BOSH -QUIZ 1 to 2

A visually engaging illustration depicting various aspects of workplace safety, including safety equipment, workers in protective gear, hazard signs, and a healthy working environment.

Occupational Safety and Health Quiz

Welcome to the Occupational Safety and Health Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of key concepts in occupational safety, health, and welfare. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, there's something here for everyone.

Key topics include:

  • Workplace Hazards
  • Safety Practices
  • Health Regulations
  • Accident Prevention
40 Questions10 MinutesCreated by SafetyGuard202
It is a cross disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety and health and welfare of people , also helps minimize the effect hazards .
Safety and Health
Ocuupational Health Safety
The hazards affecting the workplace in each major area should be detected,identified , controlled , and at best , avoided by the company's_____
In its broadest term , OSH aims at :
The adaptation of works to humans
The prevention of adverse health effects
The placing and maintainance of workers in an occupational environment
All of the above
Successful occupational health and safety practice requires the collaboration and participation of both _____ and workers in health and safety programs .
Safety officers
It is a term used to describe something that has potential to cause harm
Lack of training
Every stage of the work process , beginning with the storage and use of raw Materials , the production of goods , the release of by products , the use of diverse equipment and guarabteeing a risk or hazard free working environment should incorporate occupational safety and health .
It is the science and practice of maintaining clean and healthy conditions of food production so that the food served to customers cannot make him ill.
In addition to being exposed to dangers like chemicals and electricity in the classroom , bullying and hazing - both psycho-social problems are becomming increasingly prevalent .
It is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience and adverse health effect caused by a hazard .
What are some factors that farmers or agricultural workers handling pesticides may be putting their families and the community's lives at risk of ?
Unsafe use of the chemicals
Absence of safety officer
No protective gloves
Residues of the Chemicals
In developing countries , fatality rates are ______ times higher than in industrialized countries.
Two to three
Four to Five
Three to Four
Five to Six
It can happen outside the worker's usual workplace / premises of the establishments while the worker is on business on behalf of his/her employer , I.e., in another establishments or while traveling , transporting or driving.
Occupational Accident
Permanent Incapacity
Occupational Injury
Fatal Case
The largest caseload of injuries with workdays lost in 2007 was recorded in ______ at 61% (12,427)
Mining and Quarrying
Hotels and Restaurants
Mnaufacturing Establishments
Wholesale and retail trade
The proportion of unemployed males was lesser that that of female counterparts .
People who express the desire to work longer hours at their current job , to have another employment or to find a new one with longer hours
Employed Workers
Underemployed Workers
Unemployed Workers
Utility Workers
The ILO Safework Introductory Report in 2008 showed that close to 50% of work-related deaths occur in Asia. ILO means :
International Labor Organization
International Labor Occupations
International Labour Occupations
International Labour Organization
Of the total employed persons , which workers comprised the largest group ?
Service workers
Laborers and unskilled
Officials of Government
Data Gathering been problematic because of the following conditions :
Absence of strict penalties
Inadequate number of trained OSH personnel
Under reporting of work-related accidnets and illnesses.
All of the above
It refers to workdays lost per 1,000,000 employee-hours of exposure in cases of occupational injuries .
Severity Rate
Frequency Rate
Incident Rate
Average Workdays Lost
If a person is killed as a result of an occupational accident , whether the death occurs immediately after the accident or within the same reference year as the accident .
Fatal Case
Occupational Injury
Occupational Accident
Permanent Incapacity
Who is an American Industrial Safety pioneer who worked as an assistant Superintendent of Travelers Insurance Comapany's Engineering and Isnpection Division and conducted a study on insurance claim?
Herbert William Henrich
Albert William Henrich
Herbert William Heinrich
Herbert William Henry
Indirect cost due to accidents includes_____
Legal Charges
Medical Expenses
Compensation amount to the Injured
Overtime payment to make up loss time
Which of the following is not the cost due to anccident ?
Cost due to increase in production
Cost of lost time of the injured person
Cost of compensation and medical aid
Cost due to damage to machine , tools , materials and property
An oily floor should be cleaned by ______
Cotton Waster
Spraying Carbon Dioxide
Putting Saw Dust or Sand
Putting Watter
These often happen when a worker has improper atttitudes , physical limitations or lacks knowledge or skills .
Unsafe Act
Unhealthy Act
Eliminates Whatever is not needed by seperating tools , parts and instructions from uneeded materials
Based from a study , it was fund out that _____ of workplace accidents are preventable and only_____are non-preventable .
It is important to raise everyone's awareness to the point where we all realize that our ______ in the workplace affect others , even if they appear to have nothing to do with them .
Decision making
What is the proper and safe way of handling flammable /explosive materials ?
Store empty barrels separately
Keep Gasoline and oil barrels on a barrel rack
Store Full barrels in an upright position
All of the Above
Called as the "8th Waste"
Waste of Cash
Waste of Skill
Waste of Motion
Waste of inventory
The physical or chemical property of a material , machine or environment that may cause bodily harm , property damage , disruption of bussiness operations or other tyoes of losses.
Poor Housekeeping
Unsafe Act
Unsafe Condition
Slips and Trips
Once again based from the study ______% is due to unsafe /unhealthy act or "Man Failure " .
Which is not an example of processing waste ?
Driiling a hole when punching it would do
Smashing a peanut with your bare hands in order to eat it
Equipment that uses more energy than needed
Machines that are faster than they need to be
It involves keeping buildings , equipment and machinery in safe , efficient working order and in good repair.
Good Housekeeping
Waste Disposal
Organize what ever remains by neatly arranging and identifying parts and tools for ease of use .
What are some of the benefits of good housekeeping practices ?
More efficient equipment cleanup and maintainance
Less janitorial Work
Improved Morale
All of the Above
Reaching or straining to reach a tool is an example of what type of waste ?
Requires a suitable fixtures with marked locations to provide orderly arrangement
Flammable materials
Employee Facilities
Poor Housekeeping can be a cause of accidents such as :
Striking against projecting , poorly stacked items or misplaced material
Better hygienic conditions leading to improved health
Decreased fire hazards
All of the Above
Clean the work area by conducting a clean up campaign .
{"name":"BOSH -QUIZ 1 to 2", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Occupational Safety and Health Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of key concepts in occupational safety, health, and welfare. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, there's something here for everyone.Key topics include:Workplace HazardsSafety PracticesHealth RegulationsAccident Prevention","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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