How will you die?

You are robbing a bank. How do you go about it?
Guns Blazing
Quiet infiltration
Why I would never!
Initiate a corporate takedown
You are stranded on a deserted island with an old person, a baby, a teen, and an adult. As the leader, you get to choose who is eaten. Who do you sacrifice?
The baby
The old person
The teen
The adult
Somebody approaches you asking for $100 or else they'll kill a person or animal you love. How do you respond?
Kill them first
Give them the money
Beg them not to
Ignore them
After saving an old homeless guy, he reveals himself to be a wizard who can teach you magic, given you follow him to his forest hut. How do you react
Follow him
Call the police
Force him to teach you now
What do you desire most out of these?
{"name":"How will you die?", "url":"","txt":"You are robbing a bank. How do you go about it?, You are stranded on a deserted island with an old person, a baby, a teen, and an adult. As the leader, you get to choose who is eaten. Who do you sacrifice?, Somebody approaches you asking for $100 or else they'll kill a person or animal you love. How do you respond?","img":""}
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