Which Pride and Prejudice Character Are You?

A whimsical illustration of a quintessential Regency-era ballroom filled with elegantly dressed characters interacting, with hints of nature and classic literature in the background.

Discover Your Pride and Prejudice Persona

Have you ever wondered which character from Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride and Prejudice, you resemble the most? This engaging quiz invites you to explore your personality traits and align them with iconic characters from the beloved story.

Answer a series of thought-provoking questions about your values, preferences, and reactions to various situations to unveil your literary counterpart. Will you embody the spirited Elizabeth Bennet, the proud Mr. Darcy, or perhaps the fashionable Lydia Bennet?

15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CuriousCharacter42
1. Your friend still hasn't paid back the $20 they borrowed from you weeks ago, what do you do?
A. Just stay patient and hope they'll pay you back soon.
B. Politely remind them that they still haven't paid you back and ask them to pay you back as soon as possible.
C. Confront them about the money and demand they pay you immediately.
2. You’ve recently started a relationship with someone who has constantly bragged about their riches, but you’ve just discovered that they were lying and actually have practically no money. What is your next step?
A. Break up with them.
B. Have a talk with them and ask them why they would lie to you.
C. Ignore it in case they’re embarrassed about it.
3. One of your coworkers blamed you for doing something serious at work which caused you to get fired. How do you approach the situation?
A. Talk to your boss about it and hope they rehire you.
B. Slash your coworker’s tires.
C. Start looking for another job, you don’t want to deal with fixing things.
4. Your doorbell rings one day and when you open the door you see an abandoned dog in a box on your doorstep, what do you do?
A. Keep the dog and care for it.
B. Contact an animal shelter that can take the dog in.
C. Call all of your friends and see if they can take the dog, you don’t want to keep it.
5. You’ve lost your friend’s favorite necklace that they let you borrow, and you know they would be completely devastated if they found out. How do you handle the situation?
A. Don’t tell your friend and hope they forget about it.
B. Search for hours hoping to find the same necklace and replace it so they never find out.
C. Tell your friend you lost the necklace and hope for the best.
6. Which of the following activities would you prefer;
A. Walking through the forest for daily exercise
B. Studying poetry, music and literature
C. Shopping, attending dances and formal balls
7. What do you find most attractive in a potential partner;
A. Quiet confidence that could be mistaken for pride
B. Attractive…who needs that as long as they will make a suitable spouse
C. Um…money what else?
8. What importance does family play in your life;
A. Even though my family is annoying, I love them dearly and would do anything for them
B. I have little family living, but I have a few relatives that I care deeply for
C. I love my family, but I am so ready to get married and start my own family
9. You are attending a formal ball do you….
A. Dance with anyone who asks especially if they are in a uniform
B. Love to dance but are critical of those whom ask you to be their partner
C. I’m only here out of respect for the invitation and my friend, otherwise I would not have the tolerance for this nonsense
10. Which of these statements fit your personality;
A. People say you are an intelligent, lively, playful, and delight in anything ridiculous, sometimes you are even called sarcastic
B. You are confident, sure of yourself and have no time for foolish behavior or people
C. You are carefree, incredibly into fashion, and love all the latest dances and gossip
11. Your Co-Worker has been stealing and you have seen him do it. What do you do?
A. Tell your boss
B. Talk to your coworker
C. Do nothing
12. You leave a store and realize that the cashier forgot to charge you for an item. What do you do?
A. Go back and tell her
B. Just leave hoping they didn’t notice
C. Never shop there again
13. Your friend calls you from a party drunk and tells you she’s going to drive home. What do you do?
A. Ignore her call
B. Tell her you will be there to get her
C. Tell her to drive home and sleep it off
14. A family member has told you that they are claiming a friend’s child on their income tax. What do you do?
A. Tell them that they are wrong and hope they will not do it
B. Tell them you will report them to the IRS
C. Tell them it’s okay to do it
15. Suppose you saw an adult physically abusing a child in public. What would you do?
A. Call the Authorities
B. Ignore it as if you never saw it
C. Approach the adult and confront them
{"name":"Which Pride and Prejudice Character Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you ever wondered which character from Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride and Prejudice, you resemble the most? This engaging quiz invites you to explore your personality traits and align them with iconic characters from the beloved story.Answer a series of thought-provoking questions about your values, preferences, and reactions to various situations to unveil your literary counterpart. Will you embody the spirited Elizabeth Bennet, the proud Mr. Darcy, or perhaps the fashionable Lydia Bennet?","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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