Weekly Quiz! Test Your Human Rights Knowledge


How well do you remember this week's human rights news?
Let's find out with this 5-question quiz.

How well do you remember this week's human rights news?
Let's find out with this 5-question quiz.


What is the main goal of International Humanitarian Law, also known as the laws of war? 
To limit and prevent human suffering during armed conflict.
To make sure one group wins a war no matter what.

What type of information can you find on social media during wartime?

Lots of misinformation.
Good and nuanced takes and opinions.
What do you mean “type of information”? It’s the place to go to get news!
All of the above.

Diplomats from all over the world are meeting this week to find consensus on a new UN cybercrime treaty. What does this treaty propose?

It fosters global expertise and cooperation in cybercrime.
It seeks expansive powers to investigate criminal offences, even if no technology is involved.
It includes language requiring the consultation of human rights experts to counterbalance instances where the law is used to target groups that fell out of favor with a ruling political party.

Does Russia currently hold a seat on the UN Human Rights Council?


Good News! Japan’s Supreme Court has ruled that ___ for transgender people is unconstitutional.

required living for a year as your preferred gender while using your birth gender ID.
multiple years of psychological evaluation before initiating the transition process.
required surgical sterilization.
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