress reaction
Anxious personality disorder
Benzodiazepine withdrawal
A 27-year-old beer promotion woman presents constipation sometime. She believes that her bowel was cut into several pieces and always tells her relatives or friends despite they always confirm that it is impossible. What is the most information you need to explore?
Other somatic symptoms
Other laboratory test
Symptoms of illusion
Abdominal echography
Drug abused history
A 28 days old male newborn presents with nonbilious vomiting. One week ago, he weighed 4 kg; his current weight is 3.6 kg. On examination his anterior fontanelle is flattened and his mucous membranes are dry. Between episodes of crying an olive-sized epigastric mass is palpable. Laboratory data include: Na 133. K 3.6 CI 93, CO2 28, and capillary pH 7.51. The most likely diagnosis is?
Meningitis .
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Antral web .
Hiatal hernia
Intestinal atresia .
A 3-year-old boy spends hours rocking in a ch air or spinning the blades of a toy windmill; his parents say he never cries when he falls. which it is most likely diagnosis to be associated?
Childhood depression
Childhood schizophrenia
Conduct disorder
infantile autism
A 30 years old male presents with a history of injury to the eye with a leaf 5 days ago and pain, photophobia and redness of the eye for 2 days . What would be the most likely pathology?
Anterior uveitis .
Fungal corneal ulcer .
Bacterial corneal ulcer
Corneal laceration .
A 30-year-old female is brought to hospital as she has been violent and hostile to her neighbors. According to the patient, her grandfather was a successful writer and she acquired his fortunes recently. However, she believes that her neighbors have found out about it and claims that she has heard them talking about stealing her money. What is the most probably diagnosis of this patient?
Paranoid schizophrenia
Residual schizophrenia
Schizoaffective disorder
Bipolar affective disorder
Schizotypal disorder
A 31-year-old widower, farmer, 3 children, had a chronic dysfunctional uterine bleeding, upper abdominal pain and back pain with alternating diarrhea and constipation, urinary frequency and dysuria. GPs could not found any physical illness related. What is the most information you need to explore?
Other somatic symptoms
Other laboratory test
Abdominal echography
Traumatic event history
Medication misused history
A 32-year-old patient is being interviewed in his physician’s office. He eventually answers each question, but he gives long answers with a great deal of tedious and unnecessary detail before doing so. Which of the following symptoms best describe this patient’s presentation?
Looseness of associations
Flight of ideas
A 35 years old woman complaint of fatigue for 1 year. At this time, she had frequently cold and sore throats; sometime she had leg, back, arm pain. The physical examination reveal abnormality in the last 1 year. The excessive preoccupation with having an undiagnosed medical condition could be the clinical feature of?
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder
Psychotic disorder
Conversion disorder
Illness anxiety disorder
A 37-year-old male is brought to hospital by his wife as he has become increasingly irritable and restless over the last 2 weeks. His wife reported that he did not sleep well and woke up all night planning business ventures and wrote letters to cel ebrities, claiming that they are his friends. On examination, the patient is highly aroused with ma rked pressure of speech and flight of ideas. Select the most likely diagnosis from the following statements?
Acute stress reaction
Social phobia
Manic episode
A 38 ans, l'homme est vu dans son physician'soffice après avoir été impliqué dans un accident de voiture. Il a une douleur vague le long de sa fron tière sternale droite, où il a percuté le volant. Sa température est de 36,6 ̊ C, le pouls est de 80 / min, la pression artérielle est 123/75 mm Hg, fréquence respiratoire est de 14 / min, et la saturation en oxygène est de 99% à l'air ambiant. L'examen physique est importante pour le point de tendresse sur la frontière sternale droite. X-ray de la poitrine montre pas des côtes cassées, mais un seul nodule pulmonaire, bien circonscrite, 1,5 cm de diamètre, situé dans le champ pulmonaire inférieur gauche. Une recherche par le biais électronique fi médical du patient le révèle qu'il avait une radiographie de la poitrine prise il y a 2 ans. Le rapport de radiologie de cette époque révèle que le nodule était seulement 0,75 cm de diamètre. Pour caractériser la lésion, CT de la poitrine es t réalisée et montre dense, calcification floculée au sein de la lésion. Parmi les facteurs de risque suivants plus augmente les chances de malignité chez ce patient?
Augmentation du temps de la tumeur doublant
Augmentation de l'âge du patient
De diamètre de nodule de 1,5 cm ou plus
Présence de frontière discrète
Présence de calcification floculée
A 5 years old girl seems not sensitive to parent’s sound. She rarely gives eye contact and facial expression toward her parents and others family member. She is unable to perceive responses of other around her. These patterns of behavior have been noticing since she was 12 months old. Which below diagnosis should he be considered?
Mild mental retardation
Moderate mental retardation
Severe mental retardation
Profound mental retardation
Autistic disorder
A 62-year-old woman with a past medical history of chronic renal insufficiency presents with iron-deficiency anemia and intermittent melena for 2 months requiring multiple blood transfusions. She underwent multiple endoscopic investigations, including EGD, colonoscopy, CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis, and upper gastrointestinal series. No bleeding source wasidentified. Wireless capsule endoscopy shows multiple vascular abnormalities in the jejunum. Which of the following is the most like diagnosis?
Dieulafoy’s lesions
Anemia from chronic renal failure
Vascular ectasia
Small bowel diverticulosis
Crohn’s disease
A 68-year-old man presents with intermittent episodes of hematochezia for several months. His stools are normal, but he passes blood clots a few times per week. His past medical history is significant for prostate cancer, for which he receive d radiation therapy 4 years ago. He denied any weight loss or diarrhea. Physical examination is unremarkable. An endoscopic view of the rectum showed: rectum appears with friability and telangiectasia pale. These findings are limited to the distal rectum. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
Ulcerative proctitis .
Radiation proctopathy
Crohn’s colitis .
Ischemic colitis .
A 7 years old boy cannot control his own sphincter. He cannot communicate effectively with his parents and family members even simple calculation. As a result, his parents do not allow him to go to school. Which below diagnosis should he be considered?
Mild mental retardation
Severe mental retardation
Moderate mental retardation
Profound mental retardation
Autistic disorder
A 70-year-old female with chronic paranoid schizophrenia presents to the emergency room acutely confused with visual hallucinations. Her skin is warm and dry and her heart rate is 110 beats per minute. He complained of dry mouth and difficul ty initiating urination this past week. Which of the following is the most likely cause for this presentation?
psychotic exacerbation
Alzheimer dementia
Urinary tract infection
anticholinergic delirium
Myocardial infection
A 9-year-old boy has had persisting difficulties in language and interpersonal relationships since the age of 2 years, and, although he can barely read , he is able to perform arithmetic calculations at the fifth-grade level. Which it is most likely diagnosis to be associated?
Childhood depression
Conduct disorder
Childhood schizophrenia
Infantile autism
A female patient 18 years old, who is contact lens wearer since two y ears, is complaining of redness, lacrimation and foreign body sensation of both eyes. On examination, visual acuity was 6/6 with negative fluorescein test. The expected diagnosis can be?
Acute anterior uveitis .
Giant papillary conjunctivitis
Bacterial corneal ulcer .
Staphylococal conjunctivitis
Acute congestive glaucoma .
A is a 40-year-old male, worker, married and liv es in Kampong Speu province, 3 children. For 3 months he had been very sad, especially in the morning. At times he had guilty and wished to die because his wife left him. He had gradually lost interest and enjoyment. His appetite gradually decreased and epigastric pain. He had become irritable and headaches. BP= 120/74 mmhg, Pulse= 84/mn. Which is the differential diagnostic should be consider first?
Bipolar affective disorders
A la suite d'une chute sur le menton, un patient présente une limitation douloureuse d'ouverture buccale avec impossib ilité d'avancer la mandibule et une béance incisive. Le diagnostic est ?
Fracture de l'os hyoïde
Fracture symphysaire
Disjonction crâniofaciale
Fracture sous-condylienne bilatérale de la mandibule
Fracture des apophyses coronoïdes
A one-month old baby is brought with comp laints of photophobia and watering. Clinical examination shows normal tear passages and clear but large cornea. The most likely diagnosis is?
Congenital dacryocystitis .
Interstitial keratitis .
Buphthalmos .
Corneal laceration
A patient comes to consult you because of fatigue and he presents a Cushing syndrom. And in the interrogation you find that the patient uses lots of Prednisone but recently stops because of gastric intolerence. What do you suspect?
Acute hypoadrenalism
Pituitary tumor
Adrenal tumor
Ectopic ACTH secretion
Cushing disease
A patient of old standing diabetes mellitus noticed sudden mus cae volitanes. On examination, the red reflex was dim, with no details of fundus could be seen. He might have?
Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy .
Cystoid macular edema
Vitreous hemorrhage .
Optic neuritis
Central retinal vein occlusion .
A patient with a chronic psychotic disorder is convinced that she has caused a recent earthquake because she was bored and wishing for something exciting to occur. Which of the following symptoms most closely describes this patient’s thoughts?
Thought broadcasting
Magical thinking
A young child suffering from fever and sore throat began to complain of lacrimation. On examination, follicles were found in the lower palpebral conjunctiva with tender preauricular lymph nodes. The most prob able diagnosis is?
Trachoma .
Staphylococal conjunctivitis
Adenoviral conjunctivitis
Phlyctenular conjunctivitis
Streptococal conjuntivitis
A young patient with sudden pain less loss of vision, with systolic murmur and ocular examination reveals a cherry red spot with clear AC, the likely diagnosis is?
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
Diabetes Mellitus .
Optic neuritis
Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion .
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